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International #1024
Banter literally anyone
ITT: bant the flag above you in the form
Post ywf you see another poster from your cunt
/flag/ - /extraflags/
ITT: each Zoomer,Doomer,Boomer music in your country
All I really want is a smelly ugly balding short brown manboy with no chin who loves video games, anime...
Why are baltic countries gay for Estonia ?
What do you like about your country?
/v4/ + friends
Do you think shes a virgin?
ITT: post your ancestors and write "my ancestor :)" in your native tongue
Me on the right, my Jow Forums bf on the left
Denmark is based. French wolf and Danmark is cringe
Why do American "men" do this?
Norway wasn't wealthy before the oil/norway was poor before the oil
1) Your cunt
Japan always smile to the west
What are you listening to Jow Forums?
Bro stop making excuses, all you need to get a girl is to have a little confidence...
Why are high school girls so cute
What was Germany’s worst crime?
/urban/ + /architecture/
You wake up in Australia
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Name the country that you inexplicably love
What are rural girls like? I can’t stand city girls and their phony shit anymore
How exactly do hospitals not go bankrupt in Europe? Doctors, nurses, medical tests, medical equipment, drugs, etc...
Jow Forums discord when?
Hi guys. I'm drunk right now. Can you tell me something funny?
Asian girls wants big nose
What is tinder like where you live?
Athens should be the capital of the EU, not Brussels
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
We are poor because of communism
Do you like China?
1. Your country
What do French people eat every day?
A new smartphone came out, quick, buy it!
In its 25 years of service, from the early 1980s through the mid 2000s...
/sg/ - smoking general
Thoughts on this map
Anti-gay is anti-white. Anti-trans is anti-white. It is not about religion...
I never realised how small Russia is
Ireland hate thread? Ireland hate thread
Just imagine, Jow Forums
When will we federalise?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I am 165cm qt Japanese dude
Do you speak English better than Napoleon?
When i was in Japan, people called me for user-san!! It startled me at first cause i only thought they did it in anime...
What are Spanish women like?
International women's day? Don't care
Who is the most notorious serial killer/ mass murderer from your country?
Do you have mushroom hunting in your cunt?
Nngh what could have been
Wha would you want to do to estonians?
Ur cunt
How long until it collapses?
Autistic story
Based Italia joining the winning team
Kurva anyátok
/danmarktråden/ #4
This is fucking retarded. Chinks are fucking retarded
Why are American and European boomers so Russophobic? Like, the Cold War ended almost forty years ago...
Japanese Pornography or Complete Immortality?
/balk/ /blak/
Long straight black hair
Where did they go?
Has your cunt ever got apology from foreign one??
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What is the dirtiest part of your country?
Socialism sounds nice in theory but it doesn't work in practice
Why are americans like this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why we have to work?
What makes them so superior to everyone around them? And I don't mean "act superior"...
I fucking hate my gf
You europoors think Asian immigrants are better than your Arab Islamic ones but you are wrong most of these insects are...
Do you enjoy watching Korean films?
What is the biggest thing you can fit in your bum?
Tfw 1.62 m
Even after all that growth Chyna is still 4 times poorer than Japan
White family with more than a million subscribers on YouTube moves to Puerto Rico
Australia can you don't
The Awful German Language
Have you ever met an american?
I wish I was Russian
Do you have any American friends, Jow Forums?
Found out my mom reads sex stories, watches softcore porn on youtube and even looked for, wait for it...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What has led to American Whites being completely lacking in any cultural development?
What's the best place in Russia?
Imagine a world where 9/11 didn't happen. A world without these worthless retards
Brazilians be like
Redpill me on this country and its culture
Is it true that America used to be Germanic? Why doesn't it look like that anymore when I travel there?
Why don't Japanese people dress like this anymore...
How fucked am I?
Heads Up Seven Up
Every other flag has made me laugh out loud on this board, but no Indian poster has ever made me laugh...
All IP addresses belonging to the province of Québec must be permab& from the whole website and the quality will rise
Brazilians fuck cousins
Mfw a yuronigger calls me "dude" or "bro"
Do canadians really do this?
Latinas are the superior women. This is fact
Why are the Japanese so short?
Why would anybody willingly live in New York City?
