Ameripoors btfo

Ameripoors btfo

Attached: 15518318731440.jpg (768x475, 69K)

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When Andrew Yang gets elected that percentage will fall to 0.

Yeah bullshit lol.
Also bullshit. Based Bernie will be the next president.


>russia 0%

Shut the fuck up.

Hungary and Ukraine doesn't have them, but Romania is Africa tier. Who the fuck makes these infographics?

>Romania is Africa tier
But it's true. Have you ever been in Ukraine?
>Who the fuck makes these infographics?
World Bank

I don't know fully how I feel about it, but I certainly wouldn't be satisfied with making $12,000 a year

>less people on extreme poverty that Japan, Sweden, Norway and Canada.

Yes it is Chad. This is the Istro-Romanian Med BVLL.

>In 2011 extreme poverty in the United States, meaning households living on less than $2 per day before government benefits, was double 1996 levels at 1.5 million households, including 2.8 million children.
>before government benefits
Ivan they arent working and the government is paying for them. You would die on $1.90 a day here unless it was a lie and you were actually selling drugs or robbing people.

>Hungary and Ukraine doesn't have them, but Romania is Africa tier. Who the fuck makes these infographics?
It's not counting benefits at least for us. No one could live on that little here. 1.90 would get you a brand x beverage and maybe 3 banas where I live.

It's relative poverty. Even the poor people have better standards of living than most in developing countries

Russia Has karma. After becoming communist they have high suicide rates, everyones poor (cause their country didnt build an economy and their soviet dollars were useless outside of their country) now despite what communist propaganda told them their people admire the west and their stuff. Lol

>people admire the west and their stuff
that stopped 4 years ago

>muh meritocracy
t. sales manager that could be replaced by robocaller tomorrow

the map is wrong btw

Get lost, I don't have any change for you.

>Russia bright green
Explain right this instant. Universal basic income? You guys aren't forward enough to have that shit! Don't try and convince me that Vladimir, and his drunk squatting friends make more than that.

Can't be poor if you literally die due to no social security


the data itself is not "wrong", it just happens to not be from the same period of time, for example in Japan the last year we have data is from 2014 and the corresponding figure was 0.2% (rounded) and indeed for the rest of the countries you mentioned the figure is 0% (rounded), is not a significant difference in the real world

I thought japanese are a rich, and that's why everyone want to go there.

Britpoors. lol Don't let your little girls be a child prostituers again please, Britain, becouse of poor.

Holy fuck! Did I suddenly get rich? Where's my money?

It's obviously bullshit, but bullshit is all that Russia has, so they are loving it.

Attached: Russia, the best country.png (1288x919, 1.04M)

Russians poors are dead from binge drinking.

Even these people gain more than you, imagine.

Did you lost your foodstamp sweetie?


Ah thanks for reminder, forgot to brush my teeth.

Nah, I’m just a proxy in Africa

What you said is right but some numbers are downright wrong. So I'm guessing, like you said, they've put down numbers corresponding to the last time the govt. did their census. Which is stupid because then you get maps like this which spread misinformation. Countries like Nigeria and Congo have higher than what the map shows and India has it much lower to state a few examples.

Very old and outdated result, check

>posting photos from the 90s
the absolute state of seething butthurtbelters

>>russia 0%
'Factual proofs' are literally one paint bucket away

Attached: swden.png (318x399, 60K)

>muh 90s

This is how most of the Russia looks. That's why your mummy and daddy took you away from there to turn you pidor in gayrope.

Attached: volga german.jpg (646x847, 123K)

>post-soviet Norilsk
>all of Russia looks like that
Keep seething irrelevant butthurtbelter lol

>Ctrl+f "niggers"
>0 results

Omsk in 2016. The 8th largest city of Russia -the Pearl of the Irtysh River.

More here:

Attached: omsk.jpg (1100x732, 290K)

$1.90 a day is far too low even in extremely poor nations. Realistically, the percentage of people earning below $8 a day should be the indicator when it comes to poverty.

Genuine Russian Soul (tm)

Attached: omsk.jpg (1100x732, 347K)

lol, imagine being this desperate

That's unironically meritocracy and it unironically leads to a richer society by driving down production costs and in turn driving down prices. But people lose their jobs so that's bad, right? Like how factories and tractors were bad because artisans and farmers werelosing their jobs?

Ironic that you're the one typing 'lol', while being the one everyone laughs at. Life's a funny thing.

Attached: russia street view.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

it took you half an hour to find a fitting street view? lol
imagine being this obsessed with an objectively superior country

Jow Forums is amusingly easy to bait, holy shit.

Why are Estonian posters so butthurt? Latvians and Lithuanians are cool.


Attached: hoohh.png (515x527, 273K)

That doesn't look so bad to me. People who make