Hong Kong higher than LA and London

>Hong Kong higher than LA and London

Attached: Ekran Alıntısı.png (628x795, 53K)

Too many people and too little housing. Do you not remember kowloon?

Is Bruce gonna be okay? Where else can he live?

It's okay, Australians are marsupials so they'll crawl back into their mother's pouch.

unregulated capitalism

>tfw my tiny city is number 8

Man, I used to live in San Jose, CA. I moved because of the culture, but I had no idea it was that high up the list. Just make more money, you poor fucks.

LA is pretty cheap though at least the county

Fuck boomers and fuck chinks.

From what I remember hearing Hong Kong is a quasi tax haven and the government owns most of the unbuilt lands so to make up for the lack of tax money they sell plots of land for a ridiculously high price, making real estate insanely expensive there

Why the fuck are we not in there?

I pay 300€ a month for 65 m2 all included (power, heating, TV etc) and think thats just avrage here unless you live in a major city.

Whats it like in those towns? Anyone wanna share?

You must live in the most undesirable place for it to cost that little

Not really, just a regular town (around 50 000 inhabitants) in southern Sweden.

To be fair costs has increased a bit later, but nobody here pays more then 500€ for a place like mine.

because your goverment gives you HDB flats, and you literally have a Ministry of National Development to prevent households reaching exorbitant prices

Sydney and Melbourne are the worst places to live in Aus.

HK is literally hell in terms of housing

I pay 300 Euros a month for 33m2, power and heating not included.

>mfw friend is letting me rent an entire room with private bathroom next school year for only $250 a month

Chinese people multiply more than other races so the population is always increasing but since it's a small country, land is scarce and so the supply of accommodation can't meet the demand for it. I don't see why you would expect London or LA to be more expensive than it considering there is plenty of land for developers to build in and around them

aus and nz are truly based

>Lmao, thats what my first apartmeny costed a month.

Nigga send help we are dying


low life