I want to feel loved
I want to feel loved
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But I love you :]
It's not the same
*loves u*
Wow rude you'll never be loved if you keep this up
If you are a cute girl I could love you so fucking much
Me too, dammit. Having someone that cared for me, someone that could be there when I need it the most, someone that could comfort me and cheer me up when I felt down, someone that could always remind me of the good things I've done: having someone that could do all these things would be indescribably fantastic
please god, I want a gf that I can go through life with
I want to watch Porto score some more fukkin goals!
We just have to hope one day we will find our special someone
Sorry I didn't meant it in a rude way
I'm cute but I'm not a girl
No, sorry
I wonder how it feels to be loved, I never felt wanted in my entire life. I'm so jealous of everyone who has, it must feel so good. I want to know how it feels, even if just once, it's not fair.
may that day come soon, pastanon
>I'm cute
>I never felt wanted in my entire life
One of these sounds like bs
If you're truly cute post proof and I'll love you I swear.
In order to be loved, there must be something to love.
Do your best.
I just want a 2D /bara/ boyfriend.
*hugs you*
For what it's worth, user, I perfectly understand your pain. I'm sorry I can't do anything to alleviate it
I don't think I'm cute for girls
I don't want to post pictures of myself on Jow Forums
I'm always doing my best but there's always someone else that does it better than me
>I don't want to post pictures of myself on Jow Forums
Well, doesn't matter. You sound pretty cute.
Cheer up user! Someday you'll find someone that will see what you're really worth it!
>Someday you'll find someone that will see what you're really worth it!
Thanks user. But I'm so tired of waiting...
Then do something, try to meet new people.
I believe in you.
You can be my bf(homo)
me too...lonely af.
I want to die.
I'm too much of an introvert for that, I panic and act very awkwardly around new people.
I don't even want anything lewd I just want someone to like me as much as I like them
You can meet people on the Internet too you know.
I know, I have friends on the internet and I like them very much, but it gets lonely
3/4 of these are american made and marketed products
It's not my fault your cunt hasn't produced anything noteworthy lately.
Virgin freaks: the thread
You could meet them.
It's very unlikely most of the time, they'd have to be from Portugal
How can you be lonely on a set of tiny Islands with 120 millions people on it?
I love you (homo)
get a dog
I already have a pet, they love me and I love them very much, it's true that pets do make your life better, I think I'd be a lot worse if it weren't for them, but in the end their love isn't the same as a human's
Just pay for a whore
can even make her hug you and tell you she loves you
I don't understand, how is it possible that through all the years I've lived not one person ever became interested in me? Not a single person out of millions?
We don't seem to be very different based solely on this post. Keep up a little bit longer, I'm sure we all will eventually find someone special
You're not missing anything relevant after you've had your first "experience"
make a friend outside the internet, try showing that you care about them, maybe you'll find someone who cares back.
btw, if you just want feel loved, on internet thats possible too, why would you need to meet them. My best friend i only know him from the internet, we are friends for about 6-7 years. But i can't say that i don't know what you're feeling though.
That's very obviously not the same
Exactly, it's just so ridiculous, I've met so many different people with so many different interests and yet not a single one managed to click with me, I've met so many people that have already felt the joy of being loved by not one, but multiple people already, and yet I was not given the chance to feel that once? Even just once? How?
Fuck, man,1 person, how hard can it be.
It's just really hard to make friends, I have extremely niche interests and my introvertedness makes me extremely hard to approach, but I'm a great friend if we really click. But still though, I've already got my good friends, I like them a lot and they help me live my life very carefree most of the time, but this is just something that suddenly dawned on me and made me feel like absolute shit. When I mean "feeling loved" I mean pure relationship love
there's nothing more pure than a true friendship. The love you're talking about is extremely corruptive.
love isnt guilty, curruptive or shameful.
there is barely anyone on earth alive right now who is experiencing true love. its a rare thing
Big truthbomb.
Incel freaks
I must say, being a morbidly obese autistic freak isn't very enjoyable at all.
I read somewhere that people feel lonely when they are with people and not when they are physically alone.
Don't we all
>The love you're talking about is extremely corruptive.
If things go wrong, which more often than not they do, yes, it will end up hurting you in the end, but even if it does, they always start off with a good intention (two people liking eachother), I want to at least feel like I'm wanted once, I think everyone deserves to. it's just not fair.
I love you user.
women cant love, only their child. Its over
> their child
And chad-alpha man (according to a woman)
> women cant love white omegas, only alpha black refugees
france fix
And their Chad-son
>t. virgin non-Chad kid