Why do muslims worship a cube?
Why do muslims worship a cube?
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Don't you have religion class in Brazil?
they don't
why would a """""""""""swiss'""""""""""" be butthurt about a post remotely contesting islam?
its a space cube ! :)
Minecraft so popular
yes, you do.
everytime you pray you bow i
At least the cube exists, unlike god.
the gamecube was the best console of its generation and the best nintendo console after the nintendo ds
No, ka3ba is just for direction. To worship it would be shirk
mental gymnastics
Why do this? Same with 3rab there's no purpose in it
That stone is revered way more than it should be. I understand why muslims have smashed it so many times.
Wasn't the reason Mecca or Medina became important is due to the fact that Muhammad wanted to differentiate himself from the Jews who were in Jerusalem
It's just a central point where all Muslims face when praying.
Why do Christians worship 3 Gods yet claim to be monotheists lmao?
In Abrahamitic Religions, every prophet had one big miracle:
Moses led the Jews out of Egyptian opression,
Jesus came back from the dead,
Mohammed conquered the Arab peninsula. The Kabba is older than Islam and was the religious centre of the pre-Islamic religions. When Mohammed conquered the Kabba to expell the other religions and desecrate their idols he did so without bloodshed in Mekka. This is considered a miracle because it proofs that Mohammed taking the Kabba was Allah's will. A more historically neutral explanation would be that the armies of Mekka suffered to many losses in previous battles to defend the city. Without the Kabba, Mohammed would just have gone down in history as a successull Bedouin leader.
trinity is a complex concept
your small inbred low iq brain wouldn comprehend
3 is ع, not A
This letter has no equivalent in latin alphabet
>Worship 3 gods
>pray to Mary
>pray to saints
w-w-we are monotheists!!! i swear!!!
How is that mental gymnastics, facing something does not mean you worship it.
it's for 3ayn. english doesn't have it.
It isn't revered though. It just serves as a way to focus prayer, just like jews face in a specific direction to worship
I suppose, but they also are significant in their own right because of the events that occurred in those cities
Islam is gross
For same reason s0jboys worship a cube (pc, nintendo, other wahoos).
It's a Saturn cult:
i am not catholic and there are many non trinitarian sects.
>worships a cube
>worships a rock
>prophet was a pedophile warmonger
>is known worldwide for terrorism
Not all Christians pray to saints. I would count Mary as a saint. Trinity just means god can morph into different shapes.
Some people just value truth and knowledge. This post was just to trigger Muslims lol try harder
why did christians historically get so mad about polytheism when they practice polytheism? it's even got the same setup as indo-european polytheism, bigboy father up top with lil deities spread about. probably a direct descendant.
/his/ had alot of threads about it a few months back before sunni posters ruined it by ruining them.The best threads where why the Ibadis were often the most tolerant even though their beliefs are more stricter
Why do Christcucks project their polytheism on us? Is it because they are insecure they worship 3 people plus a pantheon of saints?
Lol I’ve debunked all those threads in Jow Forums such a weak theory. You guys just except anything at this point as truth.
Do you understand monotheism and the definition of worship?
Oh never mind
why arent you at an islamic country then?
Islam is the only true monotheist religion. I invite you and your families to embrace Islam today.
wtf are you doing in usa, muammad?
Oh okay I don't really go on /his/. Maybe I should.
>why the Ibadis were often the most tolerant even though their beliefs are more stricter
I guess because they are generally meritocratic.
Why do Sunnis often declare that the ummah is united but they'd go out of their way to kill Shias/Ibadis/Druzes just for the stupidest reasons?
Then why not just post that letter instead wa77aluml3kum
>believe in a bunch of jinns and a whole lot of pra islamic arabian pagan shit
>commits idolatry (prostrating before a rock cube) every single time he prays
I am a former Shia. I think despite our differences Sunnis and Shias can be united. Meme sects like Ahmadis need to leave though.
Wouldn’t you like to know nigger
Most of the world has forgotten
t. Freemason
Jinns are a pre human race with no power excluding shape shifting and possession. They are like angels but with free will.
