Questions of Canadians

Hello. Im very interested on moving to Canada, but I was told by some people here that there are no jobs available since dirty foreigners already took them all. Its that true, or only for Ontario? How is life where you live? Are inmigrants generally acepted? I dont wanna go where im not wanted.

Dunno if it changes anything, but my plan was to go a year and work, I was between going to Ontario, Alberta o British Columbia. I have european citizenship + argie citizenship. I have a degree but I doubt I can get a job for it overseas without related experience.

Thank you in advance, be sincere.

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For* canadians. Damn it.


DESU Canadian employers prefer Canadian trained workers, so lots of immigrants in Vancouver go to trade schools or go back to uni to get Canadian training

Studying was an option too, though I would probably need to keep a work in there to pay for the studies, so thats the same.

Sorry, I dont speak chilean.

My homie is from Vancouver, he says he’s the only other white guy at work and his boss gets frustrated at all the Chinese programmers because they don’t understand anything, but the company won’t let him fire them

U can get service job pretty easily
Heard lots of Irish people go on walking holiday in summer, so getting a service job shouldnt be that bad. Its not the best job but i guess its better than nothing while u get ur certification

ya theres so many chongs in vancouver
Ppl got used to them. Even the white washed asians who lived in canada their entire lives hate the mainlanders

Sounds reasonable, studying and working sounds like an exhausting life but I can do it. Thank you for replying.

no worries m8
Just be aware that rent is ridicuously expensive, especially in downtown core