Anything that isn't red is irrelevant

Don't visit those Regions, they are boring. Only visit Red Regions.

Attached: 1551880057487.png (1200x1153, 146K)

Administration militaire de la Belgique et du Nord de la France Free Corsica La Grande Débâcle The
Vichy France Regime of 1940 Occupation Allemande Collaboration The Vichy France Vel' d'Hiv
Roundup Camp d'internement de Drancy The Révolution Nationale Milice Française Guerre d’Algérie
The Parisian Massacre of October 17th 1961 Maurice Papon The Catholic and Royal Vendean Army
Mouvement Civitas Action Française Independance of Corsica Royalistes The Brittany Republic
Attentats Bretons Célestin Lainé Nationalisme Breton Gwenn ha Du Division Charlemagne État
Français Pierre Laval The Basque Autonomous Region Légion des volontaires français contre le
bolchevisme Zone Occupé Parti populaire français Rassemblement national populaire vichystes
Entrevue de Montoire Wagon de l’Armistice Lois sur le statut des Juifs du régime de Vichy
Collaborationnisme Philipe Pétain Mouvement social révolutionnaire


Congrats asshole, my Internet got temporarily cut because of your copypasta

Attached: fuck you.jpg (1920x1046, 133K)


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Attached: Flag.bearer.France.png (2876x2300, 591K)

This is accurate

Terrible map, and I'm from one of the red regions.

LOL is that real?


Attached: 1551724988519.jpg (474x570, 36K)

Been to all three.
>leaving out Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire
Fake and gay.

There's more than three tho

What areas say this?

Four, been to all four then.
Happy now?

Attached: chocolatine.png (630x607, 378K)

You dumb or something?

>c*lais and al*sce
It seems like subhumans think alike

>croissant au chocolat

The cancer that is killing France

Most people unironically say that here lmao


When are you niggers going to update this? Half those provinces don't even exist anymore.

Attached: map.jpg (1199x599, 70K)

this and it triggers me

That's because these two regions are populated by Germanic untermensch. Wish we could ethnically replace them.

My CELTIC brother


don't be racist dude, it's ok to be white

I will visit Brittany one day

Attached: 1551299851054.png (2910x4099, 1.27M)

subhuman magrebis > nordistes
doesn't make you less subhuman though

Pretty based post, how are you so knowledgeable about regional differences in France ?

>says the subhumutt
don't talk to me when your mouth is full of industrial garbage, or maybe is that tyrone's cock?

>cette carte
my entire life is a life, I thought chocolatine was an haut de France/picardie/walloon thing, not gascon

I go to France every summer, never been more west than auvergne though

I ain't no yank you arab fuck

it's ok to be a turbo race mixing son, Muttong DeMuttmann al Mutti, no child chooses his parents or his skin color, but Ddon't project your own frustration on me

I am not american though, I'd rather kill myself than be one.

again, it's ok to be american




accept your multiethnic self, it's no big deal, but improve yourself

I am not though.
Are you magrebis that dumb?

you can repeat lies for hours and hours, it won't make them true, amriki

Callate ya de una puta vez moro de mierda


you're american

ferme ta gueule gabacho

calla moro


Attached: (you).jpg (601x508, 31K)

Viens ici Pierre, J'te vais niquer comme je nique les frasayses qui viennent a zarautz en ete.

Attached: 800px-Toison_d’Or_le_Roi_de-Castille.jpg (800x1226, 217K)