Is it possible to be a NEET in every country?

Is it possible to be a NEET in every country?

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If you're rich you can be a NEET anywhere you want.

Haven't spoken to my parents in 2 months lads. They kicked me out, cause they couldn't stand my autism anymore.

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How did they? Did they call the police?

When my parent menace to kick me out I always tell them to call the police. They never did, because the law is on my side

In many culture you stay a NEET until you get married,

But staying that way for too long is hell. Because your parents will keep nagging about wasting your life and why you didn't start a family and you have to take care of your parents at old age.

Yes they called the police & out me in the mental hospital. lol, a long process just to get the house to themselves.

yes. i am one

>tfw I have to guard my sisters dog for 45 minutes today
>it's 08:33 in the morning and I feel like dying

Wageslaves go through this every morning?
No wonder people commit suicide..

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Sometimes I want to have a wife and 3 or 4 children, but i'm too lazy for It
That's why I am NEET at age 19.

Lucky bastard. I wish I could be 19 again. Being 24 isn’t fun when working for corporate

Yes, if you're leeching off your parents

>your parents will keep nagging about wasting your life and why you didn't start a family and you have to take care of your parents at old age

Kek, been a NEET for 13 years. My parents never nag or complain. Feels good.

NEET since 2008.

Am I the NEETest on Jow Forums?

>being a NEET
>in america
haha good luck

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If you're good enough at it you can be a NEET everywhere you want

I wish I could work though

Not even close. We have people who have NEETed for 15+ years in Sverigetråden.
I am one of them.

Going to done suicide in 2021 lads. Can't wait to be free.

>tfw gonna order pizza, eat snacks and drink strong cider all day while playing vidya
>the slaves are going to work in ice cold pouring rain and strong winds

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Sounds comfy fren.

My dream is to be a NEET until I find a rich woman who loves me, we would have children.
She would work hard both in home and in the job and I wouldn't do anything, because I would be a NEET.
My dream.

hey NEETs
think fast

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Not so fast

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Who here going to die alone without having a relationship?

I want to get into a relationship with a fine aussie cunt but i live in america

>*gets hurt from wageslaves punch*

Thank you, now I get fat extra stacks in NEETcash for "pain and injury".

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I no longer have sense of night and day
things are fun in a chaotic way

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are you really a NEET?


What is it like?


Just so?
I was a NEET for 1 year and well... things aren't really like that

Parents want me to get a job, i dont know why
My life is shit as it is studying, i dont know why they think money will do something

It is. Being a NEET since 3 months, best 3 months of my life.

sorry to hear that. i didnt mean to gloat

It wouldn’t be any different if i were a wageslave, a neet, begging, or an oligarch

Um, well... I guess I'm gonna be a NEET to someday

NEETS can be anywhere as long as youre retarded enough

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What is all my NEETfrens dong today then?

Gonna eat junkfood, watch Umbrella Academy, jerk off, eat more junkfood and drink some red wine. Filling the bathtub with steaming water right now, gonna get comfy in there for at least two hours.

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AAAAA, I dont get it
anyway... I guess time flies mate, I guess it does.

Wow!! you must be very happy, Right?

Going to order thaifood and have a LOTR marathon

He's a very happy and healthy man (chill out)

>you must be very happy
I am, I fought hard to have this life.

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Currently NEET since new year but I'll start Uni in April

Do you live alone?

t. Kim mad because he's a slave and will be until the day he dies, while him, I, and all the fellow NEETs are free.

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>this monkey think someone get jelly about living as a loser neet in shithole
I’m not mad monkey and i’d rather be a wageslave in Korea than living as a neet in tropcial shithole

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reminder to stay hydrated NEETfrens
the wagies can go fuck themselves LMAO


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Yes, with my cat. I don't like people.

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Being a neet is horrible, try it yourself

Tanks fren, I have many drinks in the fridge for maximum hydration

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>t. Bronze finish for men, gold for women

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>Being a neet is horrible, try it yourself
Been a NEET for 12 years. It's the best.

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Based and catpilled

Well i’m a neet too but i’m not happy. Got fed up really easily


Everyone is different. I tried working many years ago but I hated it. NEETlife for me.

Do you not have any aspirations? You just wanna stay like this until you die?

Nooo!! you need to contribute to a society that hates you!!!!!!

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He's lying to himself. People says South Korea is developed, but in truth is hell. Everyone is wagecuck there.
Here in Brazil, I can be a neet, enjoy the beaches, the coconuts, and play football with my friends. Well, I wouldn't change It to work 20 hours a day just to have a faster wi-fi

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Ofc yes. Why would he change?

Here in Vietnam, I'm trying my best to earn a college degree, but after that it'll be the same life you're having right now

Nope, don't care about such things. Never have.

my momy earns 1000 dollars/month and she pays all my needs

i don't have many materials needs anyways.

I don't even know how to neet.
I wish I could neet my job is shit.

I would like to go to Norway and try some sheep head.

These wageslaves live for being a slave. When someone says he don't want to be a slave, it's breaks their minds

>1 AM
>just woke up

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Jesus Christ -_-

What does this expression mean in Vietnam

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are you really a vietnamese? i really like your country, you are my favourite asian people

It means "meh"

I know this feeling. While the slaves have to Go to bed at X PM and wake up at Y AM, we sleep and wake up the time we want.
That's called freedom.

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I am really a Vietnamese

>tfw saving up and investing so you can live off dividends

I'm not encouraging you but why 2021 specifically?

>haha, yes
But I have a more complicated plan

What are you investing in?

I have Neet life, but have gf too.
The prolong Neet make me feel I have to do something since i'm bored and gf give me a cause of life.
I gonna even stop one days to have a warm happy hug every night.

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how many years of saving does it take?

AAAAAAaaaa stop
Wait, are you a native?

You are not a real NEET then. You are a slave but not slaving at the moment.

Based. I'm not a neet but if it makes you happy you should live however you want, fuck everyone who says otherwise.

How do you support yourself tho? Welfare?

What native. I'm a Vietnamese.
Neet make me get bored eventually.
I want some purpose of life.
I already working before so i know how it is.

>working equals purpose

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Mostly tech companies, but I try to keep it spread out just in case.

Depends on what kind of living standard you want and how much you're actually able to save each month. Right now I've been saving for ten years and could theoretically just retire to some cheap shithole cunt if I wanted, but I'm aiming a little higher.

I got something called "sjukersättning". Pretty much disability pay. It's until I turn 65, then I get normal pension instead.

Working so i can get a trip around the work.
Who say i gonna work the same job everydays.

>Right now I've been saving for ten years and could theoretically just retire to some cheap shithole cunt if I wanted
you succeeded at life, at least at your financial life.
how old are you?


Good luck getting back from that.

you are fucked in the future with no work experiance or money. It definitely must be fun telling everybody all the time that you don't do shit at all and see their face of disappointment.

>room reeks of cum and bamba
>mum wants to get in and take my laundry

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