Mano protėvis :)
ITT: post your ancestors and write "my ancestor :)" in your native tongue
Mein Vorfahr :)
Meine Vorfahren :)
Leluhur :)
Mijn voorvader :)
Mina förfäder
:) اسلافي
Mini Vorfahre:)
Name of the pic should be a hint
Meray bapdada :)
Moй пpeдoк :)
Based mongol brother
Holy based
Mun esi-isä :D
The fucking Danes put siege on this city in 1361, then forcing our people to pay "taxes" to him. He pretty much looted the entire city of all the valuable items, while sitting in a throne in the middle of the main square.
Nothing wrong with that
Best post ITT
I saw it when I was reading about Gotland
I guess not. But it did lead to Visby becoming even richer since new trading routes was made with new countries so he actually helped us.
Wow lots of my mongol brethren today.
Holu based :D
내 조상님들임:)
L-antenati tiegħi :)
Mis ancestros :)
Moi predki ))))
paraardhësit ë im :)
Mon ancêtre :-)
Mine forfedre.
Mìn cnéowmæg :)
It's actually forþfæder
אבות אבותי
Mis ancestros :)
My ancestors
Moji preci :)
cursed thread
Min förfader :^)
ugh, I hate Danes. I HATE them.
Mun esi-incelisä
good band
We are not barbarians here.
Az őseim :)
So you're what? Indian? Iranian?
mis ancestros :)
I see!
Esi-isäni :)
Based black bvll
môj predok :)
Always when I see Albanians I think of:
How the hell could one of the greatest legendary heroes of European History been of one of those people.
Menin ata-babalarim :)
Kirjotinko mä kirjakieltä homo?
my more recent ancestor :)
Et selvästikään.
Myn foarâlden >;^)
Who, Skandeberg?
ʾilʾibī :)
Mina förfäder :)
>In the villages we were supplied with food – millet instead of corn – and MEDOS as the natives call it. The attendants who followed us received millet and a drink of barley, which the barbarians call KAMOS.
>When the Huns had mourned him [Attila] with such lamentations, a STRAVA, as they call it, was celebrated over his tomb with great revelling.
Mae Дзяды
Dude was beyond based.
I miei antenati :)
why do horses turn ethnic groups into savage niggers?
Shi azází
Minem borïngï baba :)
Mój przodek :)
Mina förfäder :)
Ο πρόγονος μου :)
You do know not all Suebians, goths, Franks and pretty much most migration era germanic tribes with the exeptions of the Burgondians and the Vandals moved wholly right?
Otherwise there would be nothing left in Germany.
There is a serious lack of based Skanderbeg memes.
This and most of those that left kind of went native similar to the Turks in anatolia.
Sure, I was just to lazy to put out my thoughts on my last post, what I meant to say was there's a very prevalent Suebi and Celtic heritage in Northern Portugal and Gallicia that I think is unknown to most Europeans.
Nenek moyangku :)
Nowehcauhtetatli :)
Ah, that makes sense and indeed, that is a pretty unknown and interesting topic topic.
Don't you still have some towns over there that have retained their Suebian names?
if you arent stingy with money and add "le" as a dimunitive to words ("Haus" -> "Häusle") you arent suebi=swabian.
Lots of municipalities still hold names that are not latin in origin and most likely germanic, Gondomar = Gunthmars and even things like Broa (bread) = brōt (from ancient germanic) etc
Mój przodek :)
Nire arbasoak :)
grandpappy of yours truly :')
My forefather :)
My ancestor :)
Moji pretci :)
Are you seriously going to claim Slav ancestry
Moj prednik :)
Ο πρόγονός μου.
Meus ancestrais
pic related my ancestor, one of the guys throwing the dude out the window.
Benim atalarım :)
Mere Pitar :)
>Female viking
>Kills your ancestors
Esi-isäni :)
Meнaм чyжaнвyж
My grandma and grandpa :)
Mere Baapdade :)
This triggers the Hindu nationalist