Imagine liking girls lmfao

Imagine liking girls lmfao

Attached: 1551825672108.jpg (1022x817, 210K)

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Man L4D2 was fcking awesome. Valve should've used the ressources which were used for A*tifact to make L4D3

Imagine being a discord zoomer gay incel mexican and believing that tr*ps is your final hope in losing virginity.

All those buzzwords, Jesus.

Can he even make milk out of those tits?

>it has to look and act like a girl but it can't be a girl

i hope so, thats hot but no homo

Can't wait when cartel will behead incels like you for turning this board into piss shit and vomit.

It is over.

This. I tried playing artifact but it was so trash, fuck nu-Valve