Would this be considered race mixing in your country?

Would this be considered race mixing in your country?

Attached: Rami.png (1536x1152, 3.2M)

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For " race mixing " your country must have racist background, segregation etc. We in Russia just don't give the fuck about such things.

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there is no such thing as "race-mixing" where I live, it's just called having children
we are all mixed anyway

>turns out Rami isn't gay
nightmarish timeline

Attached: a.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Nobody cares

this is like my parents and I turned out pale as fuck. I can't even tan I just get sunburned

They are both caucasians.

Arabs =/= niggers

Dating a girl from a different village or town is racemixing. This is way beyond that.

None cares about racemixing

No, they're both white, just different shades.
Besides Rami is a Copt which is based and redpilled.

Their jaws are the same so no

Damn Rami is an egyptian copt? That means he is the most direct descendant of the ancient egyptians

not in southern sweden where everyone seems to be half italian already

up north he'd be exotic

You're not white. You're not French


>t. Mutt

There's virtually little difference between an Egyptian Copts and Egyptians

Attached: 2013-635029130448854860-885_resized.jpg (600x400, 55K)

You will never be french

>same hair color
>same eye color
>different skin tone
33% mixing

Copts = ancient egyptians

The Egyptian guy is whiter than the average Frenchman

This is true.

Nope, the real world isn’t Jow Forums and by the time the baby will arrive it will no longer be a tumblr era where we want to feel speshul about being exxotical...but it will be multi-ethnic.
He is french he speaks french he was likely born in france he is french. He is also caucasian :)

>Coping this hard

They’re greek. Invaders.
Either way in reality egypt is mixed bunch and they’re all real egyptians except the greeks ;)

I am more French than him because of my ethnic French heritage

On average there's an 8% difference? So I'm not wrong.

What's blondes ethnicity

Nope, you’re white-american. You don’t understand how reality works unfortunately, real world is not Jow Forums. Saying the stuff irl you say on Jow Forums will leave you beaten up, raped and dead or in jail and then the first mentioned things, in jail. In any country.

Copts are the purest descendants of ancient egyptians, rami Malek's ancestors built Giza

Say and do* sorry.

True! arabs are worse than niggers

Ik neuk jouw de moederrrrr

Wrong. Swiss people are the real Egyptians

Shut the fuck up Ahmed and get the fuck out of holland you're not Dutch

t. Arab """"Egyptian """"

>rami Malek's ancestors built Giza
Like every other northern egypt servant/slave
It's not like they differ enough to be called a whole new separate ethnicity.

He is Dutch though...

Who cares anyway Egyptians are mutts because they were invaded by everyone around them during the past thousands years we'd be called Greek like Cypriots if we weren't arabized culturally we still have some of our ancient culture anyway look up sham ennessim



Don’t have parents
I am by law not an allochtoon, so I am dutch and in just a couple of generations most of the "arabs" here won’t be allochtoon either. They’ll be all dutch, just like you are not french.


Copts are still the purest, the rest of egyptians have been tainted by arabian DNA

Shut the fuck up uYou Swedish faggot. I'm on a phone. Give me a break. Go back to sucking big refugee cocks you cuckfaggot. You probably suck Swedish pussyjuice off their brown cocks

i am not egyptian not even my parents are, just telling the truth tbqhwy. Copts are not real egyptians either if you use eurocentric logic. Arab egyptians (who live in egypt) are real egyptians, just like you are a real retard.

Pffft haha no

Nah, that'd be ridiculous

No you're not Dutch

Read the study I posted you dumb mutt, copts still have Amon's blood running through their veins, they are the last line that comes from Akhnaten's seed

Read the laws, one of my parents are ethnic dutch. It makes *me* dutch, and it makes *you* not french. Jow Forums = place with fat retards like you. Irl = place with fat retards like you ruled by educated people who decide things.

demonstrably wrong, Copts don't resemble Greeks in either looks or genetics, there were never such big number of Greeks in Egypt.

Copts speak Arabic therefore count as Arabs
coptic is no longer used Copts and Muslims are almost the same it is like calling a swedish Muslim convert none swedish
And that is something to be proud of actually that some managed to be very pure
Funny enough none of my ancestors but mom are Egyptians

>Copts are still the purest, the rest of egyptians have been tainted by arabian DNA

Culture DNA. Just for lulz two centuries ago russians use more french language for conversation than russian one, but this is don't make them descendants of Franks.

I read it, then so do arabs. Even if arabs have 0% they’d still be egyptian. You are retarded, but all swiss flags are desu.
I am pure 100% dutch btw.

