European excursion edition
European excursion edition
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1nd for Natalie Portman
kek all of those russian meme divisions
the eternal bugar once again playing 3 sides and getting fucked by all 3
Gib back Kosovo, it is legitimate Romanian clay.
She has no ass
why do bulgarians use bananas and cucumbers as currency?
Beats using camsite tokens.
doesn't beat sandwiches though
It can't beat it because in our case, this was proved fake news.
What's not fake news is how many Romanian whores sell their asses for tokens lmao
I always felt Romania shouldn't exist
Taking in fact all of their lands are other people's clays (see Bulgarian, Russian or Hungarian), your conclusions are correct.
There is a patch in a mamaliga field by the Carpathian mountains that is quintessentially Romanian.
Jej all this hate,
we sure do something right
My poor brainwashed frate, it's so sad you speak a non Latin language
everything is fake news in greece, including the fact that you'll become bulgaria-tier in a few years, delusional balkhuman
>you'll never understand this
Why live?
Everything is fine fake apart from the gypsiness of ROMAnia lol
>Romanians are cringeposting again
This gen is dead
Only we post quality things
Yeah bro, I listen to Serbian turbofolk
Roma is the capital of Italy btw
Elena ur stupid
Nah bro, you just post pictures of roasties in national costumes and spread Jow Forums-tier retardation.
What a nice exemplar of a Thracian from Turkey
Tracings like him built the Ottoman empire
And ofc janissaries who were also Thracians
And you describe what I do and complain
Few mistakes but meh
I don't want to sound like a savage, but I really want to curbstomp women who do these cringy larps in their silly costumes.
Are you ok now laszlo?
What do your prefer, larping in traditional clothing or people to start larp as "waifus" or "anime characters" in public?
I'll take the first
Fucking shitalians, they stole Greece culture
You take the banter well I see
Eh kinda shit, I gotta work all day but I'm really sleepy. Wbu?
>people are either weebs or muh trad Aryan waifus
Please leave your basement sometimes, you absolute cringelord.
Лeтoвo идaм y бyгapcкa и нe ce вpaќaм бeз бapeм eднo мoмичe нaзaд.
Кpaј, жeнaм бyгapкa.
Balkan or Hungarian traditional clothing (which I posted) isn't "aryan dressing" you moronic cuck, never call me a Jow Forumstard again
we wuz survived through ottoman rule (which wasn't really that bad if you read a little bit of history (which most poledditors will never do))
we will survive anything, even this demographic armageddon (according to poopulists) which is already stabilizing
I don't care, it's the kind of stuff that reactionaries drool over so fuck that. And I said Aryan because this Romanian Gyppo keeps posting Aryan women even though actual Romanians look nothing like that, which is really pathetic considering he's supposedly a nationalist.
I don't need any reactionary's approval to appreciate my native and neighbouring culture over some cringy forced Internet one, to be honest.
Btw sorry for being rude in that post, I thought I was replying to the Romanian guy. He posts that shit obsessively here and on Jow Forums.
Np bro
Fucking Jow Forumstards, how can they fucking be so dense and edgy all the time, fucking cesspit of a board
the uneducated mind easily falls prey to poopulistic fearmongering
couple that with an environment of parental mistrust while growing up, and exposure to low-IQ subhumans in one's habitat
and you have yourself a nationalist conspiratard in the making
Just visited the place, why has Drumpf been replaced by some Ying guy?
Its uneasy seeing /balk/ this calm
only a matter of time till Analbanians and Monkeydonians arrive and set it ablaze as per usual
Before i start my day, i just want to say the following:
Alhamdulillah w AShokrulillah, Mohammadun Rasulu Allah La hawla wala quwata illa billah, Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem.
Jow Forumsedditors will suck off any daddy that is against the big bad joo
which makes me wonder why they fellate trump so much
maybe it's just a strong authoritarian daddy thing
what could've been...
Why is Bulgaria in three different colors on that pic?
Its even worse that the table in albanian is wrong, who the fuck writes this shut in albsnia
Good map
yellow for our asian genes
red for the blood your momma spilled last night
blue for tri moreta
>Greater Albania
If it was a strong authoritarian thing you'd see zero appreciation for Trump or any right wing politicians who got in democratically. Right wing parties in Democracies are anything but authoritarian, mostly shills for big corps like the conservatives here in Canada.
Jow Forumsedditors see only the demeanor and nothing else
it's all about how "based and redpilled" he is in his tweets, that's enough for a Jow Forumsedditor dopamine hit
You can't even argue with "people" there because they just accuse you of being a Jew, discord tranny, roastie, shitskin or whatever. I tried arguing with one yesterday and now I still feel guilty because I wasted so much time trying to communicate with a retard.
I like the map
aкo бях здpaв oдaвнa дa cъм cи нaмepил
лecнo e, cтигa дa нe cи дeбeл/ниcък/гpoзeн
good map.
odd choice of color for the Neo-Ottoman empire though
Its retarded thinking any large democratic right wing party would do half the things they think they'll do.
Regardless Jow Forumsfags still support such people.
>who the fuck writes this shut in albsnia
Bosnia is rightful Albanian clay
I always thought pol was about posting things ironically, later i learned thr truth
They're mostly incels in their late 20s projecting what they wish they were onto Trump.
