Mexicans are shouting racist comments against them because they don't look white or light skinned to represent Mexico...

Mexicans are shouting racist comments against them because they don't look white or light skinned to represent Mexico. Why are Mexicans so self-hating?

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Literally all Mexicans look like them. But our population has been brainwashed by amerimutt media for a long time. I only want this to end.

>all those actresses who worked their ass off to get an oscar nomination lost to a school teacher
lmao just lmao

Why are Amerindians so good at acting compared to whites?

pinche india

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They wouldn't win if they looked whiter.
Hollywood nowadays is about looking like the most minority image possible. Even blacks get free gibs.

Ugly Bitches.
This is how Average Mexican Girls looke like.

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what the FUCK i love mexico now

amerindians are disgusting

They are playing international dress up.
That is the reason why they traditional Norwegian clothing.

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Mexicans are fucking stupid. They have a huge inferiority complex and colonial mentality. Brown Mexicans are raised to admire, protect and envy the white race and hate their own skin. It's ridiculous.
If Yalitza Aparicio were a blonde blue eyed girl all Mexicans would praise her and say she's the best actress ever.

>They have a huge inferiority complex and colonial mentality. Brown Mexicans are raised to admire, protect and envy the white race and hate their own skin.
My sister had this experience en Mexico, she and 2 argie girls started a tourist project, one of the first women they hired (and ended up firing for stealing money) would complaint about how other people they hired was a bad look for the company, that no one would go there if they had indias trabajando. She was crazy as fuck

>at one point in history these women were bred by horny, swarthy Spaniards

What ugly looking subhumans



>tfw I also like amerindians women because I have yellow fever

Timely reminder: OP's pic how most brown "latina" women look like.
Instead of the tanned med women Jow Forums regards as "brown" women

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>mexicans insult spain for killing indians
>proceed to insult indians for being indians

Why do they do this?

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In some jobs you can't be promoted if you're brown, because it "da mala imagen a la compañía". Mexico needs to be refounded.

Adriana is actually a pardo though, or at least mestixa iirc

>tanned med women
Adriana Lima is an actual mutt though, with negroid blood. OP's image is a pure amerindian.

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Let's be real
They are not attractive at all
The only they are there is cause they are native mexicans and that has never been seen before in the movies

>native americans are yellow
Arab education.

>protect and envy the white race

Sure you didn’t get that from spaniards.

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How many times are you going to post this comment you fucking goblin

>these are the “faces of Mexico”
Fucking leftists. Not everyone in Mexico is a jungle-living native.

again this meme. Don't say it because then Americans believe it

same even though they look a bit different

Are you sure? It's what I saw in Yucatan

500 years ago Spaniards told to the rest "we, the whites, the sons of Europe, have the right to be beautiful, rich, successful and happy, and you browns and blacks don't" and those non whites said "uhmm...OK!".

Wouldn't that be a shame if we found out about you being cucked by the Umayyads

Point is that Jow Forums thinks 75% huwite mutt women is what"brown" women look like when in reality they look like OP

Attached: jessica alba.jpg (799x1000, 137K)

I'm going to post this 1000 times if it's necessary, you stupid Chicano piece of shit.

Too bad her tits are ugly

First paragraph is not true inthe slightest
Second paragraph may be true but very little, but I doubt they would think she is the best actress + if she was ugly peole would also point that out
I feel that the only reason she is being hated is cause she is actually ugly looking, if she was attractive even a little bit, nobody would give a fuck

Not true
It depends on the type of "brown skin" they are talking about
If they are talking very brown then expect a native, normal or slihhtly brown expect someone mixed with European blood

>we, the whites, the sons of Europe

That never happened and we even had a black guy teaching in a soanish university during the 16th century. Your selfhate comes from the criollos that tricked you.

But she's not a mutt, didn't I just tell you she's a pure amerindian. For example this Mexican girl is about 45% Amerindian, 45% European, a Mestiza. She looks different from the girl in the OP.

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Oh boy its that retarded mexican again in denial how cucked his country is , and just how much racism exist in mexico

>she is actually ugly looking,
That's the point. Her own countrymen thinks she's ugly because she is 100% brown instead of the white passing "latinas" that are supposed to represent mexico like jessica alba

Yes, idiot, I'm talking about Criollos!

Because as an honest mexcian already said , self hate and colonial mentality

What paragraph? The inferiority complex and colonial mentality one? Are you blind? Mexicans hate being brown! Most hate Indians without reason, it's a fact that in this country speaking a native language is an economic disadvantage.

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Then start killing them you cucks and stop shitting on your own women.

I commend you for being the first mexican ive seen on Jow Forums not in denial about mexican's colonial mentality

You sie are redpilled

Mexico confirmed for based as fuck.
Sieg Heil brothers.

