Jow Forums
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International #1018
I instinctively develop an urge to clench my hand into a fist and ram it directly into my computer screen as hard as I...
Does your language have a rain song?
/luso/ fio lusófono
/nachtschicht/ #2
One chance at life
Holy shit i'm having some great progress in stretching my phimosis
Stop speaking english, please. It's not your language
I feel like American cities are shit. Never been there but that's my impression. Do they even have squares?
So apparently this is the hottest woman in Italy. What do you think?
Are obese people really that common in America or its memes?
If maduro is so evil why doesn't he just kill him
Why do the french try to claim the Normans?
What's to stop a Spaniard/Italian (or any other poor European) from moving to Finland and receiving welfare/housing...
Nationalities you've been mistaken for
/v4/ + friends
I think I may be addicted to erotic video games
Americans, what number is your city?
I just bought the strongest flavor and it's my first time. I'm currently at the library
I honestly really like American and they dont really deserve the hate they get
Why are amerimutts against globalism if they are the first product of globalism?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What is Europe like? I feel attracted to Germany and want to learn German and work there. It seems so nice
As a nord i cringe at nordicists. Rome was Med, Egypt was african and Greece was greek. Stop embarassing us, retards
Do you hate w*men
How do you go from this
This arouses and captivates the Italian
Luxuries in your country that are common thing in others...
1.your country
Perfect Europe
Jow Forums is basically a blue board version of Jow Forums with cute euro boys
Do American blacks have any history?
Why don't Americans use this?
/ita/ il filo
"Yes, i fuck latin women, how could you tell?"
God i wish I was French
Describe in your own words the difference between a Canadian and an American
ITT unpopular opinions in your country
Why does everyone hate us?
What did the first Europeans that visited Japan think about it? I can't find any sources
Does this happen in your county?
Hairs of Jow Forums
Holy fuck we re small
Why do Americans act like this?
Imagine how much better world would be without them
Average Mexican Girl
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do they love Somalians so much?
I was just granted a US tourist visa. I can now go to America and overstay my welcome by never leaving again...
Based American mom tells it like it is
After the neymar incident, is it true that there are alot of incest between son/mom and brother/sister in Brazil?
Was Mussolini a typical looking Italian...
Is Moldovan food the most disgusting on earth and why?
Do you find Finnish eyes and cheekbones attractive?
When was the last time you cried?
Which country do you like more?
/mena/ - viva l algerie
My eye
What does your country think about Germany?
Average Finnish couple
Post your local airport
If I asked you whether this was Austria or Italy, you'd say Austria
Describe your last shit with a band name
27 years old virgin in exactly 30 days
1. Your cunt
Do americans look like this?
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Stop calling us Central European, we're actually Nordic, thank you
Why indians do this ?
Travel to a new continent
As Soviet troops entered and occupied German territory during the later stages of World War II...
You are given the chance to live in any country you'd like. Where go and why?
"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately...
Does a German jaw look a little 'off' to you?
Is it grim where you are?
Who's your country's low iq neighbor?
What do you think of lasagna?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2146
It is time for us Bretons to claim the land of our ancestors
Post your cunt's fortifications
Majority of my people were genocided by Aryans. I say kill every filthy Indo-nigger!
It is 11:00pm GMT on Friday the 29th of March, 2019
Do you want to find love in Israel?
Share good advice about your cuntree for tourism or potential emigration
Sverigetråden - Aftonupplagan
Did Italians really just conquer East Africa because they were horny for dark bunda?
Do people in your country eat spicy food?
If Occitania was an independent country would their whiteness constantly come into question like that of Italy's and...
Modern Germ*ny is so fucking gay, holy shit
/fr/ - le fil du bon pays et vous savez lequel
What do the French anons think of your neighbouring countries?
Tfw no taller than me gf
Europeans, do you like the influence of american culture over your own cultures?
Greek girls look like THAT?
1. Your country
/v4/ + friends
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Finnish history in 4 pics
/deutsch/ puramol
>Be French >Give Up
So apparently this is the hottest man in Italy. What do you think?
Any Americans on this board mind explaining this?
Your thoughts on white women?
Why are Europeans so ungrateful?
Euros dont have ground floors
Honestly, France is master race
What would you do if this girl started flirting with you?
It is said cars reflect national characteristics of the country of its origin
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
/ita/ - il filo
I'm American and half of the "Europeans" I've met here were only half European or not White at all
What are tinder girls like in your country
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Yes, I am vegan! After educating myself a little bit about the animal agriculture industry...