Why do Catholics?
Okay I’m done replying to you. Fucking curious George and his mental gymnatistics
Lol meme sects. Imma use that one. The ummah can be united at the end of the day
I really don't understand this theory. If Muhammad was a false prophet how on Earth would he have known about this spot on Saturn?
It's called Ulul Azmi (prophets with miracle) There's 5 prophets and Mohammad is one of them. The Miracle for Mohammad is the Quran itself.
>Ummah is united
There's many sects in Islam that i have been studied. And unfortunately some of them are bigot.
Don't wanna be rude here mate but why don't you just fuck off back home?
>believe in jins
what's wrong with that ?
>whore shipping a rock
we are not christcucks who are whore shipping everything on sight, it's just there for the direction,before that jerusalem was the direction but allah changed it to help Muhammed (puh)
u are the one w/ mental gimnastics here
Yea I don’t trust the words of a man who practices the dark arts.
there's even the 'fuck islam' muslim sect, the Kharijites. Imagine that you start practising a religion just so you destroy it. Arabs be cray.
Why do Christians worship a cross? Why do Jews worship a scroll? Why do Americans worship a flag?
I'm mentally unable to believe in any god:
Why would one even believe there is a devine creator when science explains everything without relying on the powers of a superior entity? Other than perhaps, my own conciousness and our creation.
How could i possibly know which one is the true religion? Most religions throughout history were a temporary phenomenon and even Islam will die out one day.
Why did god wait so long to reveal Islam as the true religion? Islam isn't even 1,5k years old.
What about theodicy?
Listen Monkey we worship the one and only god. His form is not in flesh or latter on earth like you Christians believe. He is an omnipotent, omnipresent being that possess all knowledge and abilities. Nothing can be done without him. The rock is like a compass we point to. Muslims used to point to Jerusalem before Mecca. But non Muslims either don’t know that or it doesn’t fit their narrative of Saturn and bullshit.
What about the moon?
Clearly another pagan shit
The Kharijites don't hate Islam. They are just Takfiris taken to the extreme. Like a medieval ISIS who declare you kuffar and kill you over the smallest theological differences.
I'm at home rn :^)
Wallah you are right. Salam
And why the heck don't i get replies? What i wrote is quite controversial.
Why does Jow Forums worship a cube?
Yea but the more I think about it the more I feel the entire thing feels hypocritical at best
The "holier than thou" attitude muslims have against their own as well as the fact that some people on Jow Forums say their community is united but they support the destruction of shias/ibadis/druzes just because "they do x instead of y" or some of the dumbest reasons as "*this sect* is partnered with *insert whoever is the villain of the week* based on some rumour I've hears".Let's not forget the fact that they have that "us vs them" attitude even when the average man can barely give a fuck about what's happening across the world because he's busy doing his job.
I feel as though it's usually the sunnis who instigates while shias come in second place
meca and black cube were already places of worship before the pedophile funded islam.
>science explains everything
This is simply your assumption. And science can only make descriptive claims not normative ones.
>why is Islam so new
Allah sent his messengers to spread his messages before. Unfortunately their messages were lost and Allah has said that his final message will be preserved.
>Islam will die eventually
Once again your assumption
>what about theodicy
Roughly the same as the Christian theodicy. God sent us to Earth to test us and if we overcome the hardships here we go to heaven.
Huh? We're a secular country, why would we be an Islamic country?
How are they the "fuck islam" sect?
They only broke away because of their objection to what they considered a betrayal of the faith
why the fuck are these muslims posting from crhistian countries?
why they dont stay in their beloved muslim land?
look at your flag.
it has the christ of saint george.
go back to your islamic shithole
>it has the christ of saint george
What's your point?
>go back to your islamic shithole
As I said, Australia is a secular country, shithole or not.
I don't get your deal, are you a legitimate religious retard or a bored teenager roleplaying?
*offers you my daughters*
Well if you don't believe in a God, science can explain e.g. death pretty well. Your brain has no bloodflow, cells die and there is no more conciousness. Without taking into account that there might be a higher entity, this process is 100% proven, while the higher entity can't be proven.
