Is it possible to be a NEET in every country?

Based. I'm not a neet but if it makes you happy you should live however you want, fuck everyone who says otherwise.

How do you support yourself tho? Welfare?

What native. I'm a Vietnamese.
Neet make me get bored eventually.
I want some purpose of life.
I already working before so i know how it is.

>working equals purpose

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Mostly tech companies, but I try to keep it spread out just in case.

Depends on what kind of living standard you want and how much you're actually able to save each month. Right now I've been saving for ten years and could theoretically just retire to some cheap shithole cunt if I wanted, but I'm aiming a little higher.

I got something called "sjukersättning". Pretty much disability pay. It's until I turn 65, then I get normal pension instead.

Working so i can get a trip around the work.
Who say i gonna work the same job everydays.

>Right now I've been saving for ten years and could theoretically just retire to some cheap shithole cunt if I wanted
you succeeded at life, at least at your financial life.
how old are you?


Good luck getting back from that.

you are fucked in the future with no work experiance or money. It definitely must be fun telling everybody all the time that you don't do shit at all and see their face of disappointment.

>room reeks of cum and bamba
>mum wants to get in and take my laundry

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