Imagine liking girls lmfao
Imagine liking girls lmfao
Daniel Long
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Brody Sanchez
Man L4D2 was fcking awesome. Valve should've used the ressources which were used for A*tifact to make L4D3
Dominic Rodriguez
Imagine being a discord zoomer gay incel mexican and believing that tr*ps is your final hope in losing virginity.
Luis Reed
All those buzzwords, Jesus.
Camden King
Can he even make milk out of those tits?
Brandon Moore
>it has to look and act like a girl but it can't be a girl
Parker Perry
i hope so, thats hot but no homo
Luke White
Can't wait when cartel will behead incels like you for turning this board into piss shit and vomit.
Cooper Roberts
It is over.
Luke Collins
This. I tried playing artifact but it was so trash, fuck nu-Valve