/flag/ Extra flags

French Celts edition

previous:Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums/tree/master/maps
About Jow Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Brittany_(Gwenn_ha_du).svg.png (1200x800, 14K)

Tfw all alone

Attached: 1550633825510.jpg (500x667, 35K)


Attached: vms4pb6vmt921.png (1440x805, 185K)

im sorry


Attached: 1528463076774.jpg (720x518, 32K)

oh you don't even know dude

t. normie lite

dude fuck off. No girl has ever asked me out okay, so i cant be a normie lite. I don't even have any female friends.

no cry :(

kickflip supreme

Attached: brian.gif (272x152, 2.09M)

honest thoughts about this?



fairly unnecessary

I just hope the gook doesn't get the temptation to force the login for us all

downvoted if true

>tfw spent half of the night going on google map tours with frens of our towns.
>tfw went to bed at 3:50 AM yet still wake up at around 9AM.
>tfw enormous headache.

Attached: 1526332475788.png (1165x609, 151K)

similar meme for me, feel like shit honestly

It was fun and all, but I expected to wake up later.

i forced myself out of bed because the mailman brought the goods

uuuuuuuuu supplies?
Once I wake up, I have to get out of bed because I hate laying around in bed after a night.

woah page 8 :D

Attached: file.png (368x135, 6K)

has science gone too far?????????????

my r&d department probably has :^)




Attached: IMG_1882.jpg (716x960, 126K)

holy fug very noice

ommggf think im gonna waggle my willy


Random benis





oh shid

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wow already page 6

what do you guys discuss here?

Attached: doing a think.png (460x480, 191K)


How much California sucks
That's a lot


Delet this

Random stuff, flags occasionally

Bretons are not Fr*nch

Attached: breizhcymru2.png (800x533, 140K)

Who knows?

Please never refer to me as puppy or baby again


get extraflags, you fuggers

Attached: 1521977136917.jpg (580x679, 38K)

i'm trying to be

Attached: aaa.jpg (461x408, 24K)


Nice flags; we talk about everything from flags to flag making to personal rants. It's basically a casual general where anything goes, but we try to put an emphasis on flags.
>brown france
you guys have fallen so far lol. Remember the days when France was the premier world power before going retard mode in Russia?

Congratulations, Harz! You've been nominated today's Star Contributor! Keep up the good work!

>has friends of any gender
>other males don't avoid him to the same extent females do

Imagine being this much of a normie

i have lots of male friends. Maybe it's because they judge me based on my character not my looks. Women only affiliate themselves with people who benefit them, whether it be chad for sex or beta orbiters for gratification. There will always be a fraternal connection between all men.

how do I add my own flags ?

You mean you want to make your own? We already have a guy working on the French communes.

You can make them following the tutorial in the OP and then submit them to our gitlab page
or you can tell Sonora which ones you need

Telling Sonora would probably be the best idea since he has a process for flagifying the CoAs in the region.

yep I don't want to steal his job :^)

The traditional subdivision units in Brittany are not the "arrondissments" so it would make more sense to have them instead (I just made pic related as an example and can make the 8 other ones)

Attached: trégor.png (16x11, 661)

t. breton guy from Léon

Here's yours friend, Léon is based (except Br*st)

Attached: Flag-Pays-Leon.png (16x11, 649)

get extraflags

I get what you mean but we keep the official administrative subdivisions.
Also, redpill me on the french subdivisions pls. What's the hierarchy?
Région - Département - Arrondissement - Commune?


oh ok sorry
Arrondissments aren't really relevant actually (except in Paris, Lyon and Marseille), just like the cantons they are more of a convenient way to elect representatives, they don't have any role.

Thank you bro.

Getting somewhere, but not there yet.

Attached: altMdina.png (900x600, 28K)

>oh ok sorry
>Arrondissments aren't really relevant actually
ahn ok ty

that's interesting


Attached: 15487134308392.jpg (2000x1996, 1.14M)

I guess.


not sure if I want to show my state to be honest

>another californianon

Attached: yeee.png (231x197, 14K)

Flaggotry time

what dhe fug is habbenin

Attached: spurdoeyes.gif (528x404, 14K)

We grow more powerful each day

woah page 9


Attached: 1503007695570.png (900x900, 237K)

welcome lad, very noice


Attached: 1530986851049.jpg (663x579, 39K)

woah page 8 already

Communist USA 1

Attached: Communist USA 1.png (1581x793, 73K)


Attached: Communist USA 2.png (1581x791, 1.06M)

looks japanese


Attached: Communist USA 2 2.png (1582x789, 71K)

Very nice, lived close to, but not in Glamorgan when I lived in Wales.

4 - My fav

You look Japanese

Attached: Communist USA 2 1.png (1579x792, 1.06M)

Attached: 1416678644909.jpg (470x364, 29K)

>You look Japanese
would this be a good or a bad thing?

Attached: 1513702039922.png (211x211, 25K)

It depends if you want to look Japanese or not

Attached: 3e26c9c02c539711ede219255a76fe26.jpg (667x1000, 54K)

are you the black version of Tampa?

Asians are overrated.

dunno there're ugly and beautiful people everywhere

Attached: 1518089510787.gif (128x128, 189K)


Attached: 1512146507169.png (4600x2800, 564K)

Be a beautiful one


>female posting hate
Ok gay boy