>*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
what's next for her?
Can't stand a chance against her
>>*blocks your path*
no deal XDDD
crashing this parliament
3 years since referendvm and it's still going on
lets run through wheat fields together shall we
>3 years since referendvm and it's still going on
Even by Turk standards this is a low IQ post.
Moonwalking away
how so
>mfw they're actually going for a No Deal
Leaving can only happen three years after submitting article 50.
This is literally the fastest it could have gone.
>mfw ireland shall be united and fully catholic
>mfw Scotland shall be free
>mfw Gibraltar shall be spanish
>mfw las malvinas seran Argentinas
excellent feel
No I'm pretty sure you could have left day 1 (without a deal)
Art. 50 just introduces the maximum amount of time you can take to leave, and after that you're automatically out
Sure we couldn't've left until now but it's ridiculous that they still haven't made a deal. That should've been done a long time ago.
We could have just said we don't want a deal and negotiations would have ceased, but we still wouldn't be out until the two year period was over.
Not like Corbyn would be better imo
He definitely would be though.
May resigning != Corbyn becoming PM.
He seems to me he's tiptoeing around what he wants regarding Brexit as much as May though, correct me if I'm wrong
Are there any other candidates that could be elected?
He's playing coy and allowing May to self-destruct, which at this point is probably the best move he could make. There's too many people looking for an excuse to remove him to start making any real moves yet, and desu he doesn't really have to.
Kek based
they had the handover of hong kong to China planned like ten years in advance all the way down to how the ceremony would be carried out and how the flags would be raised and lowered
its less than a month till brexit
>Are there any other candidates that could be elected?
For Corbyn to get elected, there would have to be a general election. May resigning would only trigger a leadership contest within the Conservative Party to select her replacement.
Fuck these Labour-lite scum.
Every party in this country is absolute shite.
>mfw i see hong kongers protesting that they still want to be ruled by the british government
the british government in 2019 is a fucking catastrophe
>hard Brexit's gonna happen
>mfw we Continental System now
are you still dreaming about that ethnostate? kék