Wtf they literally cant be persecuted as adults because they are MINORS

wtf they literally cant be persecuted as adults because they are MINORS

they charge any wh*Toid minor as a minor but persecute any person of color to the highest degree

FUCK ameriKKKa

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that the missing link?

is that tyler the creator?

nope, murderers are almost always tried as adults

Ya gotta learn to live with it, Tyrone.

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Because white kids don't do this shit, you dumb negro.

dios mio

What's even the race of the third one?

The wh*Te dog fears the BLACK BVLL

thats why they come to an anime sharing website to be racist
Im fuckin yo moms fat wh*Te ass tonight wh*Teboi

Attached: 2153F12E-D184-40A2-BCD3-82CD16C83A0D.jpg (640x601, 39K)


niggers btfo


Attached: amerimutt.png (422x422, 67K)

Is that guy even real?

one race: the human race

the wh*Te sissy strips for some BLACK COCK

El negro demonio orco

is that shopped?

There's no way it isn't shopped

The one on the left is creeping me out not going to lie.

American laws are weird. Here you can't make pleadeals because then people are tempted to make fake confessions, it's not a crime to hide the evidence as every criminal does it, children can't be charged as an adult and you can't get judged by a jury of people who don't know shit about the law.

Dios mio...

el ogro de las americas...

El ogre de las americano...

This isn't real right? That guy look like a litteral monkey.

Not to mention people getting released on bail.

>implying the one to the left is more than 25% human at best



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And how has that worked out for you? That's right, Moroccans and niggers rape Dutch qts without fear because your system is a joke

It's incentive to make them confess but if they know that they can prove innocence then don't take the deal. Also it's up to the judge if he wants to try them as an adult or not

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.


Attached: La Luz Extinguido.gif (640x550, 204K)

The USA has 27.3 rapes by 100.000 people.
The Netherlands 9.2.

Non-whites aren't human to begin with. The fact they're being treated like humans and not wild animals like they are should be good enough.

>Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica.
Based and frogpilled.

We're over 12% black, you're less than 3%. What's your excuse for the disproportionately high number of rapes?


What makes Americans age so quickly? Those two blacks are 14 and 16 but they look like they could be 22.

>if they know that they can prove innocence then don't take the deal
I thought you were innocent until proven guilty.

>they charge any wh*Toid minor as a minor but persecute any person of color to the highest degree
because all judges see are brown people. give them the needle

el chango...

You are, they aren't forcing you to take the plea deal.

Plastic during pregnancy causes earlier puberty. That's why girls are short and get big tittied nowadays

It's not Americans, my friend. It's the Negroid race in general.

El muttacabra...

BROKE: they should’nt be prosecuted as adults because they’re minors
JOKE: they should be prosecuted as adults
WOKE: they shouldn’t be prosecuted as adults because they aren’t human

There's 12 years on rape and an extra 1/3th if violence is used and another 12 years if there's excessive violence used.

Rapists aren't too kind with women so 24 years prison time isn't exactly 'a joke'.

>they charge any wh*Toid minor as a minor but persecute any person of color to the highest degree
They charge everyone they can with as much as they can without going over. It's basically the price is right but with more factors to consider. Don't shoot for 100% white-sheet innocence in the face of evidence, argue that the prosecutor is over-zealous. Also hire attorneys, not activists.

Amiin ya rab al alamin*

That's bid‘ah

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I was just reading up on the topic and read that 97% of defendants plead guilty in the USA.

I compared it with the Dutch statistics. And here 89% of the people are found guilty by a judge.

It's the brazilian homo erectus, he is already spreading his genes

Wait, 85% was found guilty. 11% was proven innocent. Not sure what happened to the other 4%..

If you see ANYONE who has this "look" in your day-to-day, they are to be avoided at any and all cost - ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings especially when with your family. These things are dangerous animals.

ok Mr. Shekelstein.

Quit being so gullible

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What is that brazilian doing in the US?

They should simply euthanize these monkeys.

which one? all of them could be brazilian

Usually a hung jury or a mistrial.

Anyway, people plea guilty because prosecutors are usually willing to drop the most severe charges in exchange for not wasting the court's time with a trial they know they're going to win anyway. In the time it takes to try one criminal they could have processed and sentenced four plea deals. Only time things go to court are when the defense is confident they can win, the case has national attention and the court can't afford to look soft, or some idiot is self-representing and has no idea what he's doing.

What's bid'ah ya akhi?

what is that thing on the left?

ay, caramba...

la abominacion...