In its 25 years of service, from the early 1980s through the mid 2000s...

In its 25 years of service, from the early 1980s through the mid 2000s, the stealth F-117 Nighthawk was only shot down once, by Serbs. It is in fact the only time any stealth aircraft was successfully shot out of the sky.
What does this tell you?

Attached: 1280px-F-117_Nighthawk_Front.jpg (1280x853, 203K)

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Attached: Serbian_poster__Sorry_we_didn't_know_it_was_invisible_ (1).jpg (768x1024, 151K)

stealth planes have no effect on Surface to air systems

Holy based

*stealth fighters*

haha sorry, were people living there???

Attached: nato-bombing-640.jpg (640x480, 58K)

That Serbs have good anti-air capabilities.

>It is in fact the only time any stealth aircraft was successfully shot out of the sky.

I'm pretty sure every single "stealth" aircraft would be shot down if faced real anti-air defences not some sandnigs with aks

stealth bombers can only be detected from radar because they fly at really high altitudes. A stealth fighter is retarded because fighters fly at relatively low altitudes where they can be seen and heard.

the serbs are based

Is this the truth or are you just joking?

tqbh serbs never lost any lyrical battles

the concentrated autism and slav frustration in the balkans can completely override the most sophisticated of technologies

The B-2 performed the first strike missions on Iraq, in 2003. Even though the Iraqi republican guard had modern radars, and air defenses the B-2. Stealth is a proven technology.

What are you even trying to say?

>The 1999 F-117A shootdown was an event that took place on 27 March 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, when an Army of Yugoslavia unit used an S-125 Neva/Pechora to shoot down a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth aircraft of the United States Air Force.
>[The F-117A] was widely seen as one of the most advanced pieces of U.S. military equipment. At the same time, Yugoslav air defenses were seen as relatively obsolete.

That dumb pilots shouldn't leave the bomb bay door open.

That stealth aircrafts are extremely rare and americans are very careful at using it in order to promote the myth about their undefeatable rusty buckets to sell them to retards

it doesn't matter what they had, their overall performance in the war was terrible, this wasn't a proper test for stealth, B-2 was designed to strike Russia, so we won't know if it works or not unless it goes against russians

Bomber fly really high, grug no see unless fancy radio signals detect bomber. grug do see loud fighter flying under clouds

don't pick a fight with the defiant serbs

>On May 7, 1999, American cruise missile strikes accidentally landed on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing a journalist for the state news agency CCTV. The event provoked an outraged reaction from Beijing with mobs of protesters holding anti-US demonstrations for days.

>Conspiracy theories claim that US intelligence suspected that the embassy possibly contained pieces of the F-117 downed two months earlier and the bombing attack may have been an attempt to destroy them and prevent them from falling into Chinese hands.

Iraqis were using Russian radar and air defense equipment though

>The pilot ejected and was rescued by allied search and rescue forces.
They couldn't even capture him in their own territory? No wonder they lost almost all their clay.

Attached: sad frog unimpressed coffee.jpg (250x246, 12K)

but they weren't russians, everyone knows sandnigs can't fight, you can give them latest weapons and they still will fail and there's plenty of examples on that

Their use was extremely limited and not proper. If USSR didn't dissolve iraq would be vietnam 2.0 for american air forces

All modern fighters are stealth fighters

The Serbs already knew the plane was flying there.
End of the story

They also had the export versions which lacked all the capabilities of the domestic Russian equipment. But with the exception of Afghanistan, Russia's domestic military hardware has never really been tested post-WWII.

>What does this tell you?
That if you repeatedly use the same egress route from an airstrike you're going to get fucked up.

You mean the CCP's rent-a-mob. Actually the reason why they overreacted to this was to distract attention from the party's then ongoing anti-Falun Gong purge.

Not true. You think the Gripen or Eurofighter have any stealth capabilities?

This. The battery commander was extremly well trained, knew exctly when the plane would come and could still only get a single lock on when the bomb bay doors opened. And he agreed that that it was more down to luck then having good equipment.

I think it's really dumb desu, just make cheaper planes with radar defense systems

This blunder was committed in Vietnam repeatedly when Johnson and McNamara decided to always bomb North Vietnamese targets at the same time every day so they would always be ready with SAMs.

Every modern fighter has reduced RCS or whatever shit radars detect size that's what is considered stealth. Fully stealth such as F22/35/117 still can be detected by a radar they just have smaller signature than other planes of that gen

And they got BTFO in Afghanistan

That's more of an american incompetence problem. You can't get rid of it.

Is this the power of amerishart education?

Yes they do. They both have significantly lower RCS compared to a classic 4th gen like the F-16.

The it's a shitty stealth aircraft?

I mean sure if you want to define it that way, they have a lower RCS because the airframe is designed with that in mind. But they're not designed for any kind of missions with stealth in mind.

And the Super Hornet had a much smaller RCS compared to the Hornet when it was introduced.. it doesn't mean the Super Hornet was marketed as a stealth fighter, or was capable of performing any kind of missions where stealth was the primary defense against radar. This is equivalent to saying: "The newer 5th gen jets have larger payloads, so they're bombers now!"

Did you not?

They are not bombers, but they cando bombing missions. Just like how a euro 4th gen can do stealthy missions in the right enviroment.

Stealth is much more then having a low RCS. Its mainly about not emmiting any signals, approaching from an unexpected vector and getting in and out fast.

I just don't see any kind of scenario where you'd send in a Gripen.. and your primary defense would be thinking you can evade the enemy radar. It's not an aircraft designed for that mission.

Jews used fucking phantoms for that ofcourse you can evade enemy radar if you know the weakspots

And the radar equipment of their enemy? Complete dogshit

There are plenty of ways, but lets leave used tactics out of this. Sending a 4th gen would obviously mean a higher risk then sending a purposebuilt 5th gen, but if 4th gens is all you have, and you know your opponents weakpoints it can work equally well.


Yeah, just like how the radar equipment of some nations these days are equally dogshit. Against opponents like that any 4th gen could preform a stealthy mission.

more than 1 was shot down
serb radars had no problem detecting it
problem was when they turned on their radar they could also be detected
so its a quick cat and mouse chase

the hungarian who shot down the "stealth" bomber turned its radar on for 8seconds
and fired
and hit

stealth technology is a fucking meme unless you are up against braindead arabs

>stealth technology is a fucking meme unless you are up against braindead arabs

Dont be a retard. Reducing your detectability is allways a good thing, even if it means you are not invincible.

>stealth technology is a fucking meme unless you are up against braindead arabs
Yes I guess Russia, China, and the US are investing billions and billions of dollars into a meme for no good reason. But Hungarian dicklet on Jow Forums knows better

"""invest""" yes yes goys