They aren't greek. In fact, the majority of Copts are slightly darker because they come from Middle and Upper Egypt.

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There's a little bit of difference, theyre much less mixed with other Arabs simply because theyve kept a tight knit community and never mixed with Muslims in the several muslim empires that took over Egypt.
But the most important one is that they arent muzzies

>up north he'd be exotic
Not really, everyone up here is a mix between Finns, Norwegians and Sami. I see darker people every single day.

kys arab faggot, Copts are vastly different than Arabs.

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Another thread ruined by subhuman muslims

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wassup nassim taleb. so now rami malek isn't arab either?

Hello let me shitpost here in peace I just hate it when the retards say ayyyrab egyptians aren’t real egyptians
Ps i like your baits in arabic

But they're all Egyptian. Left to right:

Libyan, Nubian, Syrian and old Egyptian.

Attached: egyptian02.jpg (387x260, 34K)

>say none but my mom are egyptians
>calls me arab
Not a Muslim either but whatever floats your boat why not use the source given by swiss
God I hate Jow Forums

One drop rule, you are a nigger

Are you arab?

Sure I do like being called a nigger by a country that none even knows that I exists and who ever hears the name of it just thinks of the USA state
Cheers have a good day my literal who full of hate friend

Average Arab looks like an American negro

I know you're shitposting but modern day Egyptians have literally less non-Egyptian blood in them then modern Anatolian Turks have Central Asian blood. I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between a Copt and an Arab Egyptian irl.

>uses sample from South Sinai as """""Egyptian""""" Muslims and selects Christians from Port Said and Cairo

Just kill yourself already.
t. half mongol, half azeri

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No one here but maybe the french flag is a muzzie. You are definitely R-tard though ;D
Old egyptians still look like modern day egyptians lol.
He is not. His arabic is likely broken as well, he is french.

Why do you care about matters that do not concern you?

I'm wasn't saying their sub-saharan genetically, if I saw those people on pic related wearing American clothes I wouldn't have been able to tell if they were not black.
There are no Muslim or Christian on the graph, dumbass, religion is not genetic.

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They are both disgusting wh*toids, so no.

And how do they look like kanye west sir

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Nope, the only mixing is when someone with dark eyes breeds someone with light eyes.

I don't, I'm just having fun

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ITT brownies in Europe thinking they are European and telling ethic euro diaspora that they are not

bullshit descendents of eyptians reside in eritrea, east sudan and northern somalia

You’re not french lol. We ARE european. You are not.

"Arab" isn't a race. An Arab is someone who speaks native Arabic.

Did you actually even look into the methods and assessment done by the Study, you dumb kavkaz nigger?

The study was done to see genetic differences between EAST AFRICAN(including Sudan) populations. They used a previous study that used a sample size of 13(THIRTEEN) individuals ONLY to represent the ENTIRETY of Egypt.

Ayo hol up

Tbh I have never liked these studies and the way poltards and hisfags and intretards like to provide them as proof

>haha dumb monkey

>presents irrelevant information that changes literally nothing

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What are Saudi Arabians then?

Mixed bunch. One even showed me this video of a saudi having 100% /me/ blood but it consisted of various countries historically non-arab countries lmao.

you are trolling at this point so I wont give a (you) da troll yabni 3omroh mashaf copty fe masr la2noh 3omroh makan hena we bygeeb ma3lomatoh men pol

On Jow Forums it's only for self-hating diaspora to throw a full nassim taleb but yeah these images would be cool by themselves if it wasn't for the idiots using them

based indonesia

>bullshit descendents of eyptians reside in eritrea, east sudan and northern somalia

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>all the retards ITT that think that me saying that copts are the purest descendants of ancient egyptians somehow means that muslim egyptians are not also descendants albeit less direct
Your mutt inferiority complexes are showing

>changes literally nothing

I'm saying the study's methodology is bullshit and wasn't even made to study the genetic difference between Egyptian Christians and Muslims. If you never studied highschool biology before, very small sample sizes are a hundred times more likely to have erroneous data in them.

It depends on the region. Those from the western Coast probably have more egypsie blood and other groups mixed in. The less coastal areas are obviously purer.

tab mana 3aref bas ana matefre2sh ma3aya law beye3mel bait wla la2. Keda keda a3ed ba9aya3 wa2ti.

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low sample always wins over nothing, further research is going to only prove that Arabs overall are even bigger mongrels.

Who cares though

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This is your last (you) from me.

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Retards do

The people who actually think someone from africa and someone from asia are different races aka retards. I am bored though and am only here to let people know I am real dutch and european.