Jow Forums
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International #1027
Which is the most neutral English accent?
Post cool monuments from your cunt
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
What do Italians think about Marzia?
/ita/ il filo
What is this place like
What the fuck is happening in eastern europe holy shit
What second language did you take in school?
I really want that Swedish boy. GIVE!
I really want that Swedish boy. GIVE!
How do we make Russerbia a thing?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Liking british royals
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /hisp/
/fr/ - le fil francophone
>your vagina >is climate change real
Noooooooooooo stop beating me up for saying the n-word!! this isn’t anything like Jow Forums!! where are the upvotes?!
/tirol/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ und davor /deutsch/
Hey user
Whitest country in europe?
How will you celebrate Easter?
Why do you dislike the most about your country?
Where is your Jow Forumsernational boyfriend from?
You have to live the rest of your life eating like a Nord or a Med. Which do you choose and why?
How do people in your country deal with depression?
Ukrainian thread without political shit
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
I got a job offer in Malaga from my company. Is this a nice city?
You May be laughing at her now, but history will know her as the Saviour of Two Unions...
What's the biggest unsolved crime of your country?
National Anthems
How many of Jow Forums's Russians are actually Finno-Ugrics?
Is it still possible in 2019 to go somewhere without seeing black people?
Have you ever had a foreign gf? Where was she from?
Stares at you in finnish
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square...
Stares at you in Mexican
Stares at you in Russian
Am i cute
What is like to be a...white?
So why did he do it?
Are Italians considered white in your country?
45-year old woman took bathroom selfie
Do boys do this in your cunt?
Do americans really enjoy cuckolding?
I wish I were German so bad anons
Here is my opinion on your country
ITT: we decide where Europe actually stops
His "country" doesn't have pure native
/fr/ - Œnologie/Charcuterie/Cigares et Savoir Vivre
The Mormons: why?!
Is this right?
Normie languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, etc
What do High School chads look like in your cunt?
Is it true that German history books say, that the first ruler of Poland, Mieszko I was a viking norman?
Anyone here adopted an Indian diet? I'm thinking of doing it for a while with lots of lentil/dal based dishes
Int Gaza are firing scrap metal filled with home made rocket fuel at us again
I look way more ugly than these guys, am I a potential school shooter?
Sverigetråden - Finlandssvenska upplagan
I am sad because there are no white women where I live :(
Sudo rm -rf UnitedKingdom
ITT: We summon United States
Was this Union Jack better than the new one?
Meet American
/danmarktråden/ #2
modern day Japan in real life
ITT: old traditional pics from your country
This is how I imagine Western Europe
You may only post in this thread if your country is objectively better than Colombia
I hate these east asian insects flooding into our country will europe trade their muslims in exchange for these yellow...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
China more popular than America
Look at Mexican-American war
1. Cunt
PaLesSTiniAns Are StarVing
/ita/ - il filo umaroso
Do you love Germany?
I will date a pacific islander girl thanks to Tinder and French overseas territories (we have lands in Pacific) and you...
What kind of spice mixes do they have in your cunts supermarket?
ITT we are nice to each other and won't criticize each other's cunt
His country has only 2 land borders
Do you think India would be a kind superpower? Genuine question. I never hear of any major human rights violations...
On ethnic cleansing
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Be savage bavarian barbarian living in a frozen tent
What Jow Forums admins mean by this???
Reminder that "Germans" are LARPing Celts
Imperium of Man=America and Western Europe
/fr/ - édition pour ceux qui abandonnent avant d'avoir commencé
You may not like it, but this is my ancestors roaming Germanic lands
If you smoke pic related, I got bad news for you
*does nothing, day 716*
What do men from your country look like?
Is there a cunt where the weather remains a comfy 20-30°C most of the year?
/FAKTEN und LOGIK/ oder /deutsch/
Do Americans agree with this?
This is a British Labour MP
Post yfw you see another poster from your cunt
What do people in your cunt think of him?
Why do slavs produce hideous men but such lovely women?
Why are Americans like this?
This girls top donator gave her 5k, keep in mind, she lives in russia and is 16 years old...
Int posts that stick in your memory
Germany we might need some more land could you give us Berlin?
Does your education system teach evolution?
What will the world look like with China as top dog?
I want to hold hands with a cute Jow Forumsernational boy
Indians look like THAT?
Would you pass as a local in Germany?
This is the most influential Swede in the world right now
Sverigetråden - Tuliaupplagan
Do you believe in God?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
America has never committed a war crime
Culture Pals /cp/ general
I'm a true italian now?
