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How concerned are you that these people will be your grandchildren's overlords?
Grayson Reed
Other urls found in this thread:
Tyler Thomas
I don't know bro
Jace Wilson
Not clicking that shit
Nolan Mitchell
My half black son will lead the final Golden Horde agaisnt the Chinese cockroaches and genocide every single of them.
Nolan Williams
you can't defeat these people, they are emotionless killing machines with no human empathy
Kevin Davis
I am glad that these people are leaving our political-economic association in a month
Bentley Kelly
We once did and we will do so again.
My son carries mongolian and finnic blood on him.
Alexander Myers
Cooper Edwards
not at all because i'm not selfish enough to pass on the curse of life.
Caleb Wood
You can't beat them any more than you can beat a swarm of flies. These "people" are a ruthless hive mind. Ever hear of human wave tactics?
Nathaniel Jenkins
this is what they would do to your son
Liam Walker
is this a /gif/ rekt thread now?
Andrew Morales
Fuck why did I watch this.
I knew what was going to happen.
Brandon Diaz
every chinese thread is a rekt one
Kayden Campbell
based that kid had it coming
Christopher Thomas
>brainlets see soulless insects lacking empathy
>I see people who mind their own fucking business and won't put up with a suicidal moron willing to hold up traffic to get attention
I've seen what western empathy leads to. Wars of intervention causing suffering to millions while destabilizing entire regions.
Nicholas Lopez
What's the context of this video ?
Liam Stewart
It's just a chink getting run over by a car after being hit by another.
Evan Barnes
Fucking based.
Jaxson Watson
it's china, you don't need more context
Tyler Clark
Thailand is not Chinese, never was and never will be.
Christopher Powell
Camden Fisher
>i don't have an argument so let me bring up something irrelevant
Dylan Brooks
pfffffrrr HAAHAHAHAHAHA wtf
Jonathan Taylor
Don't care, mr.Bugman.
Josiah Martin
Stay salty.
Owen Morgan
But really, why was she standing in the middle of a busy road?
Logan Wright
Parker Roberts
animals on the sidewalks, got to be careful
Samuel Mitchell
>your body on collectivism
Luke Anderson
The whole country is animals.
Christian Johnson
Nowhere is safe.
Gabriel Lewis
wtf is going on in this thread
Alexander Lopez
normal chinese thread
Hunter Taylor
what the fuck is wrong with chinksectoids
Ayden Green
chinese nationalists have hijacked it, showing videos of their lack of human emotions to instill fear in us
and it's working
Dylan Butler
Easton Rodriguez
Isaiah Murphy
>Are you feeling it now Mr.Chang?
Kayden Hill
>I'm feeling it Zhàngbòb me comrade!
Zachary Sanchez
Envision the scent...
Nicholas Collins
what the fuck
Cameron Nguyen
Robert Ward
Josiah Foster
Luis Martinez
a light snack perhaps?
Colton Peterson
man, confucianism is so based! damn commies tried to exterminate based chinese culture of not giving a fuck but thanks god it still lives in china!!!
Eli Collins
Grayson James
*dukes of hazzard horn*
Evan Phillips
China was pristine, it had soul, it had values, it had beauty, it was pretigious, it felt alive, it had history, it had amd deserved respect. Then COMMUNISM CAME!!! COMMUNISM destroyed their core chinese values, their culture, now they've turned into SOULLESS MONSTERS!
Lucas Moore
They will not.
Cameron Edwards
>Not clicking that shit
Austin Adams
>Gooks of hazard
Jacob Bennett
I always taught that the South-America and the Middle-East were fighting for the top subhuman region of the world. Now that I am seeing this I think it is save to say that chinks are officially the worst, holy shit this country is growing it's power every year.
Daniel Morris
There's plenty of shit that's just as bad in America, all of these are obviously cherry picked
Carson Sullivan
the videos from south america are usually made by gangs and criminals and people in the public do call the cops but in china no one gives a fuck about people dying
James Carter
atleast ours is from criminals n' sheit; all this chinks are "normal people"
Nathan Nelson
Christian Bell
>Funky Town in the background
Jack Garcia
Okay I only watched 1 sec of that shit, whats happening can you explain?
Kayden Hall
Daniel Green
No, they have a history of eating themselves.
Jaxson Rivera
There's literally over a billion of them and nearly half are newly affluent/middle class when just two decades ago they were farmers or assembly line workers.
They literally industrialized in years what took other countries centuries and that's being reflected at all levels of their society. Working class, cog-in-the-machine mentality doesn't disappear overnight. It's funny that these videos are decisive in how you view an entire people but not the videos of them just working or celebrating holidays with their families and friends.
I guess we should just base what we think about entire populations on select videos. Makes life easier when you can dehumanize others who aren't like you to maintain tribalism and let history sort out the rest.
Grayson Garcia
How do you get a gun in China? I thought they were banned.
Jack Bell
It's just a chink, no humans were hurt
Alexander Hall
Mentally ill dude attacks a kid. No idea where the kids parents were.
Jace Nelson
Wow wtf
Joseph Flores
context pls
also for this one
Wyatt Powell
Yes, chinks are nothing but soulless automatons. Literal bug people.
Owen Moore
That's why they're going to win.
Nicholas Mitchell
That looks more like an accident.
How the fuck did that even happen?
Brandon Ortiz
>that chink on the bike trying to speed up last minute but gets absolutely BTFO
Joshua Wood
dude it's like god says, you cannot run away it's not that easy lol.
Andrew Carter
Robert Carter
What fucking hellhole do you live in? The worst shit in this country is literally from Latin American gangs. All the weird honor killings are muslims.
Daniel Myers
imagine the smell
Colton Long
i love how he continues to stomp the kids head
am i going to hell
James Gonzalez
what's even going on here? are they trying to cook the pigs? put them down? just torture them?
Easton Johnson
>in china no one gives a fuck about people dying
China has fucked up injury laws. If you touch them you can get sued. If they are injured you pay for their treatment until they die but if they are dead you only pay a one time amount. It literally is cheaper to kill someone "accidentally" than permanently injure them.
Juan Baker
they were diseased so had to be killed, africans chose the worst way to do it of course
Jose Edwards
Okay this was based
Landon Howard
isnt burning the only way of getting rid of disease ?
Austin Martin
Hunter Cruz
>a chinks worse nightmare
Anthony Murphy
Leo Hughes
Post ladyboy butt
Ethan Lewis
Yeah, but white people kill first, burn second.
Brayden Reed
uma delicia
Angel Murphy
that kino close up to "the cake" tho
Nicholas Davis
Chinese-elevator hyper war when?
Evan Campbell
yeah i need to go to church this sunday after seeing these chinamen
Blake Mitchell
wtf i hate my species now
Noah Gomez
That is unironically how you should treat women who look to become single mothers
Luis Gomez
>White people never crash their cars
Gabriel Richardson
What a shit-poster. How are we supposed to compete?
Samuel Adams
i-is that the story behind that webm?, is that why she's stomping on her tummy?
Jackson Anderson
it's not family so who cares? i think that's the chinese attitude.
Dylan Thomas
Communism is satanism after all
Juan Smith
Yes. Stomping the stomach to get rid of the kid, and stripping to humiliate her.
Levi Ward
>Implying I'll ever have a gf/kids
I'm a fucking loser lad