It's not necessary to kill anyone, brown Mexicans need to realize they're not inferior for being dark and white Mexicans need to realize that they're not superior for having fair skin.


yes, the people who were traitors to Spain, KILLEM KILLEM

T-Thanks, I love this country with passion and it's frustrating to see Mexicans with all kind of harmful ideas. We can change, I have hope in our people.

btw if I'm white and go to Mexico, how would I fare in terms of latinas? Also, would I get chopped up for the same reason?

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>how would I fare in terms of latinas?
they'd be flattered you even gave them your attention white boi. get er done

There aren't "white Mexicans", unless you consider Arabs "white". What Mexicans need is learn about human evolution, universal history and modern genetics and forget about the meme chart spaniards invented in the 16th century.

They'd love you. And when is the last time you heard of a white tourist getting chopped up?

Jessica Alba is not white passing, hence her fame and appeal, despite being like 75% white she looks brown and attractive.

There are predominantly white Mexicans like Guillermo del Toro. But you're right, I think science and education will sabe this country. Inferiority complex and colonial mentality not only have a personal psychological impact, but also economical, social and political impact

We didn’t invent any chart. Stop believing the criollp propaganda. They were the ones that utterly fucked natives.

No, it's not that she is brown, we are brown and proud of that, it's that she is ugly
There are natives way better looking thab her, as I said, nobody would give a fuck if she was attractive

Mexicans are mad because they watch Telenovelas where they hire white Argentinians to play their roles and they think they look like them.
Cucked country.

>Jessica Alba is not white passing
compared to OP (an actual brown women) she is. That's why she's in Hollywood in the first place

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Jessica alba isn't white

lmao that patronizing smile from the chick with the glasses

Compared to a "Canadian" Indian almost everyone looks white. Even a lightskin mulatta looks white to them.

I was thinking maybe that Canadian was black. I've noticed that they think mestizos are whites and call them spicy whites. They consider the Kardashians white too.

Mexicans are closer to spaniards than to natives, ever so slightly but its the case

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Doesn’t matter because brown + brown is still brown.

Self hating indios who are MAGA posters unironically, believe dictators were the best leaders of Mexico and always start with the "not all Mexicans" bullshit, they only represent the edgy teenager shitposter from my country.

Why would anyone got mad over this lmao


White Mexicans are jealous cause they had to suck 30 billions cocks to receive shitty novela roles whereas she made it to the Oscars without being a whore

So criollos aren’t infected with the sjw rethoric?

Not everyone is mostly white, in many parts of the country you only find natives and mostly native mestizos, and they have been moving to the cities and the US for decades now.


>They consider the Kardashians white too
They are white according to your own govt' definition you self hating mutt

Mexicans hire men like Michael Brown from Argentina and think they look like them. Imagine a mexican thinking he could look like this because he sees this every night on TV speaking spanish. They are fucking deluded.

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you're obviously a beaner for even knowing this shit. go back holmes

Even the average argentine does not look like that. All of Latin America is pathetic.

That's not true but okay whatever you say Mr. Know it all

Yes, some Argentines come to Mexico without a dollar in their pockets and quickly become successful because Mexicans offer them jobs for being white.

>They are fucking deluded.
Nobody thinks they are Mexican, retard, nobody watch telenovelas anymore, only old women. Open TV is a dead media in Mexico.

nice meme.

>become successful because Mexicans offer them jobs for being white.
at least someone can admit this

>even the average argentine does not look like this

this is a literal who from a mid-table soccer team

you aware that that was sarcasn, right?

Mmm no. Anyone can Google search "Argentina crowd" and see what they actually look like

Its reality you delusional cuck

how can it be sarcasm when it's truth lmao you are fucking delusional like the rest. watch all of your shows, all your news, everything.

Why is a brown person being promoted bad for the company's image?

In our defense nobody takes them seriously or respect them. Old direct-to-video actors are more loved than brain-dead Argentineans in some shitty telenovela.

cr*Ollos are entitled though

>Mexican Dynasties on Bravo

What the hell is this, Mexibros? Are these families known in MX or is this just an example of American leftists trying show Mexico in a more glamorous light?

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yeah fuck mexicans

whoa mexicans look like that? send em over

Literally who's. We don't have dinasties in this country. They run away in every war.

A death squad is in the way. Para que aprenda a respetar puro. wasn't sacarsm, it was literal. Just some info:

CEO of American Express México: José María Saz (Argentine)
CEO of Samsung Mobile México: Marcelo Lago (Argentine).
CEO of First Data México: Marcelo Scaglia Rosell (Argentine).
CEO of Pfizer México: Rodrigo Luis Puga (Argentine).

Are Argentines Jewish?

Whites are perceived by brown Mexicans as smart, trustful, serious and profesional.

>the dubbing companies send argentineans to explain mexicans how to do it
This is a bad joke, genocide criollos now

Is Mexico the most " WE ARE WHITE!!!!!" country?