Why yes I am half-English half-Colombian, how could you tell?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Star on flag = automatically shithole
This scares the Amerifat
Why don't you like Hungary?
Croatian vs Italian soldiers
Anyone else bored of being first world?
Do dentists work cheap in your cunt?
How are public statues to important historical figures treated in Europe...
/mena/ where is this flag edition
I've just read that American supermarkets do not sell liquors is that true?
1. Your ethnicity
Your country
Who is your favourite?
Is american literature really like this??
*triggers r/europe, Jow Forumscels and reddit simultaneously*
Continuation from last thread
My life sucks so fucking much
/hell/ - /χελλ/ official thread
What's your excuse for being miserable when you have all this?
Jow Forums /mu/
Is this a good book to practice my russian reading skills?
I love the Ukrainian language and the Ukrainian culture. Their history is amazing and they’ve come a long way...
Are they basically same people?
ITT: we appreciate Russian culture and laugh at Polish 'culture'
Are you crazy yet?
Mexican skull tower
Jow Forums posts MAL
If you had to have a gf from a country ending in "-stan" which one would it be?
Sverigetråden - Snyggupplagan
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Oh will you just FUCK OFF already
/balk/ - nobody cares about your religion edition
Do you like England?
Why are Argentinians so butthurt?
You can't live with your parents at 30 years old, it's time for you to move out and get a job
Wake up
1. youre cunt
How many kids do people have per family in your cunt these days?
You guys should be more like us
How badly do you want to kys today Jow Forums?
ITT: We summon Iran
Send line message for suicide center
American Stereotypes
How can I get a Japanese friend?
Do people have cats in your /cunt/?
See fancy double named person on some random list
When will it collapse and join the South?
1. flag
Western Europe
/fr/ - le fil des rongeurs francophones
1. Cunt
Nikora Tehura born the 10th of july, 1856 at Auckland Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand...
What did the authors of these respective books want to tell us?
/v4/ + friends
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Why would anybody do this?
Did you ever have a girlfriend Jow Forums?
Which country has the most emblematic bird?
Why did European colonists leave behind such terrible, poorly-built "roads" that fell apart once they left Africa...
Got literally banned from this board for 3 days and I unnironically swear on my mum that I actually got my first...
"Sorry user, but I could never settle for a guy who can't guarantee my kids will have sky blue eyes"
Why do Americans glorify Vikings, while Europeans hate them because they were savages?
"Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?"
How's life there? People seem happy or grim? Do they like weather, cities? What they don't like most?
Why is this board filled with lefty scum?
Russians, I have a Russian gf and will probably be moving to Russia in a few years. Aside from the langauge...
Why are these guys incels in Brazil? They aren't ugly to me
Can I make money by socializing with Nordic people?
1. country
Czech Republic is China of Europe
Aaand just like that
Itt: Post popular food from your country that isn't a thing anywhere else
What went so right?
This is how TRUE Lithuanian men looks like
Top 10 coutry by pizza consumption
They're going for a hard brexit, aren't they?
Your thoughts on this ?
Mfw an ugly male says that hes a virgin because of his lack of social skills / autism
Your country
Will you welcome British/French/German/Swedish refugees in your country when their countries inevitably collapse?
What's your cunny's best culinary creation?
1. Your country
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #2160.5
Why do Americans act like this?
What's the best country for a socially challenged, sexually inexperienced...
Why are the Princesses of Belgium and Spain whiter than the Princesses of Denmark and Norway?
1. Your country
Stop calling us monkeys
Based as fuck
Do you prefer finnish girls or swedish girls?
The guy that shot up his school in brazil was a cutie
How are fascists treated in your cunt?
There is literally a single man and woman that we're all descended from directly
There are unironic burgers here right now who think they won the war of 1812
Kurva anyátok
Am I white?
If United States dissolved today...
Who here Jow Forums refugee?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What's an Ayuwoki?
His "country" never had a civil war
Whats it like being non white
You're so funny user! haha
Do you prefer to have a beard or be clean shaven?
You see, yuropoors? We aren't all geometrically illiterate
I went to chinese massarge shop today and qt young chinese girls did hand job to me
What are Minnesotan girls like?
What makes someone beautiful in your country?
Dime como yo puedo aprender espanol mas rapido y facil
A woman like ths would be harrassed and catcalled in mexico
Give me an international boyfriend
What are your thoughts of El Salvador Jow Forums?
Can Turks be German?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do Fillipinos make good trannies?
