
imagine being a 26 year old virgin haha good thing there's no one that pathetic in this thread h-haha edition

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Watching a medical drama and a woman said "so you're saying I gave my baby cancer?" and I couldn't stop laughing.

Absurdly unfortunate things are just funny sometimes


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I'm getting there....

It is pretty funny I think
I would have laughed if a patient said that to me desu

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dude let's just have sex lol
but we go to a church and confess later and never do it again mkay

New match looks......odd

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Yanks being circumcised is so weird, it’s such a 3rd world country thing to do.

is there any website for porn where its only white blokes fucking ladies? sick of searching for something and having to sift throuh all the black dicks to find something suitable


It's just a nervous reaction. I once got in trouble at work because I received an email that the company was to be sued and I couldn't stop smiling. Boss didn't like that one bit.

knee looks like a baby's face

Looks better in this pic I guess

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built for intercourse

Her knees are something

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Do blowjobs count as losing your virginity?

Why not just search "white guy" in the porn searchbar then, should work out for ya, shouldn't it

How can I show off my muscles on tinder without looking like a dick head?


built for bollock busting


stop engaging in sodomy

No, sorry lad

do charity things shirtless

stop watching porn

oh no! i'm a virgin!
i better go fuck a prostitute just so i can tell my internet friends that i'm not a virgin

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people dont put white guy in the tags

feel 'cide is on the cards for thee

Le epic may may

oh no! i'm a virgin with a cat pic folder!
i better post on Jow Forums every day about being pathetic

You're still a virgin until you've shagged 1000 times minimum. It sorts out the prostitute problem and really one night stands after a night out or something isn't proper shagging anyway

this guy is mboko btw


she looks like turtle but bigger

Hahah state of this little bitch

emu war

listening to Smack My Bitch Up by the Prodigy and stealthily crouching and creeping around my front room pretending that I am an elite hacker and martial arts expert infiltrating a large Tokyo data centre when the guards catch on to my presence and I have to fight my way out using my martial arts and parkour skills

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not really, no. counts as half.

Leftypol takes a different tone when it's not someone suspiciously stubbly in a dress crying in front of the camera, isn't that right

But Tommy Robinson is a Zionist so fuck him anyway

download ghidra and put it on your computer screen to feel 1337

was in a coffee shop reading a book and some black guy sat next to me talking really loudly on his phone
when I was done and walked away he was off his phone and his mates took my seat

life isn't fair

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Bjs are better than sex

fuck off none of you are virgins I'm the only virgin here you normie cunts

No idea. Leftypol are little bitches too.

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its only pathethic if you take having been laid or having gf as a primary factor in living

*smibbles your bibble*

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I was still playing Lego when I was 13. what the hell happened

when i was driving home last night a public transit bus stopped and i drove around it as soon as i realized it was making a stop. the guy behind me honked his horn, but then followed me. and then as i turned off he honked his horn again. the only thing i can figure is i didn't go around the bus soon enough for his liking. bizzare


Báilame como si fuera la última vez
Y enséñame ese pasito que no se
Un besito bien suavecito bebe
Taki taki taki taki rumba

catholics use this to say public school is worse about raping children than they are. genuinely. they don't make a distinction between hot female school teachers and gay old priests

if you read these stories a common theme emerges: when it's a fit female teacher the relationship only ever stops when the lad's mum or caretaker somehow finds out (normally through his phone, electronic communications or him being out at weird hours or a friend ratting him out)

there are never any cases of 13-15 year old lads suddenly coming clean about being allowed to nut balls deep in their qt nonce teachers on the reg

In the eyes of a god those would be minute differences

this, and i remember seeing a comprehensive peer-reviewed study that confirmed that something like 80% of grade school pedophile teachers are women

27, get on my level.

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>men stop being teachers because of constant accusations of alleged sexual relationships with young girls
>mfw i see this shit

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name on emmett

one would make the victim more likely to make him kill himself from shame. also, in the Pennsylvania case, the priests bound nude young boys to the cross while abusing them. if that can be interpreted as defaming the holy spirit, that would be an eternal sin and there would be no forgiveness waiting for them

BRO why didnt this happen to me
This probably way more common than people think

men stopped being teachers because the pay is low. women don't make career decisions based on how much they make

Considering extracting dmt using one of those guides online. All the materials are legal, and I've been curious about dmt for a while now. Any of you lot had any experience?

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>women don't make career decisions based on how much they make

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Come again?

its always wahmmen who ruin the fun lol,
but pedophiles get the rope

they don't. that's why they earn less

god I wish I was a hot woman born to a rich father

i thought birds liked dominant men. hard to get dominated by a little boy

Ahh yes, global Britain.

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I bet Emma Watson’s bumhole smells like sweat and poo.

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He's a little Chad, reminds her of the real Chad who never gave her a dicking back when she was a student.


>I will accept all follow requests soon busy right now

Lol oh my word life is different for women

How retarded is that woman to actually give the kid her number? If the only evidence is those texts and the accusations of the kids parents she couldve gotten away with it. Without the text its one person's word against anothers

That said I know nothing about the case so there may be other evidence

Is this why they shart in mart?

why is it so hard to find nice cheap black skinny jeans lads?

dear emma yank

emma watsons boyfriend is a chad millionaire entrepreneur, do you think you can handle him?

It's her instagram not number I think
She 'abused' him more than 100 times apparently

Just buy some online

He looks like a ripped Moot

the virgin headphones
the chad sound system

well americas population is like 5 or 6 times that of the UK


good god I want to be abused too

reckon the people involved in the arrest were btfo'd roasties

wish she'd abuse me

>per hundred people

Your mum should have a pair from when I was last over lad, you can have them. Me and your mum arent on good terms anymore after I came in her and didn't pay for the morning after

Where the fuck were all these teachers when I was at school
I still don’t get it though what dose a 13 year old have to offer?

only if she swallows

oh man can you imagine getting cheated on with a 13 year old? how could you ever recover


I've got a little secret for ya

tried to join the deanos in their discussion of last nights footy but I pronounced one of the players name wrong so now they’re all bantering me aha

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>come home
>post on Jow Forums
every single day
what am i doing here? what the hell are we doing here?

this isn't right

full day of unitoil ahead of me lads
be back in a few hours, then i'll have to leave again for afternoon class

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