Avoid at all costs fellow Ukrainian cavetroll
In the West in general political conflict is no longer about ideology or even policy -- this is the age of psychopolitics, they get sold a psychological coping strategy centred either on 'woke' content consumption or suburban Jung self-help platitudes (plus sheer edginess thinly veiled as "rational" or common-sense). Jow Forums just took the latter a bit too far.
the zionist bait thread pissed me off so much
they are such a lame cherrypicked images NPC hivemind it's not even funny
200 replies in 1 hour
of course these fucking retards, the last bastion of based and redpilled right-wing thought, would eventually turn out to be the biggest commie NEETbux-consuming sacks of shit
>UBI doesn't cause inflation, inflation is caused when people hoard currency and the bank is forced to print more. Do food stamps affect your bucks now?
it's actually the opposite, if people only hoard and don't spend its deflationary
>cтигa дa нe cи дeбeл/ниcък/гpoзeн
they are becoming sentient
will howl when Jow Forumseddit inevitably becomes Universal Income General
Mainly since westerners aren't used to the fact that nothing valuable comes to you easily in terms of politics.
Fighting for something literally is a foreign concept thats only ever seen elsewhere in the world.
In the west everybody is told and buys this idea that democracy holds every answer we'll ever need, hence you get all this fantasizing that voting for x or not eating x or fucking x type of people is what Hitler would've wanted or whatever Jow Forums thinks they're doing
The worst thing about the Ottoman rule is that they were the most backward empire in Europe. While the rest of Europe were making cultural and technological advancements we were still practically in the Medieval Ages
Well yeah
After all they based their style on old timey Islamic Caliphates and kingdoms, ultra traditionalist shit.
>The moment I left Balkan and hohol pussyes showed up
All I posted were Romanians
Not even a good bait, gipi
>The moment I show up on Balkan and gypsy niggers left
Prove me wrong then
>you don't understand Romanian
Sad life you have my brainwashed frate
The left is even worse, and I say that as someone who's left-wing. Basically empty of content, it's all about being in a constant state of moral panic. There is really no higher content or a positive vision of the future involved, ironically, a purely reactive politics, all about owning the chuds and unable to think beyond capitalism. There will be no radical movements (on either side of the political spectrum) in the West anytime soon.
>if I post enough cherry-picked images, people will start believing that the average Romanian is blond and blue eyed!
No, Romanians are fairly swarthy. And there's nothing wrong with that. But there's hardly anything more pathetic than a nationalist who doesn't want to accept his people the way they are.
By the way, I'll be visiting Bucharest in April. Is there any place that you'd recommend me to visit?
Hi balkan friends
bulgaria was the adamant bastion of the Western Civilization and used to host SpaceX. if it wasnt for the facking turks, Elonov Musk(proud bulgarian) would be the galactic emperor of bulgarian empire now :(
Look at him, the burglar, he acts like he doesn't read all Romanian posts
georgi ivanov flew in space when musk still had no idea what the peepee between his legs was used for
There were no technological nor cultural revolutions which happened in europe that would make gipistan less of a shithole
If yoy want to blame someone, blame russia and communism
Any radical real change in the west is just called crazy and savage like to be discredited. It's disgusting how submissive Canadians especially are towards the massively cucked government.
The day the west sees a Makhno like figure or even close is the day pigs fly.
Elon Musk still has no idea for the many things
The Balkans were on the same technological level as the rest of Europe during the Middle Ages. Yet during Ottoman rule they became by far the most underdeveloped region on the continent. I wonder why
Not all Romanians I posted had blue eyes or were blonde, and I didn't claimed were Aryans or some shit
We aren't, I'd rather larp as proto-europeans
Yes, don't visit Bucharest and neither S Transylvania
And the source here, like you are used from Romanians posters
Search for Vlak mentions
What's more, when Asia Minor became Muslim, it stagnated, while it was much richer than the Balkans during the Middle Ages.
Don't pretend like the Ottoman empire was a bastion of culture and civilization. They were essentially an islamic caliphate in Europe. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia also have gypsies, they were also under communism. How come they're so much more developed than the Balkans?
Middle east was more technologically developed than any euro shithole in middle ages. The Arabs were translating ancient Greek and Latin texts while Greeks themselves was banning those texts becuase they were written by heretics lmao.
The Islamic Golden age were continuation of the ancient Greek and Latin knowledge and scholarship. But then the mongols came and everything went downhill since then
Because theyre closer to germany
>Yes, don't visit Bucharest and neither S Transylvania
Why not? I know it's not a pretty city, but it seems interesting. And besides, I already agreed to go there with a friend who wants to go to some concert there, so I'll be visiting it either way.
We're talking about Europe not the Middle East you dumbass
After Peter the Great even Russia was far more developed than the Ottoman empire despite being much further from Central Europe
How's life in Canada apart from politics? Seems like a fairly comfy country.
Keep believeing that
Putin paid me to spread these lies. He doesn't want you to know that in reality the Ottoman empire was just as developed as Britain and France
Based Ottoman skyscrapers
cCc Turkish city planning cCc
I wish I could open balk at least once without seeing one of my compatriots making an idiot if himself.
>Berlin 1800 looked like this
Kek, 0 mosques and mud houses lmaoooo
It's just one or two autists from Jow Forums who monitor Jow Forums waiting for someone to mention Romania, plus American diaspora autist. Don't feel too bad about it.
>no mosques
what a shithole
Your history before the Industrial Revolution only shapes your national identity and border. East Asians were living in the stone age until westerners came in 1870's(the same period when bugars got their independence from turks) and now every East Asian country is lightyears better than bulgaria. If your country is STILL a shithole 150 years after being free from Ottomans it's not really Turks fault desu.
But yeah you are right if it wasnt for the turks greeks would ride their flying cars throught the breathtaking skyline of the athens(which is would be economically and technologically competing with Beijing and New York). such a shame