Reminder that if Anglos had colonized Central and South America, the civilizations would not be destroyed

Reminder that if Anglos had colonized Central and South America, the civilizations would not be destroyed.

We would have settled en masse on the non-civilized regions like modern-day Brazil, but the Andes and Central America would still have their language and culture and genetics.

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It would have been an interesting world.


If the Netherlands had colonized it their pyramids would be flying in space right now.

>we could have been kangz yo

Ask anyone outside of Jow Forums and Anglos mean White Canadians, Americans, Australians and Kiwis

English people aren't called Anglos in the real world. They are called English.

it wouldn't have mattered since most of the native population died by 1600 because of the plagues

indians claimed to be more civilized than us europeans but they couldn't even go the local pharmacy and buy some antibiotics, so much for the indian """civilization""""

Americans are not Anglos, mr Tony Bauer.

Instead they'd have become a shitty themepark.

memeing aside they were not horribly sophisticated compared to European or Asian civilizations of the time.

muh pyramids is nice and all but they didn't have writing, the wheel, metallurgy beyond copper or any social organization units more complex than networks of tributary states.

Quintessential retarded white people post
This is true

That's true to some extent true, still my acenstors arrived to this land when euros and asians were already pushing an agricultural society but ameridian CIVILIZATION was developing much more faster compared to them :)

>they didn't have writing

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Almost no north american tribe had written language.

>wheel, metallurgy beyond copper or any social organization units more complex than networks of tributary states
and yet

>"They agreed to work at it viribus et posse, and began at once to divide the task between them, and I must say that they worked so hard, and with such good will, that in less than four days they constructed a fine bridge, over which the whole of the men and horses passed. So solidly built it was, that I have no doubt it will stand for upwards of ten years without breaking —unless it is burnt down — being formed by upwards of one thousand beams, the smallest of which was as thick round as a man's body, and measured nine or ten fathoms (16.8-18m) in length, without counting a great quantity of lighter timber that was used as planks. And I can assure your Majesty that I do not believe there is a man in existence capable of explaining in a satisfactory manner the dexterity which these lords of Tenochtitlan, and the Indians under them, displayed in constructing the said bridge: I can only sav that it is the most wonderful thing that ever was seen."
- Cortes, Fifth Relation Letter to Charles V
A similar bridge made also of wood and about 1000 beams long was built in 19th century in Myanmar (U Bein), it didn't took them 4 days but 2 years.

>It has been speculated that the Maya solved this urban transportation problem by constructing a 100-meter long suspension bridge across the wild river in the late 7th century. The bridge which featured three spans extended from a platform on the grand plaza of Yaxchilan crossing the river to the northern shore. The 63 meter center span remained the longest in the world until the construction of the Italian Trezzo sull'Adda Bridge in 1377
pic related

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*sneezes at you*

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Is your country supposed to be the only extent of Amerindian culture, retard?

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Why do Europeans unironically take pride in destroying civilization across two continents? What the fuck is your problem

>eminder that if Anglos had colonized Central and South America, the civilizations would not be destroyed.
>What are the Iroquois and Mississippi

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we didn't destroyed anything, it was you who couldn't even cure a fucking rhume

Says the half-Spanish rape babby.

>The Aztec Triple Alliance, which ruled from 1428 to 1521 in central Mexico, is considered to be the first state to implement a system of universal compulsory education.[4][5]

>“Almost all,” wrote a good observer in the 1560s, “know the names of all the birds, animals, trees and herbs, knowing too as many as a thousand varieties of the latter, and what they are good for.”39

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Mississippi had already all but disappeared when they came and how were the Iroquois an advanced society?

Well Incas didn't. Aztecs had something that may have been in the process of becoming a writing script.

Still, the overall level of technological and social development (social development is highly correlelated with technology, I wouldn't even really seperate the two) was roughly comparable to that of Sumerian Mesopotamia or very early Egypt.

first of all
and secondly
>what happened to the natives of north america

>Hernando Cortés reportedly told the Spanish monarch that the Aztec physicians were superior to those in Spain, so superior, in fact, that the king need not bother sending Spanish physicians to the New World. A statement later confirmed by Francisco Hernández, the personal physian of the Spanish king, who spent 7 years studying the Aztec medicine in a research trip that was expected to last 6 months: ‘"I marveled, in this and in innumerable other herbs, which are nameless among us, how in the Indies, where people are so uncultured and barbaric, there are so many herbs, some with known uses and some without, but there is almost none, which is not known to them and given a particular name".

