What does daily breakfast for the average person look like in your country?

What does daily breakfast for the average person look like in your country?

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Attached: lardlardandmorelardfuckyeah.jpg (1000x747, 109K)

Like this, sometimes with toasts, or sometimes with mate

Attached: desayuno.jpg (2592x1944, 523K)

A cup of coffee and a muffin or something along those lines.
We usually stay light in the morning and have a proper meal for lunch.

This but with orange juice and fruit too

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Go back to /ck/ fucking crossposter

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what is that? Are those white things worms?

hash browns

those ones dont look crispy enough for me though

Like this but I am not hungry in the mornings so usually just espresso or a cappuccino if I am not too lazy to froth the milk

Attached: 20190307_115913.jpg (720x447, 261K)

Grated potatoes

Attached: kaviarmacka.jpg (600x800, 62K)

boiled egg and a piece of rye bread with butter

something like this i guess

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This isn't even close to an average breakfast in the u.s. If this is someone's average breakfast I definitely oppose universal healthcare.

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pastry with cheese

Attached: img_4104.jpg (768x512, 221K)

I eat once a day and it's not breakfast


Attached: kentuckyhotbrown.jpg (420x315, 30K)

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more like

Attached: 3854036.jpg (615x409, 39K)

And maybe some bread

Attached: QUEIJO CANASTRA 8JC.jpg (660x440, 47K)

A bowl of coffee, a glass of orange juice and one or two croissants or chocolatines

based and whitepilled