My dream in life is to

Leave this arab filled sardine box and immigrate to the one and only the USA and be a White American.
Will I pass as a White American?.

Attached: (1080x2160, 2.11M)

Attached: finnish autism lion37b.png (600x800, 14K)

Man at least lose the unibrow and the double chin

Anyone that isn't black can pass as a white American here.

Tons of Jews have dual citizenship, you have any relatives in the US?

>he has an autism lion now

Attached: 1539810555596.png (704x528, 341K)

I have some remote realtives in Texas I think but nothing I can utilize.
I barely know them.

wont double chin help him pass as an american?

He does, and he has an aryan nazi elf gf.

Attached: finnish autism lion37.png (1080x1080, 45K)

>Fat and ugly
Checked, you're good to go bro

Your photo angles are getting gradually less flattering

you look like mandark

are you hittite?

at least you are ugly but also looks funny instead of just ugly

>Will I pass as a White American?

You're kinda cute, almost a 6/10 if you were thin.
I would sniff your dirty undies/10.

Good luck Shahar! Ganbatte ne!

Attached: E0A30A36-2A6F-403D-A5CE-C98810EC8057.png (1920x1280, 1.08M)


maybe if you shave that unibrow

in India maybe


VPN fag

I don't believe your jewisk or live in israel