Innocent seals

innocent seals

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how could the country that produced trailer park boys also be the home of some of the most abhorrent shitposters known to 4channel

way she goes, boy



why should I give a shit about rights of seals or any wild animal?

Animals don't make it to heaven dumbo.

fuck vegans and fuck seals

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They aren't even on the endangered species list, so it should be fine to whack them all we want

>le epic leaf shitposter meme
neck yourself redditor

you faggots are the worst posters on this board and you know it

you've been here exactly 5 minutes

Ron > Don

>innocent seals
>epic redditor trying to call others out to show his 4chink buddies that he belongs here

There is literally several magnitudes more shitposting by you idiots about Canada than by Canada itself.

You're either delusionally attached to your shitty meme or just retarded.

so are seals edible or something?


Seals are cancer on the ocean, they have nearly driven several eastern coast fish species to extinction because they breed like rats and never stop eating.

Killing seals is a favour to the ocean and the fish populations.

>doesn't want to be called shitposter
>replies with shitposts
Leafs are so fucking awful.

bold of you to call me a chink, chink
get the FUCK out of my country, it's mine not yours

say what?
post yours, retard

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Based. Canadians understand what it's like when vegan americucks bitch about our whaling since whaling for us like your based sealclubbing. Keep it going, leafbros.

What are you doing on Jow Forums John, go back to working for your chinese boss. Dont yoh have rents to pay to your chinese landlord? ;)

redpilled post

did you know the weapons canadians use to club those bastards to death and drag thee body away is based on norwegian design?

Do you get many protests from the cucks down south? We get American sea shepherd people that try to ruin it for us but we deal with them

Yes but their real value is in the pelt.

I don't get why people care so much about the stupid ice rats. It's not they are endangered, there are tons and tons of them all over the Canadian coast, and if left unchecked they will decimate the fish population because the stupid things will eat everthing in sight.

Rangeban when?

fucking based, seething chis itt screeching their reddit memes
>haha epig leaf poster xD haha xD poo poo



Is their delight for killing dogs and sea dogs the source of the powerful friendship between Canadians and Chinese?

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i have never heard of americans doing it but im sure theyre out there
the EU faggots cried about it too, the canada-norway seal clubbing empire contested but they upheld the ban anyway, the stupid bastards
culling the seals every year opens up a lot more fish for human consumption as well so they might as well use some seal products because the good guys will be killing them anyway
the clubbing method has been determined to be more humane because they die quicker than a lot of slaughterhouses, people cry about it because seals are cute, its easy to film it happening (not easy to get footage inside a slaughterhouse on your own), and the contrast of all that blood on ice is easy to market to sissy twats

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fucking based

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snipe him, old timer!

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Why dont they run away?


Fucking no scoped.