>i can name birds and trees!!!! we are civilized
>gets your farm destroyed by litteral pigs

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At least they invented civilization unlike Europeans stealing it from the Middle East

Suspension bridges are used wherever there is rope and ravines to be crossed. It doesn't really take more than a couple of generations to figure out.


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It's impressive because they were completely isolated and had no influence from other cultures like Asia and Europe. Europe traded with many ancient nations and learned many things from other people

nobody "invents" civilization. It arises through the cumulative actions of many individuals over many generations. It's not a controlled or directed process. In order for it to occur you need the environmental conditions to provide steady incentives for increased specialization and social complexity while also having sufficient easily harnessed resources for large surpluses.

Europe is a great place to build a civilization if you already know how to do it and have cleared the forests and cultivated the land, but it's got fuck all to kickstart one from scratch.

How is it any more impressive than civilization arising in Mesopotamia, Egypt, West Africa, India or China many millenia earlier?
>Europe traded with many ancient nations and learned many things from other people
no shit you chicano mongrel. you are out of your depth.

>White Americans

All these words to say nothing at all
Nice cope, faggot

>ignore the disease which killed like 90% of them without the Spanish lifting a finger
Literally anybody could have conquered the Americas, even the Ukraine could have had a glorious empire just by sneezing at the indains and taking their land.

Europeans got blown the fuck out by the plague twice does that mean they are inferior too?

Thank for admitting you are nothing more than thieves

but Europeans survived the plague

>All these words to say nothing at all
Read again. Just because you don't understand what I said doesn't mean I didn't say anything.
>nice cope
I'm not the one coping here.

>How is it any more impressive
Because shit is a lot harder in isolation. The vast majority of Europeans were tribal savages for thousands of years before interactions with other kingdoms and empires from the greater Eurasian continent.

>few hundred tlaxacans

Nice white supremacy revision of history, its known fact spaniards had thousands lf native american allies

wow you sure got mad, fast

nobody's gonna suck you off for having had 5000BC tech in 1500AD.

>I'm not the one coping here.
You are, though. Coping and projecting.

wait the indians were such subhumans that even the fucking ukrainians could have conquered them easily ??
imagine being this weak

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It’s a natural response to when you are made to feel humiliated, guilty and ashamed 24/7 for your entire life about how successful your ancestors were.

You end up embracing it and not giving a fuck.

>muh europeans
you keep bringing this up as if it were relevant.
>much harder in isolation
All the civilizations I mentioned arose in isolation.

Anyway, my original point still stands. Mesoamerica and South America would've been heavily outmatched even without disease.

imagine sneezing away a civilization

So did natives you retard

keep seething, chang

>All the civilizations I mentioned arose in isolation.
No they didn't, at all. Jesus fucking christ, you have all of the knowledge in the world at your fingertips yet you decide to remain a pig ignorant Jow Forumstard.

Imagine being a vector for disease.

kicking out the Anglos in 1810 was the biggest mistake the Southern Cone has ever done, b-brits come back i wanna be part of the Commonwealth

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Mesoamericans had wheels, but they didn't have pack animals to tow heavy loads. And the Maya very much did have writing. In the kingdoms in the Yucatan about half of the population was literate in the Maya script.

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Native americans aren't related to you, more related to us actually.

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Nice strawman. Go back to Jow Forums with the other historically illiterate cretins, it's fucking embarrassing.

>1.6% of the total U.S. population.

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wtf u talking about?

We arent anglos dude.

>No they didn't, at all
Yeah they did.
>jesus fucking christ, you have all of the knowledge in the world at your fingertips yet you decide to remain a pig ignorant Jow Forumstard.
Imagine being so obtuse you read my posts and decided they were made by a poltard.

>social organization above city state/tributary level
where is it

Literally their population completely recovered , there wasnt many of them to begin with.

