Do americanos really do this?


Attached: Americano-Espresso-Doppio.png (1980x816, 16K)

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Attached: Coffee-costs-guide-1.png (1200x628, 98K)

I just ask for a latte.

Attached: 1540552319753.png (736x930, 432K)

For me it’s
Tea- plain
Coffee- gay as can be (milk, sugar, caramel, etc.)

>a third of condensed milk and two sugars

Attached: 1526503741969.jpg (399x322, 25K)

Do they add it after the coffee is finished? Otherwise there is really nothing wrong with it

Americano? We don't really serve that here. The name itself comes from the fact that when American soldiers were moving through Italy, they didn't like the strong taste of the espresso (since they were used to drip or percolator coffee) and asked to have it watered down. Your average American doesn't drink espresso at all.

>We don't really serve that here

Attached: 520.jpg (302x358, 39K)

Starbucks coffee is normal drip coffee.

>muh fancy coffee names and meme cocoa coffee sugar mixes
What's wrong with regular coffee and/or coffee with milk?

i never eat the sweets they serve with my doppio.

Attached: 1520250136180.gif (426x234, 2.26M)

Double espresso please

I get cappucino, add milk then tonnes of sugar lmaolmaolmao

espresso with sugar and cinnamon pouder
americano is the gayest coffee btw.

Who the hell puts water in their coffee? I mean I've seen people use ice but even that's rare.

Attached: mfw americans.jpg (364x221, 24K)

>ice but even that's rare
leave your house once in a while

>adding sugar to condensed milk
How thick is that shit?

Well I don't mean like iced coffee. I meant putting ice cubes in the coffee. Then again, I don't know. I've just hardly seen people I know do it.

>drinking coffee

Attached: 116173.jpg (210x210, 14K)

>Who the hell puts water in their coffee?
dunno, americans?

Attached: 81hXANg-rIL._SX466_.jpg (466x518, 28K)

An americano is called that because American soldiers in Italy would mix water with an espresso in order to simulate the brewed coffee they were more familiar with.

Do Italians often has espresso machines or do you mostly go out for coffee?

we use the moka

Attached: moka.jpg (1200x1200, 154K)

>kopi o kosong
>kopi o kosong di lo
who the fuck adds water to kopi o kosong? they just fill the cup with ice and then fill it up with undiluted coffee