What was Germany’s worst crime?

What was Germany’s worst crime?
Losing ww2 or SAP?

Attached: Gay faggot German shit.png (1200x612, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=storck chocolate&iax=images&ia=images

ofcourse SAP

Make a better ERP that scales to Footsie 100 tier businesses. Pro-tip: you can't because you're a faggot from some deserted bogan shithole.

No Navision is better for small medium more flexible anyone can learn to program it

german "chocolate"
vastly inferior to Belgian, French, Swiss or any other chocolate really, while costing as much
absolute disgrace

Never seen german chocolate desu
Never seen german beer either

Bet you’ve seen the German army march past your door LMAO

Wish I didn't

We don't even have any chocolate manufacturers besides Rittersport, assmad bydlo. What are you on about?


then what is this you embarrassing g*rm retard

duckduckgo.com/?q=storck chocolate&iax=images&ia=images

what do you think this is, dumb g*rman untermensch

Some shit they sell at hobo-tier discounters and export to hobo-tier subhuman countries apparently.

>do mass change in SAP
>computer crashes
>entire scope of work unavailable
Bomber Harris do it again

>lies its not sold at my local lidl
whatever you say, kraut nigger

It's quite popular actually. It's sold at rewe I believe

Yes, literally. Schoketten is literal bum-feed that costs pennies, so is fudge like Riesen. It certainly doesn't cost as much as Lindt and doesn't try to compete with it in any way. Stay mad though.

of fucking course it doesn't cost as much as Lindt, it's g*rm chocolate for fucks sake, it should be worthless because its taste is dreadful and unfit for human consumption

>while costing as much
>of fucking course it doesn't cost as much
I'm sorry years of Krokodil usage by your mother left you too retarded to comprehend market segments or remember your own words.

Whats SAP and why is it so bad?

>Make thread about sap
>German spergs out and starts talking about Lidl
>Dutchman comes out of nowhere to hate on Spanish cyclists

Hate this board

Largest German software house, Ahmed.

i'm sorry lindt is the only chocolate brand from swiss/france/belguim you recognize you drooling g*rmanoid ape

Literally everything

worse beer than belgium
worse ERP
worse climate
worse personalities
shit language
terrible history

god forsaken land

>no actual arguments
Stay mad.

>losing to emus

you wouldn't be able to tell an argument if you were staring right at it you lobotomized subhuman

Yes, yes, let the butthurt flow through you.


You think Oracle is less of a headache?

There's Oracle too and it runs pretty well on Red Hat or their own distro.

stupid nigger. german chocolate is superior especially with aryan supremacy flavor.

Attached: scho-ka-kola-stickers.jpg.png (600x600, 512K)

Yeah IBM is more headache

I wouldn't trust an impoverished hohol who only has locally produced ersatz chocolate to compare it to to know what proper chocolate tastes like.

you have no choice but kys slowly with palm oil overdose from shit that you in mordor call food. hahaha what a nigger

Losing WW1.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 56K)

haha, so funny
hohol man so funny
does that pass as funny in your retard central?

I don't get it. Why does it have to be so ridiculously hard to learn?
I spent an entire year using it and still barely could that one thing that was a part of my job.

my brother went for 3 interviews with them for an internship, all very positive, then they rang him and said he wouldn't get the job because he had no IT background. Literally wasted hours of his time for something they learned from his cv

SAP? Suffer after purchase?

definitely not SAP because its paying for my shitposts :^)

SAP as a crime, now that's funny

Attached: rdlol.gif (400x376, 3.69M)