1. cunt
2. how stressed out are you right now?
Not really, but kinda stressing out on financial problems. I'm only 21 and already RM30, 000 in debt now. Need to settle 10% of that by next week
1. cunt
2. how stressed out are you right now?
Not really, but kinda stressing out on financial problems. I'm only 21 and already RM30, 000 in debt now. Need to settle 10% of that by next week
also 21, my parents are covering most of my debts so i dont really give a shit, almost finishing an useless degree and ill probably buy a new bike and fuck around with some whores for a year or so before deciding what to do
>RM30, 000 in debt now
where the whores worth it or did you spend it on something else?
What the fuck is RM300000? Are you being chased by a robot...
going to new job in 15 mins
Its 11 pm though how the fuck are you going to a job interview at this time of night
>22 years old
>hair falling out
>likely to be completely bald by 25
a...at least I have money...
Fucking retard, its 10 pm.
19 finishing up some courses i didnt take in highschool
maybe gonna go to university
mom hates my guts, tells me im worthless, dad helps me out, is teaching me to get a drivers license, says to take the time i need
its alright
Around RM15, 000 to the government
Around RM20, 000 to my parents
The rest all spread out between friends and my commitments
I guess, its not really debt in a sense, just things I need to pay asap
lucky you, I agree 21 is still young got loads of time for it all
>fullstack dev, working on TPS for hotel
>deadline is 15th march
>waste all my 2 mo of development time browsing this shithole
Nope. Every close in my house says 11:09 pm right now. Fix your shit dude
If you have money then go consult a dermatologist and go hop on minoxidil and finasteride treatment
How much a fullstack developer makes?
Still entry level, Rp 8 mil, that's around $500, I think.
Gas station user here
>working 100+ hours a pay period doing 2300-0700
>get paid bi-weekly
>check are late to the point I usually get my previous check 2 days before the next period is up
>have to kick out the homeless and call the cops on them for work
>get off work and go sleep in a park
>other homeless are there
>they yell at me and steal my shit for getting their friend's jailed
>wake up in my cardboard box fort to a text from my boss saying that I'm being cut from the schedule for Wednesday
>still can't forget that guys face that stepped in front of the bus
>Might buy a broken moped and fix it up
>gonna have to get a storage unit to fix it in and store it
>checked my credit score yesterday and it's literally 4
I've been dealing with shit like this for so long that this feels regular
I miss video games
what the fuck man
hope you can bounce back up
Try heroin idk
>i miss videogames
I know the feel bro. Hang in there, somehow
10k a month
underrated post
Are you homeless rn?
Why not go to a shelter?
no money
no education
no job
no friends
no future except kys
no worries
A little. I am in debt after dropping out from a meme-study (gamedev). Going to get a job soon, work my way out of it and hopefully find something that actually interests me in a few years and get back into uni.
Im just worried about where my career is growing, i'm consumed with feelings of impostor syndrome and i'm not sure if i'll ever find another girl i love and who loves me.
I also can't see the point in my self developmental hobbies.
I have 300 000 NOK debt (40K Euro) in student loans and I started two degrees I never even finished a semester in.
Pretty good. I'm 27, the hard part of my life is over, and from now it's smooth sailing, statistically until an early grave.
Good job, hope everything works out for ya
>no money
>no job
Are you homeless? Living with your parents?
>no education
You're only 27, it is not too late for that yet. I had plenty of classmates older than my teachers.
>no friends
Didn't you have any in your past you could contact again?
You should take a break from this place. If you have no life outside of it, it will only drag you further down.
If it is too difficult for you, move to boards that can be somewhat helpful for your life (Jow Forumsand /lit/ helped me a lot).
Pick up hobbies you enjoyed in the past, find some new ones.
Most important of all, get a job.
Don't throw your life away, Sven. Have some faith in yourself and don't give up.
it was a shift not an interview you stupid idiot
and it was worse than the same job i had before in basically every way but in a new city
let it die
Hey, i though government pays you tens of thousands just for you to study?