What are ramifications of porn getting banned in Britain? Will other "developed" countries follow suit...
What is western Europe like? do you like Americans?
Why are catholicucks so butthurt all the time?
Billionaire diamond trader, 65, dies during penis enlargement surgery at private Paris clinic
What does it mean if a British/Australian girl calls you bruv?
Why don't burgers believe in high speed rail networks?
Can we bareback Latina trannies now bros?
Is Quebec part of Latin America?
I'm finnish
This is a common prank in Brazil
Remember this?
I'm willing to give 20k francs to whoever wants to travel here and put a bullet through my head
I just want a Québécoise gf
Why are Finns so fucking ugly?
1. your country
Marine historian Olav Bergersen believes that as many as 20/28 officers in the Royal Dano-Norwegian Army were Norwegian...
Portuguese are BLACK
Stop fucking siblings
My cat just got killed by car
This is a meal for 1 in america
I resent being born and fantasize about killing myself every day
What would you do If you were a Chinese Emperor with absolute power during Ming Dynasty?
This is a fact
Arguing with Brazillians
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals /deutsch/
Why do Americans want to keep this out?
Does your country have an e-thot epidemic?
Does the USA really have police officers and security checkpoints at schools?
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
Guess my cousins ethnicity
Portugal and spain are less then 1% non-latino white
I bought this beer from the little store downstairs. It’s really good! Post what you’re drinking...
How do you get a gf in your country
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Top 5 best posters
Spent years on Jow Forums thinking white obsession was just light banter to make fun of americans and some latin...
What's it like not being Nordic?
/luso/ - Fio l/u/sófono
1) you're flag
No italy what are you doing
Does your cunt have anti vaxxers? Are they based?
Do you hate Japan?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
East asians, asean and aussies are asleep
Let's play a game:
1-your cunt
Brazilians, explain yourselves
Finns larping as Siberian Mongols because they have no national identity on their own
Why is Germany so much more economically powerful than its neighbors despite being broken and beaten down several times?
/ita/ - il filo
There's a Turkish biker gang called "Osmanen Germania"...
Sverigetråden - Ingen politik
What are you doing with your life?
Age of Jow Forums
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Do brazilians really fuck their own sisters and moms...
Why does this flag trigger leftists, homosexuals, and immigrants in Germany?
Why would anyone live here voluntarily?
/danmarktråden/ #3
America is the main character of the world
Are finns really white?
Itt: images that scare americans
Your country
Why are greeks so deathly afraid of Turks?
Why are you guys rude to each other most of the time? tell me
Woah woah woah hold the (gramo)phone
My dream is missiles all over the Korea
Culture Pals /cp/ general
A shitload of Italians have surnames that mean ginger like Rossi/Russo yet I’ve never saw one in real life
Define "white"
International food
ITT: We post our country's police uniforms and vehicles
America has no cultur-
/alpenreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why are so many Europeans agains the idea of one single European country?
/fr/ - Le fil Français
/ita/ - il filo
/carib/ + island friends
1. You are a cunt
I impregnated a german girl
/balk/ - Balkan General
Why is Brazil allowed to exist? Subhuman...
/hax/ - Int Haxball thread
Average american poster
Wake up
Are Tennessean girls typically this cute?
How do you deal with loneliness?
Mmmmm do you eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in your cunt
Mashallah, brothers!
Turkish father
Has your country ever committed war crimes?
Why are they so ignorant?
Moscow and Istanbul are the largest cities in Europe
Why are the British and Irish so White?
Do you think Athens should become the capital of Europe?
Why yes we are British, how could you tell?
American "latino" told she has mainly spanish ancestry, says it's ok because spanish aren't white
/bayern/ manchmal /deutsch/ heut aber ned
/lat/ hilo latino
Why was the 5th century so based?
Why are they so racist against central americans?
Post an typical man and woman from your country
1)Youre cunt
Tell me about the swedish white trash and poor white people! How do they operate and what is the general...
How can one country be so great?
/ita/ - il filo
TV oopsie
He has an inner sense of superiority over normalfags just because he doesn't use social media
Be a good looking famous tall rich white Swede
Why didn't you convert yet?
Can I move to Italy to do unskilled work and eventually become a citizen? Or do they only take skilled immigrants?
