How is the social cohesion in your country?
How is the social cohesion in your country?
Samuel Phillips
Dylan Garcia
Who cares? Why is "social cohesion" important?
Zachary Watson
Yeah, this is how it feels in America. Thank you Moshie
Austin Brooks
This. It has no impact on anyone's actual life. At work you don't talk with co-workers about politics or anything divisive, and at home on the Internet you can stick to people you like. Who gives a fuck about the person next door?
Kayden Nelson
It feels good. I remember when my old neighborhood held block parties and cool little holiday parties. People don't do that anymore
Justin Gomez
You're a liberal, individualist, atheist. Am I wrong?
Charles Reed
I'm not a liberal.
Daniel Collins
Eli Phillips
Whatever you are, it would be better if you were dead
Jeremiah Bell