
hey user!
let's share notable movies from our countries that are worthy of watching

here's my pick: Harmony Lessons (2013)

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i really like this tread

Wild tales (2014)


Technically not Swiss but Leni Riefenstahl's first film were filmed here and in Italy and they are full of timeless mountain mysticism, it's a shame her work is reduced to propaganda. Such an amazing woman, never used stuntmen, and a shame that both the ostracization of first Jewish and then Nazi film makers led to the decay of German Kino

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haha! the trailer is amazing! thank you for sharing!

oh wow! description alone caught me! can you tell more?

this one (from 2015)
don't watch the trailer beforehand tho, it kinda destroys the movie

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danke! will definitely give it a watch later this sunday!

Limite (1931)

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Bollywood in general is trash but there are some respectable movies here and there.

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I've only watched amir khan movies before, any other recs?

Which one did you watch?

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3 idiots and like stars on earth

>Wild tales (2014)
Man this movie was very enjoyable, 9/10

PK was pretty decent if I remember correctly

added to the list. any other recs? can be something other than amir khan movies btw.

Unforgiven (1992)
Pretty good movie.

This one is pretty good

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I don't know how to classify some our films since they're produced in America mostly

Anything by Cronenberg
My Winnipeg
Barbarian Invasion



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