>is an aryan nation according to this website
>is a 3rd world country
>is a 1st world country
Whites BTFO
>is an aryan nation according to this website
>is a 3rd world country
>is a 1st world country
Whites BTFO
>Russia is an aryan nation according to this website
No one is white on Jow Forums sweaty
Americans and Finns should be rangebanned
well that's what the schizo russian poster tells me when he posts his meme genetic maps
He's extremely insecure. He's 5% mongoloid himself.
Which website? Mad-fantasies-of-thirdreich-about-true-aryans.com? This website?
some schizo russian poster on this board who barrages it with his genetic maps to prove the "whiteness" of russians
Russians are good posters unlike Finnshits
Russians are just little less mongoloid (well Siberian) to be exact than Finns, that Russian who shits on Finns here on daily basis clearly has some mental issues.
There are some conflicting studies
>aryan nation
there are no aryan or non-aryan nation stupid mutt
its pseudoscience
Nice job, now you made Finns look as insecure as him.
Well Northern Russians might and some other Northern populations might even be more Siberian than Finns, but they're not majority of Russian population so they're not exactly genetic representative of "average" Russian. Most of Russian population lives more to the south.
Northern Russians are just as mong.
>loved by all
>despised by anyone whose aware of them
*russian and finnish haploautists spotted*
A better comparison would be chile is a non aryan nation, but it somehow better than russia and ukraine
central-north russia is aryan, moscow and st petersburg far surpass non whites in academic ability and economic power, what is your point?
the far east is more nature than russian and the south is caucasian not russian.
At the end of the day haplogroups don't matter and Slavs are an underhuman race who destroy civilization wherever they find it
The chimpouts in Donbass prove Slavic inferiority
and ukraine the south is turkic and arabic not slavic.
Moscow ranks sixth in the world for mathematical literacy after Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul.
Bullshit statistic and Moscow has more AIDS than Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul
According to the report, 42 percent of Moscow schoolchildren attend sports sections, 30 percent culture and arts groups, and 29 percent opt for additional technical education. Moscow schools are taking part in pre-vocational education programmes where secondary school pupils can try their hand at various professions. The overwhelming majority of them choose engineering and medical classes.
The results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests held in 2016 have shown that Moscow school education is among the top 10 systems in the world in terms of reading and mathematical literacy and among the top 20 in terms of scientific literacy.
Yeah, they cheat in winter sports too.
Whole finland is less developed and populated than Moscow lmao.
>and ukraine the south is turkic and arabic not slavic.
Is that a joke?
I am.
>less developed
You barely know the meaning of the word
there's more people in India so I guess India is better
I was in Helsinki and its shit. Your country is empty dull shit, finns are cold arrogant cunts, that arent even scandis. I was neutral to Finland, but on this site i truly saw what a wicked creatures finns are.
I mean from a genetic point of view south of russia and ukraine are not distinguishable from central russia.
English-speaking writers during the 18th and early 19th centuries often called the territory of the Crimean Khanate and of the Lesser Nogai Horde Little Tartary (or subdivided it as Crim Tartary (also Krim Tartary) and Kuban Tartary).[3] The name "Little Tartary" distinguished the area from (Great) Tartary – those areas of central and northern Asia inhabited by Turkic peoples or Tatars.
The Khanate included the Crimean peninsula and the adjacent steppes, mostly corresponding to the parts of South Ukraine between the Dnieper and the Donets rivers (i.e. including most of present-day Zaporizhia Oblast, left-Dnepr parts of Kherson Oblast, besides minor parts of southeastern Dnipropetrovsk Oblast and western Donetsk Oblast). The territory controlled by the Crimean Khanate shifted throughout its existence due to the constant incursions by the Cossacks, who had lived along the Don since the disintegration of the Golden Horde in the 15th century.
The London-based cartographer Herman Moll in a map of c. 1729 shows "Little Tartary" as including the Crimean peninsula and the steppe between Dnieper and Mius River as far north as the Dnieper bend and the upper Tor River (a tributary of the Donets).[4]
This is standard of shithole when one (well two) cities in your country is rich but all of others are poor af.
Finns are right. We Russians failed with a government in own country.
fuck off m*scovite someday we will destroy m*scow and bury Lenin mummy
More developed than you, Igor
I - Russians
II - Belorussians
III - Ukrainians
Potёmkin village.
>pyccкий миp
Estonians don't get enough attention
Looks like Swedes are Mongols
They differ from South to North.
So that one schizo speaks for the whole website?
>loved by all
If only
>despised by anyone whose aware of them
But everyone is cringe, blue-pilled and retarded