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International #1020
You can only post in this thread if you've had a pokemon region based off your cunt
Sverigetråden - Snusmumrikens egna upplaga
Why do americans feel the need to defend the outrageously rich online?
Extremely soulless
/med/ - Mediterranean Thread
Hi guys, I'm in Germany now
/ita/ - il filo
/MENA/ Remember, Europe, Americas and northern Asia arren't MENA
Is it boring to have to blue eyes in countries where almost everyone has them such as Finland?
your nationality
Chinese technology BTFO Russian shit today
/lat/ - hilo latino
Rename this
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ pur
*invents everything*
Remember this girl?
Total population of 14
So why would Russia nuke Sweden and Finland?
/fr/ - le fil de l'empire colonial français
Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu
Are gayposters on here actually gay or are you all just larping?
Are you ready for the new Franco-German superstate Jow Forums?
1. your cunt
Should the Han Chinese people be considered members of the civilized races of the world like other East Asians...
My girlfriend is getting fucked right NOW by another man I can't do shit about it
Imagine a world without g*Rm*Ny
EU 2004
Comfy commieblock thread
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
India will be a superpower in 2020
It's kind of hard to pick a side to shill for when one is backwards poo country with castes and other is raghead muzzies
Korean co-worker starts telling me how he hates japanese and thinks they aren't human
I never shopped at Lidl. I've never seen a Lidl
Martin Helme, the chairman of one of the biggest Estonian parties...
Previous Thread: >>102074110
Loving eesti is not gay
Why are White people like this
Why are we so gay?
Your country
Rich, good-looking people are always right!!!!
Click on captcha image
Tfw born in a historylet country
Why don't Europeans wear traditional clothes for certain ceremonies like Asians do?
I like cheese
You cunt
Pakistan appreciation thread for winning today
Why is Japanese 2d animation so much more shaded and detailed than Western 2d animation?
You're obsessed with us and you know it
Why live?
1. Cunt
Is it safe to say Pakistan has won this skirmish?
Hong Kong higher than LA and London
1. ur cunt
How much would you pay for one night with a frisian girl?
Already pussying out? Cmon, I thought India would roll over Pakistan kek
Why do people believe the world will end because india and pakistan would go to war?
The /balt/ + /ausnz/ Supercontinent
This is basically how it is
Why am I such a horrible driver? I nearly die everyday on my way to work
Why illegal?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Which country has the hottest women
Heres what my mum who is a nurse thinks of the different countries and their workers
We will all die in WW3 cos of pajeets and muzzies
I’m baiting /v/ again. I’ve got over 140 replies, and with the same shitpost I made yesterday
Tfw too old to be on here
It's cold and cloudy outside
I support nuclear war
Marx was never wrong, you know
/hell/ - /χελλ/
It's 4am and I am sad and lonely
Japanese girls meet Swedish girls
Based or cringe?
Subhuman insectoid mongrels
Who will your country support in the upcoming war?
It's been a fun ride, lads, but it's probably time to say goodbye
Do you love Japan?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
No you are not a girl
Is suicide common in your cunt?
I just want more Iranians on this board
Do Americans really do that
Learn my language
I am going to fly to japan and personally track down everyone involved in the Junko Furuta case and beat them to death
His language arbitrarily assigns genders to random household objects
My gf is on her period
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Korea
Would you lick an Indonesian girls butthole?
Western flag gets very passionate about an india vs pakistan discussion
1. your cunt 2. is it acceptable for old people to do youthful things in your cunt?
Kurva anyátok
Walks toward you
Is it true that you can get arrested for playing Head Pat Simulator in South Korea?
Apu/pepe thread
/fr/- le francofil
What happens here? Is it like India?
Is German engineering a meme or do they still produce quality products?
Wow... fuck white 'people'
Post countries that proved their inability to handle simple banter countless times
Red or Blue
What is the best Canadian city? Most fun for a college student?
Average japanese poster
Mexico is a white supremacist state
Your country
Does your cunt have a problem with inbreeding
I'm suffering MORE here in the 1st world than people in the 3rd world!
