A shitload of Italians have surnames that mean ginger like Rossi/Russo yet I’ve never saw one in real life

A shitload of Italians have surnames that mean ginger like Rossi/Russo yet I’ve never saw one in real life.

Attached: 43AB29DC-DB05-46A7-80CF-085484281D63.jpg (3508x4086, 1.23M)

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do any italiians have families from ancient rome?

no, only nordics have

Hands off, Luigi

I have. Multiple. Not many, but at least a dozen people. Some of them were Merida-tier

>imagine having "cock" as surname


not corrupt file

Attached: surnames map.jpg (3508x4086, 1.37M)

Kys reddit fuck

Could be worse, it could be negro.

Fact: "rosso/rossi/russo" are all synonyms of COMMUNIST.

Attached: Communiggers.jpg (720x960, 87K)

It's because Attila had a redhead wife and he later raped and put a cuckmark on you

Che ipotesi ci sono dietro la diffusione così capillare di questo cognome? Può avere a che fare col colore dei capelli dei Normanni o dei Longobardi?

Looks black to me.

>yet I’ve never saw one in real life.
What? You must have seen at least one in your entire life, even if you're from the South.

Attila was defeated by Pope Leo I

Si vede che l'Italia è piena di comunisti e il Berlusca aveva ragione... nel 1976 il Partito Comunista Italiano beccò il 34,9% alle elezioni

A shitload of Jews have Roth as a last name, but ginger Jews are never named Roth.

Attached: michael kopelow.jpg (576x720, 67K)

>shitload of Italians
Not really. The percent of people names "Russo/Rossi" etc. is only big compared to other surnames, but still only about


Come home Greco and Grieco man.


Considering red hair is recessive i'm not surprised. They probably produce red headed babies once every 4 generations.



>I’ve never saw one in real life.
where the fuck do you live? oh wait TERRONE


quick rundown on piedmonte?

faux courteous



Napoli è letteralmente imbottita di "Russo".
E votano tutti Piddì, Comunisti, e Movimento 5 Scorregge.

russo means russian rus tribe from norman invasions

Here’s my theory... when surnames became a thing, people were named after their characteristics and occupations right? So gingers were named after that quality because it stood out. Where as an olive skinned med with dark hair and eyes wouldn’t be named after looking average but for something else.

>esposito that high in campania
lmao, all nap*letani are LITERAL sons of whores

That's just how the say red in the southern regions.
Russo = red.


Sicilians are Russians
Russo is a common Sicilian surname, historically denoting nobility. The root of the name originates from Medieval Latin for, Rus', meaning, "the Norseman" -- the Viking founders of the Russian Principalities -- from Old Norse

>red/rossi refering to the yellowish hair color
i though only english was this retarded . italian is the same?? calling red something that is not red? why not orange at least. what a disappointment. we have a dedicated word for this particular hair color.

The name of the color orange comes from the fruit, before it was brought in Europe there was no word for it. That's why so many things that are orange are called red.

well maybe not orange, but there are lots of english words that can better describe that color.
there is actually the word auburn (which is a darker color) that is used to describe a similar hair color. or even ginger. seems like they use 'ruivo' in portuguese to refer to redheads which is good enough for me as a dedicated word . our word is similar to 'the color of rust'. do you see what i mean? who even decided to call a hair color 'red' when it is nothing like red.

>castano dorato
does it sound good to describe a hair color?

I think it's acceptable because it's as red as human hair naturally comes in

but you can dye your hair literally red. what do you call that? also redhead? aaaaaaaa that triggers my autism so fucking much. no proper word. not in english. or italian. fucking red. cappelli rossi. aaaaaa

Attached: capelli-rosso-scuri-sfumato-chiari-naturale.jpg (850x500, 22K)

sounds like one of those color women make up to describe color that already exist

Yeah definitely better than red.

it is even worse than that. if you google castano dorato that's basically brown/chestnut hair, it is not the color you think of that redheads have. because the wrong word stuck. that's so painful.

Why would it be? Castano is brown and dorato means golden

dude it's literally red hair, get over it


ok, red hair it is then

Attached: images (5).jpg (199x254, 8K)

>there's only one tonality of red
Literally everyone everywhere calls it red hair. Even the chinese when they first met the portuguese sailors mentioned thst they had RED beards.
"Ruivo" probably comes from the same root as red, rouge, rosso etc.

Doesn't that name have something to do with the moors? I remember hearing that somewhere.
>Sicilians are Russians because of some last name stuff