Brazilians cannot be white
Go to google maps, go to london, switch to streetview and count the time until you find a muslim
Post your heritage pt2
Come to italy user
Am I the only one in here who is a poor loser?
Remember when teenagers hanged out at the movie theater and kids played outside?
This scares and confuses the non-hungarian mind
Do you love Portugal?
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone
I'm black
You can only post here if your country started two World Wars
Who is hotter? Russian writer Leo Tolstoy or Austrian minister Sebastian Kurz?
Ιt's my birthday today
Your country
What is your opinion about Polish eurovision representatives for 2019?
Hilo latino
Why are you so racist, Britain?
Map thread
Your age
It's been 8 months I quit cocaine and I still crave it
In East Asian countries the same party wins over and over again
Best European country
Tfw you are white, pretty and wealthy
How can I force Americans and Arabs to interbreed on a large scale...
Are fish from ocean halal in your country?
I am eating oats and milk
Love germany
Tfw there are 32,000 suicides every year in japan
What's the thing you love the most about Japan?
Help me Jow Forums... I'm dying
/deutsch/ pur
Scandinavia is best place on the planet
Do you have foreign ancestry, Jow Forums?
You got 50 euros. What do you do?
If you're lonely, why not just pound boipussy on the regular?
Gf wakes me up with lovely sms
I just dyed my hair blonde, your opinion on asians with blonde hair?
Weather today : europe
Why do poor, dumb people have so many kids?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Germany announces biggest budget surplus in history
How should Americans be punished
Is depression common in your country?
User, where did you serve?
I heard in france kids call their mother and father parent number 1 and parent number 2 because using words mother and...
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Guess his ethnicity
/balk/ Balkan South edition
You can't pass any laws concerning guns, "shall not be infringed" is the law of the land
Rate my door
/ita/ - il filo
Which country has the best coat of arms?
Kurva anyátok
Israel is now the fourth country to lunch a spaceship to the moon
Culture Pals /cp/
Mia tar deg til retten-utgaven
What animal are you
Illogical South Korean fat whale
How to get Southern European gf?
Black people: "haha wypipo cant handle spice haha dumb crackas"
1. Your country
Lol currencylets
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Time to wake up Europe
What job do you have, Jow Forums?
/flag/ Extra flags
You wake up in the steppes to this
I woke up, now I will eat breakfast and travel to the therapist
In your country how are introverts treated?
Vietnam was under Chinese domination for 1,000 years but they were never assimilated. Why?
Le whole world wants to destroy russia meme
Post kawaii anime girls
Why do the women on here hate all men
Is it normal in your country to stay up until 0430AM...
Your country
Ok i made perfect world
This is the future you chose, America
Be honest, Jow Forums
Chinese are soulles-
Giant bee was found after half a century long search
Is this really normal in America or is he exaggerating?
Can we be frens? I'll share my snacks with you
Will America remain White?
One chance in life
Redpill me about the ottoman empire
1. you're cunt
Imagine if this were true...?
Cute china Xinjiang Uygur high school girl
/lat/ - hilo latino
How did you get to Jow Forums? Why are you still here?
Can I get by in Germany if I know the basic German vocabulary but I don't understand the grammar
I have slept with
Who can you delete from the world and lose nothing of value
How do you fuck up pizza this badly?
Are you ready for the Polish century?
Do you love Finland? :3
Do you trust people from your country?
How does your police handle gun armed criminals?
ITT: Post your room
YAAAAAAAS the west is so prosperous! Why can’t you thirdies be more like us and just work harder haha?
What do you call hillbillies/rural folk in your cunt?
Can men be the victims of sexual assault in your country?
Do they French really do this?
Post ambulance from your country
Current time
I'm interested in k poop
Want to experience gay sex
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How can roasties recover?
Your anus
Do you want to visit new york city?
Name a worst faith than being a M*xican
Were you on a soccer team growing up int?
Why are f*nns such cowards?
What country does this webm most represent?
What are your favorite books from other countries?
I think Latin boys are cutest of the world
User goes to Brazilian school
Your country
Do they understand a joke or have humor?
Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Isn't it interesting how every country has a retarded little brother?
Girls cant shemelessly pee on the streets when hanging outside
I got a Yukata from Japan!
Ask anything about the country below your post
I wish i lived in switzerland
Americans be like
Damn white people look like that?
Why is there even a debate about illegal immihgrants?
ITT Americans with punchable faces
I drew Europe from memory
Post personality types
What color eyes you got?
Do people in your country support the IRA (Irish Republican Army)?
Will you teach your kids English?
How does this make you feel?