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do you want to find love in norway?
Big bois only
Today I found a sort of diary from my childhood
Can danes explain this to me, why is your capital so close to sweden? How is it that you speak different languages?
Why do they have a supriority complex?
Franco-Japanese friendship thread
Be me
What can be done about the leaf problem?
Why does Jow Forums make fun of America using the mutt meme? Aren't mutts good?
So how well does China know Europe?
What's the most aesthetic writting system?
Look at phone
Mutt thread
'Sup, americans
What's your cunt second languages?
Tfw you realise that the Empire of Japan was actually fueled by manlet butthurt
Why does American buy cut-up fruits and vegetables?
HAHAHAH 'GERMANIC' PEOPLE. none of you are Germanic
Troops (million)
Latin Americans claim Spain and Portugal robbed them of their wealth
Imagine being a divorced father with a NEET daughter
Are British people white?
I can't wait for based India to partition this non-country
There is a kot in front of my flat. Should I kick it out on a street?
Has there been a worse US president than Drumpf?
Witness the sheer power of the German seed...
Why does Bolivia keep electing this guy?
Which country is cutest?
Pick a side. You're not allowed to be neutral
In the 1997 film 'Event Horizon' , the original ships crew is found destroyed and mangled...
Grats, Pakistan
Today I fapped. I woke up in 9:05, turned on vpn and opened danbooru...
He suffers in the first world
Pajeet wants to nuke this
Please be honest: How does this picture make you feel?
There's really nothing worse than being a brown-eyed """white"""
Ywn have an Argentine gf
Which country in Latin America is the most ideal place for a Castizo to live and be amoungst people of his kind?
Jow Forums elite poster
I am a populist
Be hot white guy
What happened to Sweden these last few decades Jow Forums?
/deutsch/ planlos und ziellos nachts in den spiellos
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Are you ugly?
1. cunt
Please come to Colombia and fuck our women!!!
Ukrainian passport from Wikipedia. Does she look Ukrainian?
Lets get this sorted out
Northern Danes
Irishmen call brazilians "monkeys" tell them to go back home and attack them
No democracy
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
If you went outside and walked around for an hour, would you see an interracial couple?
1. Your cunt
Thousands of brown children have been raped at the hands of white officials
What's the point of Eastern Europe?
The best received songs in Finland are all depressing songs played in minor scale
What's happening in Nordic countries...
I say let the Bus Driver man stay in power. I want Venezuela to be fucked so badly it never recovers
No, you are not European
If your country doesn't have a caballero del zodiaco it is a non country
Does America have a slur for your country or race?
Cat suffering immensely in Japan
Using skin color as an indicator of ethnicity is a meme
Do people outside of the new world eat corn?
Germans are heartless hun-
No culture
Post B.U.N.D.A.S from your country
Do americans really?
Does your city have trams? Light rail systems seem to be popping up everywhere these days. Here is our new very red tram
This is the hottest 10/10 from my cunt
Ur cunt
If I fail my fucking exam in 4 months I will loose everything I have
Scandi niggas really be having names like "Knut"
Number of Islands per Country
Travel advisory map. How does this look to you?
There are a lot of browns, who try to pass as Mediterraneans (arabs, indians, mestizos)...
1. Your country
Dude it's crazy how many things you learn while travelling...
There is almost 3 men per women at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula
So, apparently, Barnevernet (the Norwegian CPS) is extremely unpopular in Eastern Europe. Redpill me...
Post your YouTube Home screen
1 : ur cunt
How are these called in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/deutsch/er arschfick in der /nachtschicht/
Sverigetråden - Transupplagan
Countries whose history matters at least a little
Richfag thread
Russians unironically believe that they only wanted to "exchange" areas with finland before winter war and not annex...
How is this even possible?
Post what you think posters from certain flags look like
/lang/ - Language Learning General - Dialects edition
Post the most ugly person from your country
Red = White countries
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
What did they mean by this?
Post your ancestry
If you had to live in the USA, where would you choose?