Finally. The urban technology that we deserve
Comfy turkish girl thread?
Gawd bless this great nation of ours
The last time I had sex was ____________ months ago
Have you been to Philippines? What do you think about the Philippines and the people from it?
Are they white?
Every reply this thread gets a mass shooting will happen in the united states
Countries that have NEVER done ANYTHING to merit independence
Is misgendering your child punishable by law in your country? Have you evolved past the le/la binary paradigm?
I hate America. Please die faster. Burn America to the ground
I don't understand, Jow Forums. I've changed, I'm not the neo-nazi I once was...
Faces of Jow Forums
Someone told me Brazil was all flat. Is this true?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Could she pass as a local in your country?
Am I the only one who has trouble viewing Chinese tourists as human?
What's the most important road in your state/province/department/oblast/etc.?
You can only post ITT if you aren't white
Do people have empathy in your cunt or are they asocial robots?
Mexico manages to be more violent than Columbia or Brazil without having blacks there. How?
Is tea popular in your cunt?
Why do some people act like the western world isn't crumbling?
Post scientists from your country
Have you ever hugged your dad and/or told him you loved him?
1. Your cunt
Why are murrilards often calling spaniards 'mexicans' and also mistaking us for 'spanish people'?
Will Mexican Andy survive his journey to Mexico?
Stage 1: Anger
Guys i might quit Jow Forums convince me not to
Non-central Europeans will never know the joys of powidło
/lat/ + /esp/ = /hisp/
/ita/ - il filo
Can you own pic related legally in your country?
Europeans are ungrateful
Do Americans really do this?
American parenting
Would you date a non white women who hates white people ?
/deutsch/e nacktschicht
What went wrong?
Italians aren’t white and don’t belong in white countries (such as America)
Faces of Jow Forums
Is the piss jar practice widespread in your country?
El ayuwoki
I came back from a 2 week travel to Spain and it wasn't that different from Mexico
Travelthot BTFO
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why do German girls have manjaws?
His ''''''''''''''''''''''language''''''''''''''''''''''''' only has 5 vowels
What is the worst town/city in your country?
Reddit is too Reddit
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Sverigetråden - Barbarupplagan
What do people in you're cunt think of this man?
Do you see yourself in the future marrying someone from your cunt or a foreigner?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why do mainland Chinese people do this?
Would pic related pass as local in your country
To british expats and other visitors to Portugal and Spain, are the portuguese arabs and the south/a lot of spain Arab?
Why is American banter so angry, violent and threatening?
ITT: situations where knowing how to speak a second language saved you
Tfw manlet
It's so boring holy shit
People learn new languages because work usefulness, not for passion outside France ? I'm shit in english...
Culture Pals /cp/
Whats the most dangerous country you ever visited?
Feet of Jow Forums
Which cunt has better philosophers, Germany or France?
I don't give a shit about the holocaust
Who names a city "Warsaw", are Poles Orcs or something?
Why do Americans do this?
How do you like your cities?
Languages close to English
He can't get legal weed shipped to his door in his cunt
Is joining the army a thing for losers in your country or is it seen as positive.?
Israel Keyes
Australia or the Netherlands?
/v4/ + friends
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Eyes of Jow Forums
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
What country would you live in
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
When did you realise that Anglos were the main characters of history...
Would you nuke this country for 10$ ?
What race is this?
I finished my book about Sweden. Dubs decides which country I read about next...
Sodomy is bad because it angers god
How do you say garbage in your language?
Living in Switzerland
ITT: We summon Svalbard Islands
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /hisp/
Instead of living in whatever dwelling you do, you wake up and this is where you live - for the rest of your life
Do you have a pet, user?
What's the sexiest accent. I'm voting south african
Which one is a better representation of Mexican people?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How would you rate my accent?
Almost all lesbian
What does Jow Forums think of UBI? Would it benefit your country¿
Look her boob at 45 seconds
/AAAAAAAH/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Would you let your wife be cucked by an Muslim?
/ita/ il filo
Amazing food, amazing wine, amazing art, amazing monuments, amazing history, amazing girls
Tfw irrelevant country
If you had blonde hair as kid and now they are brown congrats you are med master race
Average brazilian poster
Last night I saw this guy in my dream, what does it mean?
At whta age do you want to have children?
I actually like Americans
Stop making fun of my accent
You wake up in Schweiz
If you live outside the black line, it makes you not white
Are the Portuguese Arabs?
What's the purpose of Slav squatting?