Why do American Philipinos pretend they're are not Asian?
Do you want to spark joy in a Japanese woman's life?
How would you put an end to racism in your country?
Why do non-Parisian french hate Parisians?
/v4/ + friends
Heil hitler
Is public breastfeeding popular in your country?
Should the world sue Spain and Portugal for creating this monster?
If Australians are descended from the British then how come Aussies are all handsome Chads and pretty Staceys while...
Post times when your country went full retard
How are you preparing for the African century?
Name 10 countries that you think are the most relevant
Are they the most sane posters and people and society and culture in the american second world sphere (excl...
Why do muslimcucks circumcise themselves?
1. Your cunt
What are you doing with your life?
Who would win in a war?
/Motorrad/ ehemals /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Am I white boys?
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
An image board
Which romance language is the most worth to learn? I lean towards Italian desu...
Are they the worst posters on this board?
Why are MENA cities so ugly?
Do you want to find love in India?
Green = based
ITT WE admit things we like about america
/Sverigetråden/ - Dominans
Do you personally know anyone from this circle?
What's your English like?
What's wrong with E*ropeans?
Why are Portuguese posters so nice?
Do you have a strong regional accent, Jow Forums?
Just spent $900 on a Fender Telecaster
Does anybody here still speak Alsatian/German?
Stares at you in Hungarian
Be me, a mutt
How did India, which is as big as China, and much more ethnically/religiously diverse...
/fr/ - le francofil de la France et de la francophonie
Which corporations are umbrella-tier?
Russia appreciation thread
Give me one reason why you haven't taken the Nordic pill?
Are we all frens? What country do you show sympathy for and why?
/ita/ - il filo
What do scandinavian commoners think about russians...
1. Your country
Why do German women have strong jawlines
Would this Sudanese man be treated well in your country?
Fuck amer*can """culture""" its ruining my nation
What are some pastimes most people in your country are doing?
Why are Brazilian women the most universally desired women in the world ?
You actually put cream and sugar in your coffee so it tastes good instead of like shit?
How do you say "he does it for free" in your cunt?
Why do Turks tolerate this wanna be Sultan...
What do you (average Jow Forums poster) think can be done in order to fix this country?
America’s social credit system is more oppressive than China’s
Living in Italy fucking sucks
If russia hate ukraine, why they play together?
Did you know more than half of London's population was born outside the UK?
Ive been here for years and i never see Uragay posters?
/deutsch/ pur
Can an american with a southern accent please vocaroo the following:
What can I do/get away with for $10,000 in your cunt?
Hi its break up user from other night
Why does the US have more HIV than us? Both in raw number and rate
/luso/ - Fio Lusofono
Do non-Americans learn about American wars that don't ivolve them?
Everyone outside the purple zone try doing this:
5G in your country?
Do you want to find love in Iran?
What does 'seagull' mean in ur lang
Why are nazis portrayed as the bad guys when all they did was torture millions of harmless men women and children to...
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square...
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Are Poland and the UK the only friends America has in Europe?
/ita/ - il filo
Colombia is a shith-
Post politicians from your country
Only Greeks ITT
Have you ever met a Canadian tourist? What were they like?
Post mix race people
I fixed Europe, made a literal perfection
Why is this so funny?
Everyone on this board is 19-years-old or a tourist from another board. Prove me wrong
What do you think of this finnish politician?
Your opinions on Brazil?
/isr/ thread
I suffer in my first world country!!!
Pakistani PM says India-Pak problems can be solved through dialogue
In america, you can literally be arrested for crossing the road in the wrong place
Hilo latino /lat/
Question to MENA people
I really hope India and Pakistan won't go to war. India can't even beat Russia and USA...
Today they are worse than Canadians. Is it a holiday or something?
Kek whats wrong with india jesus christ
/neu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Quote from a foreigner visiting Poland: "When i planned my visit, i thought that i would see Balkans...
International Mindfucks
Meanwhile at Jow Forums's high school
Why did the russ*oids think it was okay to steal the entirety of Finland when it was swedish for over 600 years...
Why are we the most bullied nationality on Jow Forums?
Why don't Germans and Austrians ever show an ounce of regret about World War 2?
Norwegians look like peanuts to me
Would you rather live in Moscow or Saint Petersburg?
Xvideos or Pornhub?
This girl is the future of kpop
What do you REALLY think of Italians?
Most evil countries on the planet
I'd wish they had some more self-awareness
/χελλ/ - /hell/ official thread
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Russia beat Germany, and America beat Japan, but who beat Italy?