Inferiority complex: the country
A game about the Warsaw Uprising in the Darkest Dungeon style is in the making
Islam is the future
What’s it like being Romanian?
Post your country's natural borders
You wake up in medieval africa
Why do girls in russia commit suicide?
Europoors hating on USA
Post regional dresses from your cun3
Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...
/deutsch/ denkend-machende ausgabe
Would you prefer reborn as an average person in iraq or india?
Should Switzerland be partitioned, it's just an ugly pimple stuck in the middle of Western Europe
Mexicans are shouting racist comments against them because they don't look white or light skinned to represent Mexico...
I suggest to the person reading this post that you also post some of your favorite images that you've found here on Jow...
How do you deal with the soul crushing fact that you will never be Norwegian?
"I am genetically superior to you"
Please white men and women for north europe come here and have many babies with the natives
Do hardcore America haters ever visit the country? If so, what were your impressions?
Why do br macacos always get angry when chile and chileans are put into good light by froeigners on this board...
Just increase your productivity bro
1. ur city 2. the symbol of your city
Why are Russians so bad?
How do you say "Cat" in your language?
Let's face it we all wish we were Americans living in some comfy suburb
What happens here?
Why is Chile so superior to the rest of Latin America?
Finnish tv show cartoon about Jesus enrages people
You all probably have accents
Do you like your country's climate?
Turks confirmed Greek
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Do all Arabs understand each other?
This country is FLOODED with all kinds of chinks
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/hell/ - /χελλ/ official thread
Oh I'm terribly sorry old Chap. Tuesday is Caribbean day and only countries with great beaches are allowed in
1.your country
Why doesn't Jow Forums like Iberian girls?
Europe is starting to turn French and there's nothing you can do about it, my friends
What is the real life equivalent of The Wall and the savages who live beyond it?
Id love to travel around in europe next year, but i have a big problem...
Why are Brazilian boys so damn cute?
/ita/ - Il Filo
I wish I could live in Europe
Swedes are swarthy
How would the average citizen from your country escape a Terminator?
Geiles /Österreich/, sehr /deutsch/
Russian boys with masculine vagina <3
Pakistan has just shot missiles
Why are American Christians so radical when compared to everywhere else?
When is the nuclear war happening between the pakis and poo in the loos so we can watch all that poo become baked in...
This is a 10/10 from my cunt
Would you kneel before a European Princess?
Why havent castillians invaded portugal?
The music in our government ads is from the sonic soundtrack
This is fuckin retarded. Chinks are fucking retarded. Just use a fork nigga
This is what the average italian looks like
Do you love Kazakhstan?
Didn't the war in Syria end years ago...
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/fr/ le francophile de la continence
/deutsch/ pur
Indian Air Force Air Strike on Pakistan
This is 1995 European Union. Say something nice about it
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Do you like Brazil?
What is the worst country you have ever traveled?
Why didnt germans settle westwards as much as they settled eastwards?
Why are you still a virgin?
ITT we thank americans for nice things they've done
I look so different in the mirror and on a picture
Who has better looking women?
Would you rather be Indian or Mexican?
/balk/ - Balkan General
1. Your country
Your country
What does yahoo search think of your people?
Trashy Madrid
Why are they so shit and arab?
How do you get ready for Indian century?
Wake up
Mormon here. Why do foriegners, Europeans in particular, hate us so much? We are Christians too
Why yes, I'm Finnish. How did you know?
/deutsch/er doppel arschfick
Has Jow Forums ever gone to Disney World? If so, how many times?
How's your relationship with your sister?
Why are they so dumb?
Fuck Catholics to be honest
1. Your cunt
What are gays like in your counttry?
Ur cunt
be me
Do you want a US military base in your cunt?
You wake up in eastern Europe
Brazilians explain this shit
Today is my last day in Switzerland, on my way to Germany, thanks for everything swiss anons
1. your cunt
How are black people treated in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why can neither of you cunts stop us? When is it finally coming? Our collapse? Still not feeling it
Wtf is this shit?
Who do these islands rightfully belong to?
