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>Wage Slavery Olympics
That's grim, man.
>“[Targets] have increased dramatically. I do not drink water because I do not have time to go to the toilet.”
>- In fact, 74% of employees avoid using the toilet for fear of missing their target and receiving a warning point.
pfff, so what? soon robots will substitute them
>tfw used to work at a Warehouse (not Amazon)
>the corporate culture was exactly like this
>lots of young female team leaders trying to get everyone excited about work
>every morning we had the 'Operational Okapi'
>pic related is an Okapi
>basically they'd nominate 4 people a day to dress in a black and white vest for the meeting
>these people were the 'Okapi Legs' and their job was to 'support the body' during the meeting by shouting the company slogans loudly every few minutes, patting people on the back, drumming the floor like chimps etc
>the rest of us had to run through the days goals as quickly as we could
>if any of the Operational Okapi's legs failed they lost their lunch break
>tfw we had to do shit like this all the time, and it was humiliating
>used to make use dance to 'be happy' at random intervals also
i hate wage life.
What are you going to do once your parents die, Jorge?
Jokes on both of us, I am at the office, and my job will be done also by an AI
What's so bad about that?
I don't know what's wrong with these people, I can easily go 4+ hours without pissing and by then I can do it during lunch.
Is Bezos the devil? That looks like a torture machine from hell.
It's just a meme.
What do you mean, if the Okapi legs failed?
>I can easily go 4+ hours without pissing
Sometimes you just have to use the shitter.
>and by then I can do it during lunch.
You mean the ten minute break they are viable to miss out on by failing to keep up with their unreasonable quotas?
I'm 99% sure that you're an autistic who has never worked a day in his life.
this is a joke, right?
Please tell me this is a joke
It's illegal not to give a lunch break if your employees work full time.
It looks like a "torture machine from hell" because you're a fucking retarded monkey who voted for a "le epik gun man" who will ruin your economy like all the socialist candidates before him.
>xDDD le wagie cuck cage
Do you know what that cage is used for, you limpdicked waste of space? It's used in storage facilities to move boxes around. Not only is the lifting and carrying around of these boxes heavy and (potentially literally) backbreaking labor, it's also dangerous. These boxes can be heavy and stacked pretty high. Maybe if such a box fell on top of your empty, thick skull nothing would happen but for actual human beings such an injury could have grave consequences and even be lethal.
Intelligent people would be able to put two and two together but you're neither intelligent nor people so I'll spell it out for you. The "cuck cage" has both a claw and a cage. The claw reduces the strain on the employee using it because it's a machine doing the heavy lifting, while the cage protects the employee against falling objects. It benefits the workers because it's safer and lighter labor, it benefits Walmart as its cheaper (less employees needed to get the job done) and results in both less lawsuits related to injury and less damage to their products, and all of that leads to cheaper products for the consumer.
But I bet that if your single digit IQ ass were in charge of a company, you'd have your workers dig holes with a spoon rather than a shove- I mean "cuck paddle".
i hope you never have to work in a warehouse
If you don't like your shitty job, then quit.
enjoying the netherlands, mr. bezos?
if your diet is good and don't have any digestion related medical issues or whatever the fuck there is no way you can't hold it in until the end of the day
the people complaining are probably 250+lbs and gorge themselves every night/morning
Holy fuck Brazil absolutely BTFO