/MeNa/ and /ARAB/
Feet from around the world
Your opinions on muslim posters?
Tfw no thot patrolling pure Yang Jing gf
American education
Real France
Paris disneyland
How concerned are you that these people will be your grandchildren's overlords?
Tfw understand the religion of your people is the most stupid, ludicrous...
I don't feel any influence on my own life, i can't take initiative, change habits and routine, don't have any purpose...
/deutsch/ pur
Merkel has been in power for almost 14 years
What does daily breakfast for the average person look like in your country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Why do people always ship Sweden and Finland together? Sweden and Norway are obviously the canon OTP
Do Asian Americans face more discrimination in the Midwest than other regions in America?
How you describe hot pepper taste in your language
These fuckers are rioting again
Mother had me when she was 21
I want Moot back
This is litteraly me
In this thread, americans tell us about our countries
Do South Koreans also do this in South Korea?
We'll send Democracy to Venezuela for the future of our societies, Socialist will disaperaed of the entire world!!!
/ita/ il filo
What is your favourite Video Game OST?
What are German women like?
Have to work 30 hours a day
This guy is the most handsome alive
Post where the stupid people in your country live
Azerbaijani grilles are ugly
Why can't these three countries get along? What is their problem?
I recently started bloodletting to remove the impure nonwhite blood from my body and cleanse my soul of evil...
/fr/ - le francofil
Guess what it is daily finland thread number 531
ITT: We laugh at Greece
I want to feel loved
I have been constantly feeling sick since months. I have a headache...
How does it feel to be French and not being born and live in the Only Relevant Region of Europe?
Gypsies are bad!
Confess your most obscure secret
Brazil's future is bright
Chinese vogue model
Women worldwide beauty
I want to live a clean, traditionalist life, but I cant escape my drug use and cross-dressing fetish...
What do hapa girls smell like
This is unironically the pinnacle of N*rdic art
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #2155
Do you like Italian music producers?
What's 8 hour work like in your country? Is it 9 to 5, or 9 to 6 with 1 hour lunch break in the middle?
You can move to finland or south korea...choose it wisely.... uwu
Why is america great?
What are your thoughts on Cajuns?
What are you listening to, Jow Forums?
Did you know that in Sweden it is common for men to have a longer ballsack than penis...
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - Städisupplagan
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your cunt
Hey Jow Forums...
This is the peak of gun making
How you taken the red pill and realized Eurasian union is inevitable in near future?
Slavs were a mistake
TFW you will never visit North Korea
Are Americans mentally ill?
How was you day Jow Forums?
Why is eastern asian architecture so aesthetic and comfy?
What could have been
he PAYS to watch movies
What positive contributions have polish people made to your country? for me is is polish sausages
Latin American FNAF Youtubers
Post your favorite building from your hometown
1. Your cunt
Did you know Norway not only has ONE language but THREE?
Thank god I wasn't born white and be balding by 18 and be haunted by acne all my life
Is it true that MEDS kidnap white children and raise them as their own ???
India superpower by 2020
Do americanos really do this?
Thank you, Italy, for pizza, pasta, and lasagna
Is America the best country for fat people? I love eating and I don't care about dying early...
/danmarktråden/ #2
Why only third world countries get hit by "natural disasters"?
What's the name of this language? Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin. Why not just call it Yugoslavian?
1. Country
We are at the same time bordering North Korea and Norway, when an understanding of this came to me...
According to Hungarians. Romanians have no relation to ancient Romans or Dacians. So where exactly did they come from...
Which is the most gay-friendly Nordic country...
What could have been
Why is the EU so great despite its flaws?
How strong is feminism in Spain...
Are they european or asiatic?
I eat breakfast
Slavic and Baltic languages have a common root with Scythians...
/ita/ il filo
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
I love Islam
Er det naturlig at Finland inngår i et nordisk samarbeid? Jeg har ingenting imot de, men synes ikke de er en av oss
This is why many people are interested in Japan, it is unique
Alright, I put a gun to your head and tell you you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning as either Chinese, Brazilian...
W*sterners killed millions for this
Felipe ask u in marriage, do u accept?
Is this what the average woman in australia and canada will look like in the future?
Is British telly really like this? Is it the only place with this kind of shows?
Do you believe in Darwin's theory of evolution?
