>this terrifies the American "male".
This terrifies the American "male"
Other urls found in this thread:
iran is irrelevant as of late
the chinks are our boogeyman
Xöda midúné
99.9% of people have never given Iran a second though. This isn't the 80s anymore.
I want her back bros
>this terrifies the Russian "male"
>this makes the iranian, syrian, and russian male piss himself in sheer terror
>this causes the Russian to scream in a mixture of pain and impotent rage
No, I like vagina.
The khazar crest?
>Russians say that Vladimir the Great was Russian
>Russians also say that his crest was of Khazar origin
I don't think the average american "male" knows that's the Iranian flag. Most of us can't even label our states on the map correctly
Iran's flag is so shit today, they should've kept the lion.
>goes bankrupt and brings country to the brink of revolution just so they could prop up some gas-attacking faggot in a resourceless country
Wow, so scary.
>*posts fake bullshit pic*
Ah yes.
Nice khazar propaganda
How could we ever hope to defeat Iran and their air force of american planes from 45 years ago
most americans would mistake it for the mexican flag
Oh yeah, I forgot Iran existed for a moment.
yes. yes goy. be afraid!
Why are they hated?
This. I doubt normies here would even be able to identify prominent flags like Saudi Srabia or Egypt.
We literally had an incident where Zoomers thought the Norwegian flag was the Confederate flag.
Why do ameriburgers hate our Iranian brothers so much? They've been fucking them over for the last 100 years, why are they so evil?
They're not your brothers Poleshit
They're our Sarmatian brothers, but I wouldn't expect a kr*utoid to understand brotherhood.
>This angers and confuses the American (And French)
Tbh the US didn’t start this
Die, yank.
ye they did
We really don't care about Iran m80. Why do you put so much faith in your shit media?
That's right. The Brits did, we merely carried out their geopolitical legacy
It was the British with the coup of 1953
Well, true, but it's still pretty evil to be supporting and selling weapons to an oppressive brutal government, then boycot the first democrat that nationalized the petroleum to stop the foreign exploitation, and then help Pahlavi take back power in a brutal way that ended up getting thousands of civilians killed
It was the British in 1921, but both the Americans and British in 1953. And Americans had been supplying Pahlavis in weapons for years by then.
the kufic script looks dope
Most Americans couldn't tell you who's flag this is.
Based retard krokodil Ruski