Are they white?
Why are you learning the language that you're learning, Jow Forums?
/deutsch/e /2hu/ Ausgabe
/fr/ - le francofil
Why is every poster with this flag always an arab/nafri shitskin immigrant?
Why yes, im american how did you know?
1. Cunt
Why do Americans do this?
He doesn’t wear dark blue jeans
Me and my kawaii sis Georgia
Damn italians truly are nordics after all
Who do you like better, the Israeli autist or Lachlan?
Sverigetråden - Kommunistiska upplagan
Why does multiculturalism not work in Europe?
How do I look like folks?
Russians are pathetic subhuman animals
How do you say "Allah is a faggot" in your language?
I finally figured out why Jow Forums has an unusual amount of homosexuals on it and why they all seem to be...
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/afg/ Asian Fever General
/deutsch/e arschficker ausgabe
Do you love French Police?
Do you identify with your country or ethnicity more? Or perhaps your region or race?
Do you roll your R's while speaking japanese?
What is the police force like in your country?
You wake up in Norilsk
2019 first year to hit average home sale value of over €300k
Kissed a girl while sick
/flag/ - /extraflags/
This is the average girl in norway
If dubs than janny is a nigger
Can you speak Arab? I can. Take a look:
Why do Rusmonkeys support India over Pakistan? Oh well it doesn't matter because Russian military is pathetic
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of korea
*Wakes you up*
How do Russians survive in places like pic related without killing themselves?
When Nuclear war breaks out between India and Pakistan, who do you stand with?
Im about to go to sleep. Keep this thread rolling so I can see it in the morning :) thank you all, and God bless
Please post cute two-dimensional boys here
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Youtube Zuhälter Ausgabe ehemals /deutsch/
Your cunt?
Be me
Say something remotely positive about USA
War bad
Fails to completely prevent Bosnia from having a coastline
Give me one good reason why a person who failed as a man shouldn't be allowed to try a second life as a woman
Donald Trump
Death to all ______
1. Country
Those fucker will extract my wisdom teeth holy shit
Why is Russia being so alpha lately?
Do people go to clubs in your cunt?
Lets Listen To The "BTS"
Can any englishmen explain why your women are so ugly?
Do americans even have gypsies?
Poland, please take this thing. We don't want it anymore
Tfw no eesti bf
Germans are asleep. Post things that trigger G*rman posters
Dear Asians of Jow Forums, what's your excuse for not having a white girlfriend?
Hiro don't ban salvadorean IPs just the other kooky inceleño, I-I love Japen and the Mango...
Omg I love race mixing!
1. your cunt 2. are people outside of this region considered white in your country?
Would some of you anons seriously disown your daughter or son for being gay?
What has been the longest period of time you haven't had sex?
I wish we had destroyed USA in 60s. It was the only chance for humanity in 100 or more years
America isn't whi-
1. country
Why are so many Jow Forums posters with this flag are proxies?
WW3 boyes, who do you stand with?
Are there blonde women in your cunt?
Do you want to visit america to see the nature?
Why did they do it?
What do you think of my Mexican mustache?
Oh hey mister! I just graduated! Can you please sign my shirt? It's kind of a tradition here, teehee
Post deep Jow Forums images
Beat USA
Korean birth rate is 0.96
I think South Africa was better under Apartheid
Who's worse in your country: Millennials or Zoomers?
/dixie/ southern USA and friends
Kurva anyátok
How do end anti italianism?
They are like Rome in her final days
If I am a beaner-american of Spanish ancestry and look Iberian af can I just call myself Spanish?
Why do modern day Russians prasie both monarchy and communism? Isn't it a bit schisophrenic...
What career should I pursue?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Pale skin tone
Where were you when you found out that MEMRI TV is Israeli propaganda? Like seriously...
-1. flag
What's wrong with americans?
I hate this country, soon I will move to another one
Is mexico city the new paris?
/lat/ + /esp/ = /hisp/
Is joining the army the only option for losers without skills in your country?
Australian girl triggering the FUCK out of pajeets
Do white males do this in your country Jow Forums?
Why don't Americans just genocide the mexicans living in their land? Are you guys retarded?
I fucking wish Japan won WW2
How do we solve the Kurdish Question?
Why are native mexicans so ugly?
I hate americans so much bros
The Brazilian race
Why is this part of the world so goddamn confusing?
Do japanese really looks like this?
Who /poorfag/ here?
This confuses and angers the non-American
If there aren't actors from your nationality in Vikings, you aren't white
How does Jow Forums feel about wealthy and successful people from poor countries?
Why do they think they're white?
Mfw americans
Why is Mexico so ashamed of them? Only because they are the true average Mexicans and not Thalia?
Which 2020 US presidential candidate does Jow Forums want to win? What would make the rest of the world happy?
Have you ever met an American IRL?
Guess where this is
Brazilian vice president said a few months ago that Brazil would send a "peacekeeping mission" to Venezuela
Breaking News
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Can European and Germanic be interchangable terms?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2148
How can white women even compete?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why do black people have kids if they're going to end-up starving to death?
/ita/ - il filo
Post a picture of what you think someone in this thread looks like
/v4/ oraz kurwy
I am happy that one day there will be no more Japanes people
/lat/ + /esp/ = /hisp/
Which European country is the most homogeneous?
Jow Forums is literally more obsessed with race and ethnicity than Jow Forums is
Unironically why are Americans so retarded?
Why do portuguese people think they are white
Is white male/brown female the most kino combination?
Best Jow Forums posters
I am happy that one day germans will go extinct, and their evil will dissappear
Wants to build an eu army to protect themselves from russia
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
American boasting about his lack of culture
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
Racially ________
Do Afghans have more "northern" dna than Italians?
Does your country contribute for the advancement of science?
/fr/- Le fil Français de la nuit
Why are americans like this?
Ask an italian anything
Why does everyone hate us
International fears China because they are a threat?
Which country should I travel to if I want to get molested by a woman?
MED and TÜRK BVLLS must form an alliance
People who are completely blind don’t see black, they just don’t see anything
The first 5g phone
Post music from your cunt
Positivity Thread
Do NOT come to Nova Scotia
I wish I was white
I like European women
Wtf Poland I thought you were good guys
Post class pictures from your cunt
What is your country really good at?
How long will it take to go from one edge of yoyr country to the other?
Portuguese&Brazilian Friendshipu threadu
This is me Shahar
You wake up in Svendborg, Denmark
Turks are Greek?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Based Portugal
Countries we would lose against in a war
I’m not watching Eurovision because it takes place in Israel
Just a moment sir, I've just been told that we're only letting in countries with powerful military histories today
Does heaven look like this
Eyes of Jow Forums
Why don't we have Evropan wars anymore? Are you all spineless?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is there a more dynamic duo than this?
/ita/ il filo
If you can name at least 50% of these countries, you are an autist...
I wanna travel the world
He fall for the italian girls are hot meme
Sister asks her brother
Genetic similarity to viking remains in Sweden
Whiter than you Muhammad. Muhammad! Muhammad!
Get to your seat
How can the rest of the world even compete?
Cultural marxism
This is a south italian class
What country appreciates you learning their language and culture the most?
What's the best city in Switzerland?
50% White Europeans
Switzerland is Portuguese clay
Opium Indians
Half russian half korean
WW1 Pics
This kills the chink
Why hottest man in italy look like arab ?
My dream is to see Brazil on this list
1. you're country
Sverigetråden - Odens upplaga
Do you love Spain?
Culture Pals - /cp/
American State Flags
My dream in life is to
I will be operated tomorrow to remove the wisdom teeth fuck
According to swedish news magazine svenska dagbladet, Finland is better country than Sweden in almost everything
Did you ever meet up with someone from Jow Forums? Across borders?
Sverigetråden - AfS-upplagan
Nicola, Andrea and Nikita are male names in Italy and the Ukraine
Dear America
Are you related to your Bronze Age ancestors?
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you like your country's general ?
