You're suddenly obligated to live in Italy. Where would you reside and why?

You're suddenly obligated to live in Italy. Where would you reside and why?

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Verona, it's a nice city

Literally where I currently reside.

Turin seems nice

anywhere bording with Switzerland

I would move to Sicily and be with my NÅRDEN BRADERS

Sardinia unironically

Somewhere in Tuscany, preferably far from tourist crowds if that's even possible.

Sardinia. They are the real Romans.

The countryside just outside of Palermo

Trentino or

For the fucked up languages they speak here


Molise, the region of my ancestors :)

Unironically enjoyed my stay at Rome but probably in the countryside in that region.

Napoli in the Quartiere Spagnoli.
I would make a living out of stealing and shooting people on a Scooter.

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For me, it's Alessandria.
I don't know anything about that city, but i couldn't care less.



Italy not Germany


On a boat just offshore, beating the shit out of invading apes.

Mola di Bari. It's where my great grandparents emigrated from.


Rovigo or Padova

Poorest choices of this thread

Nah this takes the cake


Pescara pls!
I want to fish.

I would choose Süd-Tirol, but that's not Italy, so I go to Toscana.

>that map
dream on benito

It’s the shittiest looking city I have ever been to, one would think that with all the tax breaks they get they’d be able to renovate or build good looking stuff. Also it’s full of arabs and africans.

a merda Terrone

You don't have to be terrone to hate Milan, having more than one functioning brain cell is enough

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The madman

the North probably? would also cross the border to Switzerland

voglio vivere a Roma o Sicilia perchè mi piace la loro storia

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Verona my mommy is from there :)

oh, that's right tho

Milan is shit and expensive

Tuscany and have my own vineyard..

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South Tyrol obviously.
I wouldn't have to learn a new language or get used to a new culture and i could be home in 40 minutes

Sicily, east coast. For the beaty if the sea and of the girls


Vallée d'Aoste since it's very comfy (and french)

Napoli or Sicili, naturally.

somewhere very cold, maybe near the alps i guess?

bay of kotor, i'm from there anyway.

Palermo or Roma unironically.

As far north as possible.

South tyrol because I understand German but not Italian.

If I knew Italian I might move to some small village like solomeo

North italy near lakes and mountains
A place with no niggers would be goad tier

I try to reclaim Sicily for Greece but quietly abandon the idea when I realize the financial state they're in and move to Rome like everyone else.

>north Italy
>a place with no niggers
Bad news for you user...

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Relax, Fabio, you may have nappy hair and full lips, but at the end of the day you're just dark brown.

Napoli seems nice.

Maybe Rome

Campione d'Italia, looks nice

anywhere on the continent

hell, because i'm gonna kill myself