No you are not a girl

no you are not a girl
no you are not cute
no you are not young
no you are not thin
no you are not feminine
no dont EVEN try it

yes you are a guy
yes you are gay
yes you are fat
yes you are hideous
yes you are a neet
yes you will never me feminine
yes you will never be a girl

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*opens briefcase*
gentlemen, I have some interesting information to share...

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I went on /a/ a couple of time to see what it's like and saw a bunch fo threads people RPing as and wanting to be cute females and I also a saw threads about hating females and saying every single one of them are whores.
What's going on?

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>posts mentally ill tranny faggot obsessed with cartoons as a counter argument
american IQ

Yeah they are quite literally girls though, those damn fujoshits

Imagine being born a white male and not wanting to look/act like this

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it's the natural progression from being a weeb

>man wants to cut off his arm/leg/finger
>man says he's Napoleon 2
>man says he's a "girl inside" and wants to cut off his balls

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>only 40%

they are having it better now.

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Based and direly needed reminder

wtf, is OP based?

You are supposed to dilate your "vagina" after surgery.

Imagine being one of those things

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>wh*te “people”

Do not insult Benjamin Franklin lookalike

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>these are the people "cute"posing on Jow Forums

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Autism prevails.

>go to all the trouble to get a female name and pretend to be femal
>dont think to change your last name of karlsson
>Andrea, Son of Karl

oh bother...

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>not liking cute asian boys

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Nico Nico Nooooo

user, there are those who just joke around about that stuff and those that take it at face value. If you ever see me posting gay stuff, you can be sure I don't mean it serious.
Those that do take it serious have something wrong with their brains.

/a/ for autism

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God i feel a lot of pity for these people... i can't even laugh about their state. Imagine being disgusted by the image of yourself so much that you decide to change your gender and now everyone laughs at you... fuck

Those mutants are screeching at the world throwing tantrums demanding changing everything to their degenerate desires. They'd cut the dicks of newborns if they could. The more that take the rope challenge the better. Don't use their corpses as farm feed though, lest the animals become trans too.


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This is just your view of things which is only based on things you see on tv or social media. it will surprise you, but most trannies are conservatives (on /lgbt/ at least)