*politely declines*
their radical iconoclastic actions like polluting the kaaba with corpses and theft of the kaaba stone
its a secuar country of cristian majority, funded by cristians with cristian morals and values.
why dont you go back to your muslim shithole?
islam is a pagan religion of hate
I'm not with the Finn. The stone was important before Islam btw.
This literally does not happen, the Sunni/Shia conflict is a meme divide and most sunnis and shia get along well when living together, the conflict is geopolitical in nature and Shia/Sunni just became a rebranding for Iran/Saudis supporters, before 1979 there weren't as much antagonism between the sects
>Pagan Religion
You’re actually a monkey. I was joking at first but this proves it. Anybody who further entertains this retard is just as dumb.
What is your consciousness however? Do you feel conscious? As you are typing this do you feel as if you are alive. Why is that? Why is there such sentience if everything is just electrons and particles? Why are there particles in the first place? And excluding that death is a descriptive claim not a normative one. And it doesn't prove science can prove everything.
>of cristian majority
Of the majority of religiousfags, sure.
>funded by cristians with cristian morals and values.
>why dont you go back to your muslim shithole?
Where would that be, exactly? I was born in Australia and are not religious in the slightest. You're fucking mentally ill, mate.
>islam is a pagan religion of hate
Just like every other Abrahamic death cult in practice. It will take them another few hundred years to reach the same levels of barbarity that christfags reached over the ages, though.
Nomadic savages are nomadic savages no matter their religion. Those two groups got destroyed completely.
yes, its a pagan idol worshippin religion as we can see on the many pics posted
all you did was ad hominem.
this is what muslims do when thhey are contested.
just be careful not to explode yourself
Protip: asking why is a red herring. The correct question is "how". "why" will always be an emotionally satisfying justification
Lol consciousness is the only front atheist will never understand. Like how the evolutionary chain magically adds consciousness. Or how without conscious beings you couldn’t even prove reality. We struggle to do it with consciousness. You can’t prove I’m conscious but you can prove you are. What kind of science behaves that way where one can only observe itself?
I advise you to ready philosophers’ works.
This reminds me of the Golden Pagoda in Thai. I prayed in the morning and lost my shopping bag in BigC in the afternoon.
>You guys just except anything at this point as truth
If I asked "Why can we not go faster than light?" is that also an appeal to emotion?
Why is clearly a valid question. It's the entire basis for scientific inquiry.
Thank you babe
>Muslims are pagans
The first part of the Shahada literally means "None has the right to be worshipped except God". And yes, we do pray in the direction of the Kaaba, but our intention is to pray to God and not the Kaaba itself.
And I hope you get beheaded on liveleak you useless drug dealing ibn elsharmoota.
Malaysia just arrested shias for no reason at all and would make up a silly reason as to why
Saudi and Iran are locked in a cold war over who gets to control who in the Middle East even though an Islamic Republic propagated by Iran would fit with Wahabbism
Sunnis in Iraq would often piss all over Shias during the Hashemite Era as well as during Saddam's regime and until now the Iraqi Sunnis believe that the shias in power have a death wish for them
Pakistani Sunnis just assaulted and killed a bus full of shias
It's written all over the wall that islamic sectarianism exist may it be geopolitical or the same old story of "you do x than y" but you'd probably disregard this post just to keep up this charade that the ummah is united
We already understand consciousness, kouhai.
>If I asked "Why can we not go faster than light?" is that also an appeal to emotion?
No, that's a result of ignorance; a category error.
>Why is clearly a valid question.
It's not a valid question and shows you have a fundamental lack of understanding of physics.
It is a problem but that doesn't mean it can't be resolved. And how is using Saddam Hussein a fair example? That's like saying Hitler proves that Germans and Jews will always be at odds.
this is exactly why catholics say when they pray to statues
isis videos are much cooler and more creative
>most sunnis and shia get along well when living together
How is the nature and reason for the universe not a valid question?
>you don't understand physics
As if that's the only perspective from which questions can be asked.