Is British telly really like this? Is it the only place with this kind of shows?

Is British telly really like this? Is it the only place with this kind of shows?

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shes literally built like an orangutan

she's perfect for your dumb ape brain

>hagfags will defend this

literally disgusting

t. overweight lard-ass

I would still

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I would

qt, english rose desu

Anyone who says they wouldn't is a virgin

Naked attraction is the cess out of television. Probably invented by one of your countrymen.

Anyone attracted to that aged gelatinous cube may as well be a faget because there is nothing feminine about her.

Ah yes and the virgins start crawling out the woodwork

The funniest one was when the last 2 was a fat chick with blur hair and piercings and the other was a literal model, probably there for exposure. And the guy had to pretend he was making a really difficult decision

It was created by this guy
Face it, Anglos are just filthy degenerates

>big shapely tits
>wide hips
>perefect skin with no blemishes or stretch marks

what's not to love

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source? name?

Naked Attraction, season 4, episode 1

Attached: p.png (1282x720, 1.96M)

An user from /fa/ went on it

Hahahahahaha oh nononono


Did she choose the nigger?

>a literal fertility goddess incarnate
>nothing feminine about her

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he looks like a paki or pajeet. definitely not BLACK

>the absolute state of britain

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>there is nothing feminine about her
user I...

Nope, the white "male"

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a real life indian, so much for racism do none of you really not know how they look like

some kind of poo in the loo

that's kind of sad desu

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What am I actually looking at?

No, for real.

You have to go back Prajeet.

more like watermelon tbph

>your only choices are a tranny and a poo
>wat do?

a trans ftm
her breast have been surgically removed
she's actually not that bad looking. She has a cute face

the absolute state of western civilization

>guys on the show get to pick between a bunch of naked ladies
dang dude can I get one im not picky

now this is podracing

I would rather suck the poo poo dick

The male contender had better choices

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Why don't he get an erection, is he a faggot?

peak female performance

t. faggot lover

that guy is better looking than both of those women though

Poor lad he is really good looking
At least girl in OP was ugly and fat

you can see there bobs and vagene, and his pee pee :O

brexit now

This is Kali Yuga

Fun fact they once had a tranny special

It reminds me to that australian comedian that was molested as a child,i don't remember her name.

why the fuck is everybody so tan

What the fuck is wrong with this world

>great men fought and died for this

english slags spend their welfare money on fake tans, fake hair and nails. they're like fucking gross guidos from jersey shore but with even more grating accents

why does it look like they cut her tits off with a weed whacker? is that the best they could do?


island nation, no access to modern technology

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Somebody post that blacked episode where the black guy chose among ten white pussy.

Maybe being on telly gives him performance issues

The proverbial slampig


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It's semi

She's good looking for a fattie. Can't see any stretch marks, big tits, nice smile, not fat enough for any weird fat deposits... If you don't think she's pretty good looking you're probably a Virgin. That said fat people are gross in general.

If she lost 5 or 10 pounds as well as the fat on her neck she'd be the ideal gf.

i like how this is a thing alongside right wingers whining about great britstain becoming islamic

She has that hunched-over, arms hanging with palms facing backwards look that fat girls get because they look even bigger when they straighten up, very unattractive.

How come her tits sag so much?


because they're heavy with all the milk she's storing in them. be a dear and suck her dry, will you?

i wish i hadn't learned English
i wish i kept my vision of westerners as equal adversaries
how are these pieces of shit allowed on my earth
does the rabbit hole have a bottom

we need another great war to knock some sense into people

Do people find women with saggy tits sexy?

Get back to the cuckshed so Ayatollah Khamenei can fuck your hijab'd wife Ali.

i played as iraq in hoi4 and since it was a good game my opinion of iraq irl is improved
great country you have

yes, compared to some third world country a tv show with naked people is pretty light

i find women with full and rounded tits sexy, whether they're a little saggy or not doesn't matter

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yes. naked atteraction us great. my israeli friend snd i were at our brirish friends house over the winter and goggle box was showing the queen one minute and this the next. it was awkward

>region of the world that still executes people for sorcery and cuts off women's clitorises
Stones, stones in a glass house.

What's their problem?
Men are stabbing random people.
Women are naked cam whores.
The country itself is destroying itself.

is it a good game
i imagine not since iraq is geopoliticaly fucked for an imperialism simulator
>that still executes people for sorcery
not really a thing and never was
>and cuts off women's clitorises
only kurds do it, idk how and why they adopted it since it's an african costume from egypt


Yes, Britain is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. When I go outside I see babies starving, homes on fire, butchery in the streets, and everybody ignores it and treats it casually. People live in ruined buildings and in absolute poverty. Corrupt authoritarian government forces send death squads through neighborhoods to execute dissenters. Mafia gangs run a vast portion of the country

Truly is the end times in Britain

>Truly is the end times in Britain
No, the end times were WWII. You lost and now you're descending into hell.

Don't be so arrogant,they just have to send drones to bomb your country and nothing else

The definition of a slam pig

A eunuch and a paki. This is peak britain.

>lack of penis confirmed
>thai flag is dismayed


Attached: UK_Blacked.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

>only one bush



this is unironically a good show, shows the beauty of non perfect bodies and how its actually normal to not be a supermodel
even that fat chick looks pretty decent

This. I'm black and I love fat white chicks

Would bang

based blackhans

she is fucking hot