What in the actual fuck is this liberals?

What in the actual fuck is this liberals?

Attached: 20190313_123512.jpg (2899x2952, 3.82M)

What's wrong with that pic
I think it shows the difference pretty well

Of course.

That being said, it KIND OF makes sense.

It means taking sense in your country

It means taking care in your nation/people.

In a nation-state the two are one and the same, but in a "diverse" country they're very different things. This is why retarded EU federalists *cough*HABERMAS*cough* condemn nationalism and instead support things like "constitutional patriotism".

>white nationalism

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Based libtards

Attached: Pol 2.jpg (1120x744, 182K)

no the use of pepe is what troubles me

Attached: pepe1.png (1106x1012, 860K)


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Attached: pol.png (680x770, 276K)

excpet in reality the mexican wave the mexican flag
the muslim waves beheaded head
the black are burning the flag

>still warring with internet frogs

americans who think the media defines idealogies.