A Vietnamese girl, 23 years old...
What`s your job?
Stabilizes the Middle East
Play online
How many languages does the average Estonian know, and what are they...
Free East Turkestan
Baldur's gate
What's with all the China shillbot/"China will take over the world, the West is doomed" threads on Jow Forums recently?
Does your country have a border fence?
Yes, my mother is alive
How curvy are women in your cunt??
How did Turks go from hairless Mongolians to the hairiest people on Earth?
Porn prez
Why do Asians do this
I'm American and I never tip when I go out to eat
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Question to non wh*Toids
Which of these girls did you like as a kid boomers?
Kurva anyátok
How come the rest of the world hates american food and makes fun of us for eating lots of it?
Why is Japan the only first world country in Asia?
ITT: Countries that should be united
/ᚱᚢᚾᛖ/ is dedicated to preserving Germanic forms of art and communication...
What would you guys say is the odds america goes to war with Venezuela
Do you like Japanese boys?
Rich Immigrants
You wake up in Melbourne, Australia
In your cunt
Why is China so good at building new roads and train lines and infrastructure while western nations fall behind?
Tfw 6'2 200lbs straight guy who has been lifting for 4 years
Tfw an apezillian replies in your thread and to (you)
TFW listening to a Nip or Taiwanese deparatetly trying to speak English
Hi int. Could you please tell me about my country
Arab women are literally the most perfect race of women
Tex or Mex?
I like almost every country on Earth except India
Ywn be french
Countries you unironically wish to become superpowers
Did you just say you don't like slavs immigranting to your country? If you did we are going to beat you up
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
What's the stereotypical name of someone who'd go on a spree killing/mass shooting in your country...
I'm dating a girl from Spain that I met at my college. I'll meet her parents this upcoming Christmas...
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
Barber fucked my hair again :(
Brazilian/latin girls actually love being man handled and fucked hard like this. can you believe that
Opinion on Venezuelans?
/fr/ - le francofil
How can we stop Anti-vaxxers?
She looks like she___
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
99.999% of kpop has the same ideal face becouse they do plastic surgery with the same beauty standerd on it
I am half-Armenian, half-Russian
Is it true that Germanic and Celtic people lived in mud huts until they were conquered and civilized by Med BVLLS?
/nachtschicht/ #2
If unruly children were treated the same in the west as in china would youth crime decrease?
What do Japs think of Arabs?
/lat/ - hilo latino x hilo hispano /hisp/
Heritage Thread
You wake up in Norilsk
You wake up in Buenos Aires, Argentina
*stares at you in Italian*
How do you approach cute women in your cunt
I know China and South Korea hate Japan, and Japan hates China and South Korea...
How long can you stay in the sunlight, before this happens to you?
Ur cunt
Is there a worse fate than being latin amerilard?
No French mommy GF to look after your health
He should not be deported back to MEXICO
I'm not trying to troll here but is this sort of thing common in Japan...
Jap cheates on his white gf and she starts crying
Your country
Ocasio-cortez 2024
1. your cunt
Spanish people look like this even with a white dutch mother, what the fuck
Is the EU to blame for greece becoming a failed state?
Post your country’s final boss
Cum to Germany
What makes their posting so obnoxious? Are they like that IRL too...
1. Your country
Wake up
Why white americans have such punchable face?
Care to explain, britain?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
/luso/ - o fio do "orash poish, gajo"
While Nordics were making these
Post a castle from the town where you live
Ask a drunk Kurd anything
Holy fuck... americans...are you guys ok?
1. Your cunt
You wake up in Venice
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
Post America
Only ANGLOS can post in this thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
It's carnival in switzerland
Mexican porn consumption
There is plenty of space for immigrants in Scandinavia
Do you have Latinxs in your country? What are they like? And why do Americans complain about them all the time?
What do you think it’s like dating a pornstar ?
/deutsch/ pur
Demand for American Sperm Is Skyrocketing in Brazil
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
Do girls in your country like american guys?
Wtf user, do you really say Asians are like insects online?
I just physically assaulted my mother in a quarrel two days before International Women's Day
Are there girls on this board?
