I have been constantly feeling sick since months. I have a headache...

I have been constantly feeling sick since months. I have a headache, feel chilly and am weak and tired all the time no matter how much i sleep. I found articles on the internet that said that being lonely and anxious may cause these symptoms.
Do you think there could be some truth to it?

Attached: fájdalom.jpg (480x480, 34K)

*looks at your medical chart*
Ahh yes. It seems you're suffering from small and thin penis syndrome. Untreatable, I'm afraid.

Americans LITERALLY cant stop thinking about penis

Attached: banos.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Me too. I don't know why. Some days i feel great, but I think it is some sort of depression.

if you're going to bed really late and not sleeping properly sure.

As for feeling chilly and weak, when I have panic attacks those can (but aren't always) the symptoms. Last time I had a panic attack I was downright trembling and feeling cold even though it was 27 degrees outside.

I usually have headaches for spending too much time in front of the computer and going to bed early and having trouble falling asleep because of anxiety. I already checked with a cardiologist and neurologist and my brain and heart are fine so the problem is mental...

Like me, you should go to a psychiatrist to see if he can safely prescribe some meds to help your anxiety and follow up with a therapist/psychologist to get some of the stress off your system.

If you're worried about your health though, do what I did and just go to the doctor to have a health check. I went to 14 different doctors in the space of 3 months, all different specialists, just to make sure I wasn't dying and that I was healthy lol.... anxiety does that to you, sucks.

here are some other symptoms I have when it comes to panic attacks, in case you were wondering

>sudden restlessness
>need to move, really hard to control and stay quiet
>feel like heart is about to explode, literally
>can't stop feeling each single heartbeat
>have weird feeling in the head, like an explosion just happened, need to literally shake head to stop it
>legs become spaghetti, feel like about to drop dead any moment
>stiff neck
>blurry vision
>cold sweat
>can't speak properly

Probably some other stuff I forgot but that's the most common symptoms I feel.

This is literally me.

Didn't know I have regular panic attacks
Thought this happens because I don't sleep much

I dont have panic attacks. I just feel like I have the flu even though i dont. I wouldnt even care but I want to work out because it makes me feel less miserable and more confident but this condition of mine makes it impossible.

You're pregnant

Means you're stressed out as fuck. Not sleeping properly is one of the main (but not solely) reasons too. Need to get that off your system lads, it sucks... but it's what it is. I used to go to a local park for running every day and I felt I was better back then, even though I still felt anxious just getting some exercise did well, now that I'm not exercising I feel worse.

Going to the psychiatrist/psychologist combo is the best thing to do, and if you're worried about your health then go to other doctors too. I went to 14 as I said but still haven't been to the psych/psychologist...

Then go to a doctor because something is clearly wrong with you.

A general practitioner so he can figure out what's wrong with you and send you to a specialist.

Fuck i don't even know why i have this. It's been going on for at least 3 years. I'm probably not going to be able to get a psychiatrist/psychologist until a year because of the state of this plave.

Get more iron into your diet

>. I'm probably not going to be able to get a psychiatrist/psychologist until a year because of the state of this plave.

How's that so?
You have universal health care in Sweden don't you? Can't you just schedule an appointment with a government Psychiatrist/Psychologist? Specially if you've already been suffering for a while?

also - if for whatever reason you can't, isn't there a private clinic you can seek treatment at? and maybe ask for a refund from your government later on? Sorry I have no idea how health care works in Sweden.

I have private health insurance so I just schedule an appointment and usually within 1 or 2 weeks I can see a doctor.

Are you rich? I cant afford to just go to doctors whenever I'd like to. I have to wait 2 or 3 months to see a specialist and he will probably tell me to fuck off once he made sure I dont have cancer.

You need to go to the doctor to get the green light to go to one and I don't have the money to go to a private clinic.
The waiting times for one is from what i heard long as fuck and its not even guaranteed you're gonna get the green light.


>Are you rich? I cant afford to just go to doctors whenever I'd like to. I have to wait 2 or 3 months to see a specialist and he will probably tell me to fuck off once he made sure I dont have cancer.

No, read My private health insurance costs like (in Euro) 30p/month and I have unlimited access to as many doctors/specialists I want (for general consultation, surgeries/hospitalization is a different matter). The number of exams I have per month are limited to 20 if I remember correctly but that's more than enough. If I need more exams I pay on a per exam basis and it's always just 5(Euro).

For example, I scheduled two different cardiologists on the same week ( a couple of months ago ) because I wanted two different opinions on a heart condition I have. So I went to the two separate cardiologists and they requested the same exams, which I did at different laboratories. Then consulted back with them within 2 weeks. The whole ordeal took 1 month max.

Also, if the panic is too bad I can to to the emergency room and request to be seen as a doctor. Usually they take people on a "worst case basis" but I can be seen at worst in 45 minutes or so if I go to Emergency. I had to do so last year because of a real bad panic attack... so within 1 hour I had a prescription and had been seen by 2 doctors and had ECG done to make sure it wasn't a heart attack, also lung volumetry or whatever it's called.

Even if it the waiting times are long you should still try to see one.

Just try to arrange a consultation with one even if far off in the future. It's better than nothing. In the meantime, you can try reading about cognitive behavior therapy and other things that help with anxiety.

I'll say this (again, no specialists, just talking about personal experience what helps me) - confronting the panic attacks or anxiety head on seems to be working for me (not 100% and I still have them, but it's better than nothing)

Like last time I felt like, this immense impending doom and feeling dread out of nowhere and I felt I just had to fucking and get the fuck off my house. But I just sat there and told myself in my head

>This is ridiculous. These are just feelings, they can't hurt me. Do whatever you want, I'M STAYING HERE.

Literally in less than 20 seconds all of the bad feelings went away and I stopped that attack dead on its tracks... it might sound autistic but it helped me a lot.

Please seek a doctor bro.
And don't turn to alcohol to solve your problems...
I should know... it only makes things worse.

I'll try but Its gonna take a long time

no, its braincancer

It's better than just not going at all.
I hope you stay well in the meantime.

Generalised cancer cause psychic and physical unrest with a general feel bad mood.

Get yourself tested.