I want to live a clean, traditionalist life, but I cant escape my drug use and cross-dressing fetish. How can I rise above?
I want to live a clean, traditionalist life, but I cant escape my drug use and cross-dressing fetish...
off yourself
Nah I think im gonna keep living.
Kill yourself because you will never achieve this
Seek Christ
start by occupying your time with something else that you enjoy and work from there.
If you have time for those, you don't work enough.
What is a traditionalist life in the west? Do you stop driving a car and stop utilising running water? Explain for me please
Stop being a junkie
Sounds like you should move to Cali and find a trap bf
Yeah pretty much. Id imagine living out in a log cabin powered by windmills as I grow my own crops and write prose by evening.
Definitely not OP but family, career, home ownership, good health, financial freedom, travel, nice shit, etc.
I'm saving up for this. Except my prose will be 4chanel shitposts.
What has that got to do with tradition? Virtually everyone wants most of this
lol you donk even know...
If anything travel and "nice shit" is anti traditionalist.
What is traditionalist?
Living like your ancestors did. So either neolithic or paleolithic but the latter isn't feasible these days.
That's quite arbitrary
You have 100000000s of ancestors living at 1000s of ages of history.
How do you know which ones to emulate? How do you know how to emulate them? Why is this a goal?
Modern humans have been around for maybe 150k years. The bulk of that was spent either as hunter gatherers or farmers, so you emulate one of those. The reason some people say you would want to do this is because the lifestyle of old is more conducive fo health and happiness than a modern lifestyle.
In my country the trads talk about ''muh ancestor'' shit all the time, and i just laugh because would ancestor he would try to emulate? the average brazilian is triracial, so should he emulate the amerindians, the angolans or the europeans?
Is that true? Their life was spent struggling for food and water, seeing children dying, fearing violence, was it not?
Surely the idea that you would be happier without most of the basic necessities being accounted for is plainly incorrect?
Surely the ancestors were doing what they could to ensure their kids had better lives than them?
I sure as shit wouldn't want to be bitten by insects, sleeping in a hut with my livestock drinking cholera water. Why would that be better for health or happiness?
>Their life was spent struggling for food and water, seeing children dying, fearing violence, was it not?
Well you have different accounts of hunter gatherer life. Some say it was pretty decent. We can see at the very least that they were physically healthier with more robust bodies and dental issues being extremely rare. Hunter gatherers today almost all have perfect teeth and no skin flaws. I don't know how much of a struggle it was really, that would depend on the area. From what I've heard they were better off than farmers, they were just eventually displaced by civilization.
*Deer you're tracking for 3 days evades you*
Well in Europe you also had nuts and other vegetation in the forests. In Africa there were fruits or some shit. Doesn't seem like a particularly relevant issue anyway since hunter gatherers survived for tens of thousands of years.
You already sound like a republican congressman
Also, periods of hunger are good for you. Water fasting is healthy, so these occasional natural food shortages are good in a way.
I think people are happier with conveniences if you told a guy he could just plant some corn rather than have to look in the bush for nuts he'd prefer that
If you told a guy he can wear shoes rather than treading barefoot into thorns, he'd prefer that
How could you be happier knowingly depriving yourselves of means to avoid pain
Well look, I don't want to get into the details of the whole discussion since there is plenty of it elsewhere. I was just giving you a quick rundown of what "traditional" means. And as I said, the hunter-gatherer way is one option, but most people opt for the farmer traditionalist way. Personally I hope to live a farmer lifestyle with all the conveniences of modern life.
Is the traditional farmer like the medieval peasant? Sleeping his his hovel with his livestock, throwing his shit bucket into the same river he collects drinking water from?
Traditionalism isn't a unified ideology, just a general trend in thought. Ask any traditionalist what their view of a traditional life is and you'll get a different answer.
So its not an actual ideal worth holding since it is just whatever a person wants it to be?
I wish I could escape my out of control drug use.
The unifying principle is that there's something wrong with the modern world and we have to go back. How exactly to go back is what depends on the person.
But 99% of traditionalists would agree that it is preferable to live now than be a medieval serf being bitten by black death fleas jumping off your pigs that sleep next to you
Or a rickets infest smog breathing factory worker in 19th century britain?
However what is wrong about the modern world which makes the past better? Is it just in terms of health and happiness? What about parts of the world that resemble the past more closely what can we learn from them?
Literally just kill yourself since you are well past the point of no return