Countries as people
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Which of these languages Finnish reminds you of the most:
Why do muslims want us to feel bad about this? They treat their minorities just as bad, if not worse
White niggers have the same behavior as niggers
Finland Is Still the World’s Best Kept Secret
UK has alot of Indian and African immigrants because they colonized them
Ywn wake up within the relevant area of europe
Noooooooo you can't just base your arguments on nothing but offensive stereeotypes and other logical fallacies!...
Why are Americans so fat?
/ita/ - il filo
Post your countrys (or citys, if you live in a big country)'s biggest airport and how many passengers it had last year
A guy in my city stabbed 25 people with HIV infected needles during the carnaval
Which are your favorite wall graffiti from Pompeii?
Tons of cute Iranian and Indian girls where I’m from
What would England have looked like if Harald III Hardrada had won the battle of Stamford Bridge...
Finnish woman 'objectified' by Kiwi farmers no longer coming to NZ
North and South Europeans, do you see yourself as "Nordic" or "Mediterranean"?
Post unappealing pictures of your country
I could kick everyone's ass here. I'm a brazilian jujitsu master...
I am mexican ,and my dream, is to make white girls preagnant
Young(15-29) Finnish males are the happiest people in the world
Sverigetråden - Opolitiska upplagan
Should we be allowed to edit the genes of our unborn children?
The eu stopped war in europe
What are you listening right now?
Asian pussy is literally - LITERALLY - made for white dick
Stockholm women will actually FUCK this
/MeNa/ and /ARAB/
This is the final solution
Are we the bad guys of history?
Our country beats your country by every metric that matters. Norway is truly the greatest nation to live in on earth...
Turkish women daily thread
On a mirror I am ugly but on a picture I am handsome
Considered England to be the only civilized country
/carib/ + island friends
Your average "Do Americans really do ____" poster
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Can someone explain spic architecture to me?
Do you want to find love Peru?
/v4/ + friends
Did your mother have a nice ass while she was a teen Jow Forums?
My lifetime dream is to open a kebab shop in northern europe
Daily reminder that these whores had it coming and women don't deserve respect
Japanese sounds so much better than Chinese and Korean
Could I pass as a local in your cunt?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
You have to sex with only one of girl from this two forever. And you can’t sex other girl anymore
For me it's Triss
2019: Russia is crime-free
Do you have social anxiety?
Greeks are the white's race last hope against subhumans...
Daily reminder to Muslims and their supporters that you will never destroy the West because even when Europe falls to...
I give up trying to get laid. I don't need roastie toastie in my life to be happy
Did you know that Finland has based music?
Do you smoke? Why?
1. Your country?
KC Jow Forums is dead
US States Renamed for Countries with Similar GDPs
American manikins
Mfw denying a congolumbian a visa
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
The natural borders of Germany
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Have you ever been beaten by your father?
Why do first worldeds have this smell, is almost like an aura...
What are the suicide stats like in your cunt?
Do Floridamen really do this?
Why do everyone in the world hates us?
Post first thing that comes to your mind when someone says Lebanon
The world is abandoning degenerate capitalism for BASED communism. How do mutts feel about this?
What was the reaction to this in Russia?
Why are there no great ethnic polish scientists?
Why do white people from the first world comes to thirld world nations, do stupid shit that usually gets you killed...
It kinda feels bad that there are no land left on Earth to discover and explore
What's the most useful language in your country apart from English and the native one?
/Hamburg/, auch /deutsch/
No wonder muslim men are fleeing their own countries
Why does French have to be so fucking difficult?
Daily reminder that saiyans are slavs...
You heard it? Americans did it again
You wake up in 2100
Dutch "language"
Brazilian president Bolsonaro asks on Twitter: What's a golden shower?
When will be frens :__;
How do you call this in your country?
Learning languages is hard
Does your country have these?
No, this flag is not Finnish. no, they can't have it
What are your views on prenatal screening?
Why is southern Germany so rich?
See Muslim Arab thread
I seriously cannot handle the autism on this board
Anything that isn't red is irrelevant
What? don't you have insta? wtf user... what are you even doing with your life??
Thank you for making a Wonderful Korean drama. Netflix
Sverigetråden - Onsdagsupplagan
1. Country
You support our right to self-determination and our right to finn-extermination, right Jow Forums?
This confuses and enrages the american
Culture Pals /cp/ general
R8 my gfs
Could she pass as a local in your cunt?