Also i dont understand why youre being such a diagusting prick , i thought you'd identify since your kind is being replaced by africans and arabs

ITT Euros use heavy mental gymnastics to justify the pure Evil they committed. Funny that they like to call the Jews the most evil people in the world for enslaving people through banks when they were the ones actually enslaving people in chains, killing them by the millions, stealing their lands, raping everything. Europeans are GigaJews, and they feel proud of being evil


The wheel and metallurgy were discovered later in europe than in asian does that make asia superior? You troglodyte?


>muh euros
>muh evil
I'm not white and I'm not european. My people were colonized by europeans too. I have no love for them.

But your civilization was nothing particularly impressive and even if you put aside disease, the European states it encountered were far more capable technologically and logistically.

scoring 2% native american is not unnatural here


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Good thread with nice stuff


True for most part of the USA

Why are you reducing my argument to such a retarded level? Is it so your own miniscule brain can grasp it?

Native American civilizations were not as advanced as European or Asian civilizations. That is my point. It's your insecure ass who introduces stupid poltard logic about who is superior and who is inferior here.

learn to english, ching chong ping pong

shove your meme result up your ass, elizabeth warren

Lmao what is your ethnicity supposed to be?

lmao how is that relevant to the discussion at all?

Stop trying to deflect, mutt. Your maternal people never had a civilization that was even remotely as advanced as your paternal people. So your daddy would've raped your mommy even if she didn't get the flu.

You don't understand
The British would have done the same thing there, because of the type of civilisation. And if the Spanish had been North, they would have done what the British did.

depends on how yo define writing, Incas did have a complex system of knots that had the value of symbols, I don't know if they created it (doubt it, probably the previous civilizations in the area), but they knew how to use it, like the alphabet you and me are using right now

>lmao how is that relevant to the discussion at all?
You make a claim and I call bullshit

stop comparing findians with 5 dollar native americans, there is a connection

It doesn't really work as a full fledged writing system. It might've been on the way to becoming one but at the time it wasn't as expressive or flexible yet. Same for Aztec pictograms. Literally one click
Language is written with different characters than in Indoeuropean languages, e.g Mayan
Metallurgy see the Purepechans lol

>i0m native american
why don't you kys instead
holy shit what the fuck is wrong with white people

What claim? That my people had nothing to do with europan colonization of the americas and thus I have no personal stake in this argument?

Stop going on tangents and refute my original point. Aztecs were about as advanced as Sumerians overall.

you didn't know about it and you are now telling us what it was, what's next? another goal post move?

I'm not, many get native american in their gedmatch results.

>social organization above city state/tributary level
You have to be a burger poltard on a proxy, nobody is that ignorant

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>I'm not white and I'm not European
Please by all means share with us what great oppressed ethnicity you are

Nothing you show here is above what Sumerians had.
>city states
Civilizations wax and vane. Collapses and interregnums are normal. Italian city states emerged in the ruins of an empire with a population larger than the entirety of the Americas at the time. They were part of a continent spanning organized religion with a centralized bureaucracy. They ran networks of trading colonies stretching thousands of miles. And they had access to things like well established legal and academic traditions stretching back millenia and preserved in writing.

Not to mention at the time the Habsburg Empires and France also existed.

>you didnt know about
Where did I say that? I don't consider it a true writing system. Neither do most books I've read.

No one said they were more advanced than Europeans or Asians you sperging faggot

>hurr durr muh artifact
Still nothing beyond Sumer.
I'm Latvian. We were colonized by German crusaders in the 1200s and were only liberated from serfdom in the 1860s. But sure, go on and tell me how horribly my ancestors wronged yours.

But I said that they were less advanced than Europeans and Asians and keep getting sperged at. Surely they must disagree with me?

>hurr durr muh artifact

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why are firstoids so obsessed with rape?

No, you said blatantly false shit like they didn't have writing and you chimped out when you were corrected

>blatantly false
Neither the Incas nor Aztecs had writing. I don't really care about Mayans because they don't matter.
>chimp out
that's what your half brethren are doing in this thread.

You're not a pure aztec or incan or gaucho or whatever. You're a mutt.

Ok mulattos I have to get up early tomorrow so I just agree that I won this one and go to sleep. CYA

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