I support ALL separatist movements
*breathes in*
You will never be able to save this girl
Americans think that every black guy with a beard is a muslim jihadist terrorist sharia law supporter
Nordic cuisine is disgusting
/deutsch/ hurensohn ausgabe
/danmarktråden/ #3
Question about Hungarians and Romanians
Shut the fuck up
Do you want an American gf? :3
ITT we reconstruct Greece
Why does every brazilian dress this way?
Jow Forums this is a serious question
Just bought weed instead of paying my bills
Dutch teenagers go to sleep by 9pm
I like brazil and brazilians
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Free England from British oppression
Questions of Canadians
I’m planning on learning Aramaic just in case Jesus (pbuh) returns in my lifetime inshallah to speak to him in his...
Why doesn't Norway have Lidl?
I have a new gf I've been with for a couple months and everything is going great...
Socialism doesn't wo-
Be young good-looking billionaire
Oh my GOD spanish people are HIDEOUS
Hello, Jow Forums
They give us a bad rep
What is the main religion in your cunt?
Be american
Jow Forums Haxball thread
Are white people generally liked in your country?
Do Asians have parties like Westerners? I've never seen pics of Asian parties
Is Dubai just a meme city for tasteless rich people, or is there more to it than that?
Does El Ayuwoki appear at night in your country?
Iraqi posters:
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #2160
What a shitholes
Bravo Italy, USA, France and UK!
Winner is?
This is how the Avergae Mexcian girl looks like
Was this country a mistake?
Is there some weird/autistic thing only you seem to enjoy?
How do people in your cunt feel about exiting the EU?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Your country
Whites BTFO
Western Europeans, do you want to see Eastern Europe prosper?
Your cunt
Dios mio
Why do Finns cling on Sweden although Russia could be a much better friend and ally?
How is the social cohesion in your country?
Here in Germany we have different types of schools and in the best ones pupils learn ancient Greek or Latin
Brazil just had his second Columbine copycat
City center
/HARUS/ ehemals /deutsch/
Typ eben beim schwarzfahrn erwischt
Democracy has lost a champion today
How long until it collapses?
Are you anime watcher?
Are Korean women the most beautiful among Asians?
ITT: We summon Liechtenstein
1. country
Post the most american image you have
ITT: I tell you what I think of your cunt
Remember when this bitch thought that sending a video of her sucking a dick to her ex boyfriend was a good idea? lmao
Why do Finns do this?
Been travelling around the UK a little bit: London, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool and Brighton
Is this the wealthiest region in the world per capita?
Which European country makes the best cheese?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
ITT: We summon Finland
/sino/ 漢语串
Has religion ever helped you to cure depression?
Does anyone else notice that anything remotely anti-China gets flooded by Chinabots that dislike it and write negative...
Can anyone give me the tl;dr of why the UK is leaving the EU?
What's this mark on my cock
Levant People General Thread
I'm living through hell and i'm surviving. Ask me anything
Only a couple more weeks until we can legally start deporting British expats
We are mongols
How do you say the following in your language:
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
How many languages can you speak or at least understand?
/cum/ fuck you incel loser faggots edition
The gayest languages in Europe
Based Italians BTFO Anti-Vaxxers
Who has the best chance of replacing the current leader of your cunt?
Even the brits are more democratic than France
I wish i was home being comfy
Is this kind of couple common in your country?
Is it normal in your country for family members (parents, grandparents) to walk around the house naked?
Are they Germans or not? I never understood this
What's the most famous work of art from your city?
/med/ - Mediterranean Thread
/brit/ + /birt/
*invades your country*
I liek finlund
Thank you sweden <3
Do you want to find love in Sweden?
Imagine if these countriers were systematically genocided/nuked/quarantined.financially and politically
1. cunt
1. your cunt
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
Does Jow Forums have yellow fever?
What in the actual fuck is this liberals?
>nfw no American gf
How is your weight loss going bros?
What's your foot type?
Why Japan supports USA?
Temps todauy : europe
What you like about Japan:
Does Jow Forums believe that Michael Jackson was a paedophile? I don’t think so
Treffpunkt der Anonymen Amokläufer besser bekannt als /deutsch/
/v4/ + friends
Why europeans hate freedom of speech ?
Incels consider this attractive
Are asians the superior race?
I got the flu
Croatians on the left
What’s the average breakfast like in your cunt?
Where my Tripartite Pact people at?