What do italians think of american pizza?
You might not like it but this is what cultural victory looks like
1. Your cunt
When did you first realize India is full of shit?
German mother
1. country
When you post in other languages do you talk shit about anglos?
I would like to thank Israel for contributing hummus to humanity
Do people in your country use these to make coffee?
/MeNa/ and /ARAB/
Anyone from Finland or that went to the any of the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Finland can tell me their...
What do you call faggots in your language?
Why do hill folk feel the need to wash their hands after going to the toilet?
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are just weeks away from welcoming their first child together
Do angloids really walk around with shit crusted assholes?
Imagine going outside and having to breathe air that's literally more unhealthy than cigarette smoke
Ugh what could have been
Anyone else super gay, into crossdressing, frotting and all, but dislikes trannies?
What explains this phenomenon
These countries should form their own union and separate from the EU
Perfect Europe
The 2004 Madrid train bombings
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Imagine liking skinny girls
What do people do for fun in your country
What does Jow Forums think about latAm?
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
The absolute state of Warsaw
/tex mex/ ehemals /deutsch/
Give me 3 reasons to go to your country and 5 reasons not too
"Oh my god, WHAT did you just say to me in that sexy accent of yours?"
What do you want most in your life?
Don't in Russia
A proud and masculine country
1. Your cunt
Are White people able to distinguish Jews and Whites simply by their appearance without knowing the religious...
/fr/ - le francofil
Educate me on the ancient Finns and where the Finns came from
1. Your cunt
Where do these Iberian looking Brits come from? I tought they were supposed to be w*Toids??
Would you like to visit the Irish countryside?
It might surprise some of you, but despite my flag I'm a pretty cool guy
Sverigetråden - Sorgliga upplagan
/ita/ il filo
/sag/-South Asia general
I just caught this lad in my house (already released him outside)
Why are asian women like this?
/anime/ früher /deutsch/
Carlos Ghosn: Ex-Nissan chief leaves Japanese jail after months behind bars
But what if the child consents?
I can't sleep
Is it true that English is the only language that pronounce the "s" sound in "Paris"?
Why is he so popular in other countries?
Make a thread about russia
A Turkish woman can easily kick 5 white boys' asses
Poland should apologize for their death camps
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
Is this map accurate enough?
Why do Koreans have afros? Are they black?
Why should virgins be allowed to exist? They will never reproduce in their lifetimes...
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Why is it so hard for people to accept this is what the ancient Egyptians looked like?
Ur cunt
I drink alcohol
Why didn't Irish people eat fish during the great potato famine...
I’m reading about us history in border states in the early 1800s...
Are you in bed right now
We should all be frens
Post comfy spots you like where you live
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Can you guess what it is?
1. cunt
Foreigners think Indian accent is "funny" and "comical"
Can someone dump their amerimutt meme folder?I love this gremlin
Canada is a Chinese colony
That one Brazilian poster obsessed with wanting to insult India and Indians, making threads about India all the time
This is average family in Finland
Why are Australians the most hated posters but New Zealanders are the most beloved?
1. flag
Eesti is the most oppressed country in the world
Is becoming a lawyer impossible and over saturated in your country too?
English Girls Wearing 'Hijab' 100 Years Ago
Kurva anyátok
Dear Japan
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #2154
Yet another indian scammer has called me multiple days in a row
Ameripoors btfo
Who should rule this land?
My father is Russian
Do you ever go on vacation to the United States?
Have you ever worked in a factory or an industrial facility, Jow Forums? How was it?
Man i sure miss the earlies 2000s when nobody gave a fuck about politics
Facts of Language Learning
You speak at least two languages, right?
Be me, American
Why is Jow Forums obsessed with bellies? Here's mine btw
Why doe everyone get so triggered by the CASTIZOBVLL
How long did it take you to realize other countries have different decks than your traditional cards deck...
Guess correctly how she died and win a prize
I'm a mothafuckin' schemer boy, I'm a dreamer boy
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
I wish I was born in Eastern Europe/ Russia
Whats your favourite pokemon Jow Forums?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Yeah, I'm voting for YANG in 2020. How did you guess?
Homosexual promotion
Porn on twitter
What is your bone pressed and non bone pressed length?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship