/ᚱᚢᚾᛖ/ is dedicated to preserving Germanic forms of art and communication...

/ᚱᚢᚾᛖ/ is dedicated to preserving Germanic forms of art and communication. Communicating by petroglyph in this thread is encouraged.

The mods were jealous of our cultural heritage so the last thread got deleted.

Attached: ancestral_runeposting.png (1020x1078, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigger pls.

8===D ( * )

Die snowniggers

>it’s another “we wuz ancient ‘n shit” threat

Attached: E492BF81-0636-4727-B198-1FF92AE1C5C8.jpg (600x600, 102K)

well, related by not that closely

Beszelsz magyarul?

What are you trying to say?

Attached: bronze-age-petroglyph-of-a-man-in-aroused-condition-tanum-bohusln-E638TE.jpg (1300x956, 429K)

ᚹᛖᛋ ᚻᚪᛚ
ᚻᚢ ᚷᚫᚦ ᚻᛁᛏ ᚦᛖ?

Magyar vagyok okostojás.

That traps are not gay.

Attached: felipemirror.webm (640x1136, 1.11M)


can you fuck off? you're the most annoying poster on this entire site

I just wanna say that as a sandnigger on vacation and who has traveled all around the world that the nordics were the only cool white people with their own culture and all. Rest did not have their own culture and are ugly.
Come to think of it, all the other whites copied the based nordics. Example: hitler, who was like other germans and dutch and austrians short swarthy and ugly.
Best europeans are nordics and nordics alone.

Attached: boifu.webm (852x480, 1.8M)

>Germanic forms of communication
*digs hole*
*shits on floor*
*fingerpaints crude drawings of children being raped then eaten by wolves*
ᚫᚱᛒᛖᛁᛏ ᛗᚫᛍᚺᛏ ᚠᚱᛖᛁ

Griitings trüe fränds. Hå äi æmm schwoll tüdäy.

Attached: 0_QpvTkuqs7ePwqdZ-.jpg (1200x675, 110K)

Olje meg magat kibaszott szubhuman

Ig mår wel. kunn dji mitt mǫl? Siouv dǫ, Ukið mår lell?

Attached: tşirulin_mannfuok.png (332x528, 10K)

*Öldd meg magad buzi.
When you tell someone to kill himself you don't use the polite form reserved for people with status over you.

Interesting, bold are Turkic and thin are Viking letters.

Attached: runik-yazı_191881_m.jpg (568x381, 77K)

The wikipedia article on old turkic script suggests influence from china. The closest common ancestor is also a common ancestor for all scripts in use today. Similarities are still not strange, since the norse were in contact with the Byzantines as well as the Goths. Runes were influenced by Gothic, which was later influenced by Runes. The Goths were likely in contact with some Turkic people. They went quite far east.

Attached: rBQszYQ.png (4037x2174, 377K)

Imagin kneeing someone in the balls but then you knee yourself in the same process