ITT name posters you recognize
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Your country
What is your favorite Baltic country
Countries whose history matters at least a little bit
How do a Frenchman get a cute Danish goddess GF?
I wonder why they take it so much to heart whenever you call them non-white/non-European even if it's in a completely...
The fall of civilization
Be steppe mongols
Where would you live in BRICS? As an middle class
Average Finnish male
You must move to a Spanish-speaking country. If you already live in one, you must move to a different one...
I've never a more pure, sheltered, trusting, innocent and good at heart people than Scandinavians...
/deutsch/e verschwörungstheorieausgabe
Wtf, I thought Japan was safe?
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
I trust you are all ready to die, and more importantly, kill millions for Evropa
Ny /danmarktråden/
/ita/ il filo umaroso dell'amicizia
Spanish and Italian language admixture
Fuck generals and animefags
What are comics like in your country?
Why do muslims worship a cube?
ITT: Balls
Sverigetråden - Skåneupplagan
Europe is over
Since this place seems to have a sizeable Muslim population let me ask. Which country should have the caliphate...
Feels good to be a part of the MED bvll masterrace
First time on Jow Forums
Average Male Height
Why are Brazilian posters here ALWAYS angry and obsessed with indians ?
What cunt has your cuntree's back?
What time does Jow Forums wake up?
Why are ninety percent of anime absolute garbage? Do the Japanese suck at telling a story or what?
卐/gigaronny/卐 ehemals /deutsch/
Are there street dogs in your country?
Tfw my surname ends with "berg"
Late night Map thread
Post the most American picture you have
Do you love Portugal?
Ugh... what could have been
Would you play as the American race in Skyrim?
Mah country
/dixie/ - Sud des États-Unis et amis
I am a Tsarist. The Russian monarchy needs to be restored
Do Russian soyboys get cucked by CHECHEN BVLLS
Wrong things you thought were right as a child
Allies of Denmark
What's wrong with Russians?
My ancestor :3
Who is taller on average?american blacks or american whites?
Incels larp as traditionalist conservatives
Third worlders think their opinions matter
/deutsch/ pur
India puts flag of pakistan in middle of busy street to insult it
/fr/ - le francofil du jeudi matin
Damn id pay to watch them fuck
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What does it sound like when Germans speak your language?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is it really that bad there?
Wars started by women: 0
You've got to racemix with the People posted below you
Russia bad
My girlfriend won't let me break up with her even though I think she talks to other guys
Sverigetråden - Haloupplagan
Post a picture from your window
WW2 history by the US
Why are Frenchies such dramaqueens
Nearly all white Americans are half Irish half Italian
Asian girls are both smart and beautiful. How do they do it?
Imagine being proud white brazilian
What is pic related called in your country?
/v4/ + kamarádi
What do you call this in your country?
Explíquenme esto argentinos
What is boomer core vidya in your country?
You're suddenly obligated to live in Italy. Where would you reside and why?
Tfw they're building a new Masjid near my house
His country doesn't use black magic to protect it from Islam
Should we just give up on it?
Today I went to uni. I have seen 3 africans, billion chinese, several koreans and one japanese
Why yes I am subscribed to Jow Forumseurope
How do I look folks?
Why are Koreans so much more high test than Japanese?
Let us into the EU
America would send Americans to die for Israel, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, the UK...
Do I have gay eyes?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Start having children you dumb motherfuckers
A man who slaughtered cats was arrested in Japan
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as JAPAN?
Is Kim Kardashian white?
Why do white people put their grandparents in retirement homes Jow Forums
What do you call this in you’re language?
>Let me tell you about your country
Is chest hair considered sexy in your country?
ITT: things Americans will never understand
Can you trust them?
Kurva anyátok
What the fuck is wrong with Japan?
We spics don't recognize "scandi...
Just finished watching Jordan Peterson's video on how to NOT become a beta male
There's no better way to start your day than having a McDonald's breakfast. Personally, I love the Bacon, egg...
Whoah.... did I just.... completely solve 100% of the world's problems?
When i look at east asian countries like japan and south korea and see their infrastructure, i get angry
What mark has Poland left upon your country?
Why do white people smell sooooooooooooo bad?
Burgers think this is an appropriate portion of food
What's this called in your country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Hey young man where you from?
Post the non-meme worst leader in your country’s history
Which of these two is the "USA" in the relationship and which is Canada?
Why is this so hot? It's not the fact that it's a hot trap, but seeing how he was a pasty nerd makes it way better
Do you like McDonalds?
When did apartheid end again?
/balk/ aйpян edition
IQ increase among American immigrants
Post music you like from the country above yours
What was your view on the Foldable phone?