Gosh, can't wait to see them crashing out of the EU
1. your flag
Name a place with prettier girls
It cost me 17.55 USD
Yesterday i had my very first Mac Donald's hamburger and holy sh*t it was good
Imagine liking girls lmfao
FUCK _______
/skandi/ Elsaupplagan
Why is public nudity acceptable in Europe?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Le something i don't like
Australians are asleep, post forests from your cunt!
Could I pass as a local in your country?
At what age did you grow out of white women and realized non white women are superior?
Asian race thread
Why are Finns like this?
So today I saw a black person in real life. This was a rather new experience
Where he from?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What is the difference between Finns and Koreans?
Why are Russians so butthurt and paranoid about this organization...
Based chad
Kurva anyátok
Do you love Japan??
Why are Indians such pathetic faggots...
Japan pls
/balk/ - Balkans Thread
Post your favorite Japanese woman
What does Jow Forums think about Bernie Sanders?
This terrifies the American "male"
What's your opinion on Che Guevara...
I love Greece and the monumental contributions it made to Western Civilization...
I just want ww3 to happen so i can kill a certain people from eastern europe
Did you fall for the doomer meme?
Do Dutch people really bully Belgians? Are Belgians really naive brainlets?
Just a random English commend passing by
Your cunt
Hi, my name is Paul, and I hate every single one of you
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
So who officially has the gayer posters?
How would you rate your metro system? How much do you pay for using it?
What is it like to live in a Latin American beach paradise like Argentina?
"This thread has nothing to do with international culture."
Why do Americans spy on their NATO allies for economic advantage?
Guess my ethnicity
There are girls(female) browsing this board right now
1. Your cunt
Tfw no small-feet Asian gf
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why can't Southrons build cathedrals
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Are you ugly?
How does Jow Forums feel about Southern California?
Attempt to banter a Norwegian
What phenotype is this?
Are all Asians racist?
Most popular cuisines
Gook edition episode 2
Why do the Brits and Japanese have such awful teeth?
I'm really thankful to guys for the Amerimutt meme
Are White Americans the Maste Race?
So the Dutch and Italian militaries had a military exercise today, and it went well
This is considered a highly attractive male in Brazil
1. Cunt
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Jow Forums Celebrities
Why do USAis insist on calling their country America?
Ask an italian anything
Post your ideal female phenotype
Write unsolicited mean reply to another user
What are we wuzzers like in your cunt?
God bless the People's Republic of China and the general secretaryof theCommunist Party of China(CPC)...
Where you come from and who your parents are don't matter
Your country
Is Halo popular in your cunt?
Just get an ibereian gf, Jow Forums
Does your country have 7-Eleven? If not, what convenience stores do you have?
Say something nice about my country
I hate being a fat country
Hey bros! sorry to inconvenience you...
You wake up here
Hey Jow Forums I'm a gay male of Swedish decent...
Maritime Union + Newfoundland and Labrador when?
/deutsch/e nacktschicht
Why americans are like this?
Why did we call Germans the Hun menace?
Some cities have populations equal to my population of my country
How cohesive and friendly is the hispanosphere compared to the anlgosphere?
Canadians reply to this thread
ITT: Sexy flags
/Sverigetråden/- Natt-tacosupplagan
Your country
Which cunts have the best and worst cuisine?
Hey guys I'm American and mi opinion is
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Sydney vs. Melbourne
/cum/ + /CHI/
Could me and my lads pass as locals in your cunt?
Has Jow Forums obsession with Americans gone too far? I
20 years ago Poland joined NATO
ITT: we thank countries for providing shock/gore content
1. Your country
Go to european country and speak the language imperfectly
Is being a 27 years old virgin suicide worthy?
Weigh 132 lbs, 5'7
Ywn be a blood elf
Be russian
How would you describe American vs Russian aeronautical engineering?
Post suspiciously 56% looking Americans
/danmarktråden/ #2
Britain's standing for good alone again
Do girls in your country twerk?
I have to move tomorrow via plane and I'm scared. where should I go?
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ dünnschissausgabe
Am bored. Tell me an amusing joke from your country
Did girls mature this early in the past too? maybe there really is something in the water
Why is America so brown?
Why are "asian eyes" so weird and funny at the same time?
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Would you prefer a Europe with borders as nonsensical as Africa's?
Remind me again what's so wrong about
/ita/ - il filo
Volleyball - girls edition
Bongs are just rich eastern euros
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
So are anglo fools leaving or what? GTFO already and make way for better countries!
The eu benefits us all
Hands of int
*blocks your path*
/fr/ - Le fil interdit aux normets
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Hello Gibraltar, how are you doin?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship