
theme song edition

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rip mark hollis

Support our lad


looool he was trying ot get on the number at the petrol pump but fluffed it!!!

DAE do that? lmao it's literally me

send trannies to south london

Which is the best Anno game to get??

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NEED a zen 2 cpu

Give us some support lads, please. We love you guys


>look up any british city on google maps
>see a mcdonalds

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she told you when you graduate, not when you're done her class. she's telling you to fuck off, 31 year old freak.

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the guild 2

The Great paki-tranny war of 2023
Whoever wins, rorke loses

god bless the USA

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Imagine being in a state of mind where you think it is natural to cut your cock off. It just doesn't make sense to me. What the fuck is wrong with country people.

>look up any american city on google maps
>no greggs to be found

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she's in love with me lad
it's obvious
going to ask her out again after i graduate

2nd referendum confirmed. brexit is stillborn

cannot stand that little runt destiny
tried to watch some of his videos after a mate's insistence and I get through more than 30 seconds
little weaselly fucker acting all smug and talking fast while playing video games
epitome of everything I despise
genuinely annoyed this type of content exists and people somehow enjoy it

would my life actually feel any more fulfilling if I had a farm and lived self-sufficiently?

yeah he's cringe-worthy

it would be just as pointless and meaningless

if she loved you she would go out with you right when you finished her class. but that isn't the case. and you're still a 31 year old living with his parents

ask wazza

would my life actually feel any more fulfilling if I gf and didn't have to pleasure myself self sufficiently

wtf it’s actually true :(


feels good that trannies are miserable freaks with a huge suicide rate

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you'd be too exhausted to sit around and feel sad

>Wayne Rooney was spotted leaving with barmaid Vicki Rosiek following a boozy night out in Florida

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you have no idea what a handsome and kind and compassionate person i am
i'm an amazing person
she's clearly in love with me
i can tell by the way she looks at me
at the very least she wants to fuck me

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who the fuc is mark hollis

having a gf that you expect and want a future with is actually pretty comfy, you lose a lot of anxiety you have over relationships, reproducing, and aging

if she loved you she would go out with you right when you finished her class. but that isn't the case.


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Delusional spastic runt. Imahine being 31 years of age, still in school and living at home. It's game over from there, mate.

who the fuck is this Survive the Jive?
another pagan twat?

based wazza


Turkey dinosaurs with Bovril mash

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sucking a golf ball

He's a good lad but yes he is pagan

just bought boots

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how do people make sure their bums are empty of residual poo before doing anal sex


I don't think she loves me anymore.

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community college at that

unironically creates good content whether you agree politically or not


Sorry Mikey old boy, had a go with it but I couldnt get the hang of that melody in the chorus. Would need to listen to it lots more times before it becomes a bit easier I think


looks like what i pull out my bum before me bf fucks my arse

pop me a brewski bro

enemas innit

i got 8 brewskis

would have been hotter if she was the one doing it
need a hot russian girl to arrest me

This '''''''comedy'''''''' on BBC2 makes me want to blow my brains out with a blunderbuss


me and my bud brody might go down to the gas station and get some tallboys

arse is full of poo and ready to unload x

He’s retarded m8 unironically
particpating in society by taking a college course or w/e is what they encourage high functioning retards to do

she can't date a student
i have to graduate or transfer

>Hundreds of people apply for the same job
>Hundreds of people message or talk to the same woman

It's over for the average man. They're done for. We're done for.

had really bad herpes sore on my lip for months now so I've gone and said fuck it and put loads of sudocrem around my mouth and now I feel really sick. just read the label and it says "if consumed seek medical help", so here I am, posting this seeking medical help.


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u r uncultured

1404 but depends if you’re into future/past shit

1404 is bare >comfy

glad im a shizoid

nah mate sit it out

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Rooms a kip but I don’t have the mental wherewithal to clean it

incel freak

Hey mouthyank i bought one if those terrorist watches lmfao

Thanks, enjoyed that.

300 mL of New Zealand scrumpy for breakfast
I'm cutting down

i look up at average

the fatties at work get tinder dates with ease while i fight to get some scraps from the table it makes me sick

one who must weigh a good 16 stone was complaining her date was too short

that's not a requirement in college lmao all the students are adults. fucking retard

want to live on a desolate new england coastline with a dress-wearing english gf

Easiest and hardest time ever to get laid

isn’t Nottingham Forrest vs derby on sky sports every fucking week

>wah wah wah I have little chances therefore I have no chance!!

how has one herpes sore stayed around for months
i refuse to believe you can be this retarded

make your own opportunities

a well researched pagan unlike some more well known ones
also knows quite a lot about philosophy

had a lot of fights myself
dont reckon anyone here knows what it's actually like to have total fuck kicked out of you or kick total fuck out of someone.
probably got all your teeth
probably got a straight nose
probably dont know what it feels like to break bones in your hand on someone elses face
probably dont know the sound of skull on pavement.

would likely smash anyone posting here

there's this girl in the gym who is always looking at me, like every time i see her, believe the yank term is 'mirin. is always there with her bf though

usually i just ignore girls doing this since my standards are autistically high but she's a genuine 9/10, it bothers me especially since i'm a vf

>helps his friends and family
>is a pure virgin

>fucks whores
>drinks beer
>is a neet
>wants to fuck his mom and sister
>has rape fantasies
>is a pedophile
>is a neonazi

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he seems ok
watching this thing someone posted here
still turned off by pagan stuff


Do you realise how stupid your post is?

Hey emmett, kill yourself

*heavily markets opioids in your locality*

you and mikey should have a tear up

you an east anglian girl by any chance?

leave emmett alone retard

worked 12 hours today
worked all weekend too
this is my life now

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Need to cash in on this online career youtuber/social media/whatever creator thing

could shag a hog easily but can't lower my standards

how do i do this, being a virginal freak is getting me down lads

would post a face pic but i know half of you are mentally ill and it will end up in a wank bank

you realise our ancestors worked half as much as us

>Bong Radio
>one of the hosts is American

>had a lot of fights myself
>dont reckon anyone here knows what it's actually like to have total fuck kicked out of you or kick total fuck out of someone.
>probably got all your teeth
>probably got a straight nose
>probably dont know what it feels like to break bones in your hand on someone elses face
>probably dont know the sound of skull on pavement.
['dit space]
>would likely smash anyone posting here

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