
Why can't southie women resist the NORTH INDIAN BVLL edition

Attached: Deepveer-ppf-FI.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

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she doesn’t even look South Indian
probably a northie whose ancestors immigrated to the south ages back

She does look south Indian actually.

Attached: 1410781703-deepika-padukone-cute-pics-indian-mirchi-actress-picturesindian.jpg (700x897, 64K)

>ywn be Ashoka the great
why even live?

Attached: 145.jpg (1748x2473, 392K)

how do i defeat maya



kannada is better than tamils in every way.

Post moar Indian qts

I’ve always played as a Kannada cultured character in CK2 when I wanted to form an empire in southern India