Will America enter the second civil war?
Do you have root beer in your country?
Just ordered myself one of these(from aliexpress of course) gonna use it as a doormat
You're suddenly obligated to live in Portugal. Where would you reside and why?
Alt-righters and leftist are all the same...
Itt I share you all that Korean gov's "hate action" towards Japan and the group of pro Japanese koreans that Japanese...
Cute Kittii Thread
Why are South Koreans and Mexicans so arrogant?
Cats? Dogs? Why haven't you taken the bird pill yet, Jow Forums?
Why can't people just stop having children to avoid future suffering?
Youtube has a soft core pedophile ring
Why do people on Jow Forums, specially Australians, get mad if you say America is one the Anglo countries?
Meanwhile at Jow Forums's high school
Why can't Spain just get along with it's former clonies like the UK does?
Blonde ""me"" BTFO
Why are british police so scared of seeming racist? Will they lose their job?
Innocent seals
Could he pass as a local in your country?
Why is she so controversial to white people?
Your cunt
How many countries can you name?
Have you ever considered that perhaps Earth is seen in the same way to aliens as North Sentinel Island is seen to us?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Realistic, what would a WWIII scenario even look like? I like to imagine that it would be the true war to end all wars...
Do you LOVE Galicia?
This is sad
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2145
Post em
Do americans really flirt with women paying drinks for them or this is just a Hollywood thing?
College in america is a cluster fuck
His flag consists of stripes and stars
What can Jow Forums tell me of the Sephardic Jews?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What is Myotonia Congenita?
Were would u rather live?
I miss east Germany, they were the GOAT Eastern bloc nation
How would your friends and family react if you started dating this?
American Culture Thread
Where do you rank on here?
Why do white people make this face?
It's over for non-Americans
Parliaments thread
Rangeban when
85 to 90% of Mexican mtDNA (maternal) lineages are of Native American origin
I for one welcome the emergence of the Chinese Dragon and its increasing power and might...
/ita/ - il filo
Where does Jow Forums stand on this debacle? Pro-USA or pro-French?
What would you expect an individual with these DNA results to look like?
Which countries have committed the most/worst war crimes?
/AEIOU/ ehemals /deutsch/ vormals /nachtschicht/
How are roasties treated in your country? This is how they are treated in FRANCE
Do you love french people?
What's the best country in Europe to become a homesteader subsistence farmer and/or permaculturalist...
Sverigetråden - Vi Var Svenskar och skit upplagan
I'm "Chinese American" (technically my parents are from Taiwan) but I know nothing about China or Taiwan...
You're suddenly obligated to live in Italy. Where would you reside and why?
Wants to unite the nation
Meanwhile, the US government tells European countries to re-admit their citizens who joined ISIS
Do americans really eat this?
How true is this?
*Destroys your culture and history*
Reminder that if Anglos had colonized Central and South America, the civilizations would not be destroyed
I have essentially wasted away 5 years of my life
Gypsies are bad!
I never insult americans on Jow Forums, even if they insult me
/fr/ - Le francofil japanophile
Why does their language sound like they sound like they are drunk all the time?
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Why are suicide rates going up in America? What's wrong with American youths?
Helper trade
You're suddenly obligated to live in Denmark. Where would you reside and why?
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
What is the most common religion in your country?
Can you guys stop bullying me pls?
What was your country doing 600 years ago?
Wtf I hate being a mutt, I have never seen someone that look like me...
Ireland 2040
How does it feel to be american?
Is 1.80m considered manlet in Europe?
Japanese women belong to Zainichi men of course
Can anyone tell me what uniform this is/country of origin and time period...
Post the most beautiful girl in your country
Your country
Wtf they literally cant be persecuted as adults because they are MINORS
How do i cope?
Want to invade Russia
Maggie De Block
Do Americans really?
The fuck do they even learn about in history class? Do they even have a Canadian history class?
How those gents are called in your country
ITT: Post mixed people from your country
Why do people try to go to USA
Evropa appreciation thread
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Everyone else FUCK OFF
Best beers
Elder Scrolls Cultures
/danmarktråden/ 3.0
One day, my brothers
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Get fucked commiefornians
1. Your country
What you do with your life besides eat, shit and internet?
Why do Hungarians love to LARP as Mongols?
/fr/ - le francofil de la France et de la francophonie
Yamnayas are the only true europeans
How do you guys stand up to bullies? Have you ever been bullied? Share bullying stories
Wake up as a 22 year old uni dropout NEET hikikomori in Japan
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship