
>Age of giving up an atheism thing


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used to be one of those edgy hardcore atheists too
attended meetings, was active in facebook groups and subreddits, super disrespectful to anything religious, all that good stuff
I'd pay for a chance to beat my 16 year old self's ass kek

Still atheist.

17 or 18, when i became basically an agnostic and haven't changed my belief since

Explain point of your theism


Third generation atheist.

I want to believe in God, but I just can't. I hate it.

Guess you guys are trying to be even more edgy as atheism isn't fashionable anymore

i'm not religious
just realized that we'll never know whether there's something out there or not and that it's retarded to shit on other people's beliefs

>not to shit on other people's beliefs
It's called tolerance

I just believe in Luck. Plus word "God" evolve from "Zeus" and Ancient religion/myths are pretty cool.

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probably around 17 or 18. i still cringe

Its still pathetic if you still being in a chrstianity state
t. muslim

>Support atheist again chirstian.
Believe it or not, chirstian and muslim literally have same god.

13, but really 17 or 18

>28 years old Israeli carpenter
Christ dude..

Honest to say, I am nearly giving up on religion because of depressing until I learn those atheists claim that without religion people become better but i'm a cynical, i alway check fact.
When Darwin discovers Evolution he ironically still a christian which he become atheist after that probably because most of his children die young so thus disbelief in god.
Thing like the Big Bang theory that some atheist ironically uses it to prove again religious people, is a theory found by a Christian clergy.
How modern genetics work? Christian clergy also.
I ironically regain my faith because of a atheism propaganda show that Christian only has a cross and atheist have many things that "include" big bang theory, modern genetic and lots of shit that I don't bother to check but i know if i believe that shit, I already get tricked like a idiot.

user, what do you even care about? You care about rubbles, the Rus gonna give it to you, you care about Chins, they gon give you letters, you care about India, they give you religions to practice. Thus say an atheist-everything is fake I don't have to care about anything. Forgive me for my harshness but dare I say, atheists-leeches

Catholic says that god have 3 bodies but both are one.
Honestly to say I don't know about Jesus, but surely one thing that he still a prophet in Muslim.
Muslim that Ridicule Jesus is just like they ridicule Mohammed because both are at least prophets if not god.
The problem why Catholic and Protestant viewed other at heretic while Muslim viewed at infidel probably because a big difference in culture.
I care about argueing, argueing really refresh sometimes. Not like I insult them.

What is so physiologically disimmilar of humans and apes?

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what made me an atheist is not atheism, but retarded believers and their religions.

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I can understand cringy fedoratastic nu-atheists that get too high on their own supply because they grew up in some literalist bible belt shithole, but never the larpcels who play idpol with religious aesthetics out of some superficial trends on a nazi anime forum.

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I don't care if God exists or not. I never ask myself that

Kinda true.
Being a cynical theism really make me thing.
The atheism makes insult or claim god did this did that. They really don't mean it since they already don't believe in god.
But when Theism believe god do this or do that like god want their innocent children die in extreme way which kinda extreme idiot or ironic for a good god, the Theism literally really insults god just an idiot.
If I have to purge one cause being forced to, I gonna purge the idiot Theism.
If you believe in god, you honestly really don't need to care about atheism.

>under 10

Don't know what triggered it but I told my mom that I don't believe in god or anything supernatural.
I used to only read non fiction science book at the time.

ur alright user, but god damn ur soul to the fire of hell (a movie reference)

Was never into it, I had an occultism phase

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Alright fellow user, don't be a blasphemous.

I finally saw the light of Zamolxis

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