Is joining the army a thing for losers in your country or is it seen as positive.?

Is joining the army a thing for losers in your country or is it seen as positive.?

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Is a thing for terroni

Neither, its seen as a job

it has a slightly nerd loser-y connotation here IMO, most people who join up were those weird cadet kids up here

Military academies are competitive as fuck.

So no, unless youre doing shitty conscript Jobs.

Joining as enlisted personnel: bydlo tier; only for those with no other options (mainly redneck or URM kids with no academic aptitude)

Joining as officer: normal, respectable career tier

Poor and working class people see it as respectable, middle and upper class people pretend to respect it but see it mostly as dumb or at best eccentric

Officers are mostly drawn from the middle class I think. Or at least that was what I observed looking at the kids from my high school class who went to military academies.

If some city dweller wants to call me a loser while I'm living it up in Japan then that's on him lmao.

Don't you have Okinawans to rape, Cletus?