Are there any actual Japanese on this board or are all of them weeb english teachers?

Are there any actual Japanese on this board or are all of them weeb english teachers?

Attached: 1548692404173.jpg (1080x1266, 85K)

Attached: 1548754910422.jpg (901x1024, 144K)

Is that a yes or no

or are they just vpn

i'm actual japanese

I don't teach english. Why would anyone teach english? I could make more money cleaning hotel rooms or washing dishes.

i'm actual japanese

don't be rude russian?

>Realistically depicting teeth



unnatural Japanese language
you are not


upside down Poland not Japan, so either fake japanese or yerrow piggu go home

i am one of the actual jp posters but rarely post here. this board is full of sexually frustrated chinkgook incels and i found it out of hand

Jow Forums is for anlgo minded chink/gook leddit incels obsessed with identity politics and hating japan, and Jow Forumseurope wankers. it isnt worth my time. it hasnt any hobbyists either

other boards are simply more fun.

witaj moje odwrotne ja ;)

what board do you frequent btw?

>jp posters
so you are not Japanese?

Proofs? Post passport

I'm a Japanese.
But I think Japanese posters who speak only Japanese are decreasing on this board.
That reason why even on the Japanese general thread, anti-Japan posters come there and continue to abuse Japanese, and there evil spammers always stay on the Japanese general thread and they are ruining there.
Therefore many anti-Japanese posters abuse Japanese everyday outside the Japanese general thread
Most Japanese posters are tired of that, part of them looking for other boards.

Ore ha nipponjin ja na'i.

I tough they didnt have captcha in prc

yes, but mainly we stay in japanese general thread