
Denmark Edition

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Blessed Edition

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denmark is shit.

despicable edition

The 2020s are immanent

Canada USA Mexico


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So is the world economy going to collapse in 2020 or what?

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You on the left

yer anus gon prolapse my nicca

significant and compelling desu

finally feeling kinda ok without weed. maybe my medication is working.

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no I'm on the right
please save me before the d*nes eat me

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Might ask the gf to be my waifu

Extremely important poll


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Uranus collapsing would fuck up the gravity in our solar system and increase the chances of us getting hit by an asteroid, I'll take the prolapse for humanity

7 am shifts every day....

Sia - 1000 forms of fear
a GREAT album

everything that came after it is trying too hard to copy it
everythnig that came before it is too different for me to be interested in it

I don't know much about science but that doesn't sound right

I voted prolapse based on precisely the same logic

squirm away stupid leech boy go and die now in the drain
you speak only of your sadness but are yet to feel true pain

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2 pm & just woke up. Hello lads.


Hey, I woke up at 2 PM today too

The longer I am asleep is good. Because I'm not wasting time looking at porn & feeling sad.

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No haha?


wish i hate photoshop skills this good

what naughty stuff would you do?

I'm disgusting

who would win in a fight contrapoints or the amazing athiest

stop posting this pls
why u do that tho

i just feel like stealing your name

the amazing gaytheist

id shop fat tits on raffey cassidy

we know


why is india bombing your motherland?

is it computer hour at the special needs centre

guys i want to grow my own garden



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definitely get over psychaddiction to weed
pills are super individual

struck a nerve, eh?

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Do it I can't because I live in Canada

hi, bestbruce!

Ironically dabbed while out with a friend today and some kid called me autistic.

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stealing mi nombre?

dumb donald needs to get off twitter and stop watching tv

did (You) slay the heathen,
in The Name of The Lord?

no money and no space

>current year
>paying any mind to his ramblings
bored, desu
all bark no teeth


It's all bark no bite


One swift slash of my seax took his head clean off.

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it hasn't been socially passable in nearly half a decade
better make an xtra effort to bury powerlvl

i just want to eat all the fucking time. god damn it

Cam Newton dabbing at the Superbowl was my first exposure to the practice, was that what made it really popular or did I miss something?

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just h8 cliches and love funposting

My papertrail says otherwise, Paki.

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its a doggy dog world, amirite

theory is that cooking was a little early/complex for zoomers/newssquares

yr not wrong!
*audience explodes in rapture*


sit on my face

shit on my face doggydawg

$1K for (You)

Why so dead?

the theory is
-invented by the basesgod himself, lil b-
was too complex/improvisational for squares
(zoomers and daytime broadcast boring news anchors)
dabbing is like sneezing and much more relatable

guise im hungry

alright trayvon your a proper anglo you

(i kno he will forgive me)

my legs hurt.

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Who let the scumbag pirates in?

potassium can help
(cocowawa, nanners, etc)

could go for some buffalo wings and blue cheese

absolutely atrocious edition


>all of those turbo-butthurt chinks, w*men, treehuggers and commies in the comments

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that is pretty autistic to do, kid was right


I took this picture in my city

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Buffalo sauce is fucking disgusting, I don't understand it's popularity

i have nothing but miniwheats in the pantry.

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why are mexicans so lazy they don't even bury their power lines? looks terrible

millions of people disagree with you. you have poor taste

We don't bury our power lines either

>port city

that's right. American cities rely on wireless power

I have the exact same opinion about cheese. Want to fight?

the thing about infrastructure is that once you do it, you're fucked for the next 100 years

fortified w/ vitamins!
unironically a good move
(i assume they're cramps)

post retarded pepes

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plenty of places do indeed bury cables, because it looks terrible.

pls dont call him that

t. live in shitholes

ALL cheese? ?