This is a European dream
Why Do Bulgarian and Swiss Anons Hate us the Most On Here
Why do Americans write this stuff?
What's the worst European country?
Post street art from your cunt
/ita/ - Il Filo
Drawfags of Jow Forums...
You wake up in Tokyo
The current year
Say something nice about your cunt
I'm going to become a truck driver!
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Do you love Denmark?
Normie university classmates judging me for not having social media
Your country
We post weird Laws in your cunt not many ppl know
What is one of the obvious signs that you are in a third world country
Who are some anons that you recognize by their posting habits
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Any Muslims in the West?
Whoa... Russian girls loke like THAT?
How do you call this in your country?
Japanese men deserve to get cucked by superior BWC (Big White Cock). Their women belong to us
The Philippines is apparently planning on renaming itself "Maharlika"
What's your opinion about the Grand Ethiopian Reinassance Dam?
Which country is the most racist in Europe?
Do you like old cars? whats your favorite car?
How will Europeans ever recover LMAO
/deutsch/e /2hu/ Ausgabe
What nationality has the tastiest pussy?
Have you ever practiced sex ed with your teacher?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What ethnicity is an average Mauritanian ?
I love rich people so much, they all worked hard for their money, poor people are lazy subhumans
Post traditional food from your country
What is Spain's relationship with Latin America today?
1.Your cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Does your country cockblock piracy?
Mfw you realize the next Crusade will be at Europe
Sverigetråden - 2D-upplagan
Why is prostitution illegal in the land of the free?
Do we have Jow Forums discord channel yet?
Why americans do this?
This is me in my car
What the fuck is wrong with Chinese people?
Real japanese national costume
Come to Jow Forums
This is what Evropa used to be about
ITT we summon Mongolanon
How would you upgrade the Irish Air Corps?
Do you have any brother countries that you want to be reunited with?
Do white people really do this?
The /balt/ + /ausnz/ Supercontinent
Why is a non passing tranny who looks nothing like a woman is allowed to do this
How common are morbidly obese people like pic related in your country Jow Forums...
Why do white people like drugs so much?
/deutsch/e /Anime/ Ausgabe
There are people who believe there is such a thing as different human races
Art and Facial Reconstruction thread
Make fun of americans cause they have so many faggots and trannies
This is a 10/10 in Mexico
His monarch doesn't dab
Why do Asian girls love Disney movies so much? (I think it's very cute)
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How can femcels even compete
Do people have freckles in your country?
Do women look like that in your Country?
This makes the brownskin seethe
Does this happen in your country?
What happens if this korean boy travels to your country
Ah yes, Glorious Nippon
Would Europeans rather have latinos instead of Muslims?
Is she white?
Whomst was the greatest man that ever lived?
Today is the Victims of Communism Memorial Day
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Women of Jow Forums appreciation thread
Would you marry this Lebanese girl even if she asks you to convert to Islam and move to Beirut with her?
Would this be considered race mixing in your country?
Sandwich General
Eesti is for _____
Could my sister pass as a local in your country?
Recite the words
England is densely-populated and overcrowde-
Hey mister can you please help us with our english homework?
Why do thirdies get so butblassted at having historical artefacts from their countries displayed in first world museums?
North italian with his tunisian wife
Are Poles considered white in your country?
Las comunidades autónomas
I will try to make pudding now
Is this the average mexican boy?
How does this make you feel Europeans?
When will the Boomer menace die out?
When did your country contacted another races for the first time?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have
The most beautiful woman in the world for 2018 is a hapa
Tfw no teacher gf
Poland is my favourite eastern European country because how conservative and proud they are
Hate India
1. your cunt 2. are the oscars popular there?
Is that a an average uk breakfast
There are more italians in south america than in italy
Have you ever met a German in real life and talked to them?
Multilingual country thread
What type of ass do women have in your cunt?
You might not like it, but we are Europeans
At least you are not Asian
I would want gay marriage become legal in my country too but the right to adopt children for gay couples is ridiculous
I am a homosexual. Are there any gay people in your cunt and how do they live?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship