>Meet American
>They try to tell me Canada is a socialist country
Why is this? Is it just a legitimate lack of education about the world?
Meet American
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Some people think socialism is when the government does stuff and either argue that it's a good or a bad thing.
you have a socialized state mandate system for healthcare, do you consider yourself a free economy? also your provinces can vote to prevent other provinces from exploring their own mineral wealth
That word has no meaning here.
No it is because your people are so insecure about not being american that they virtue signal more than most any other country just so they are not confused for americans. You guys should work on that shit before you get replaced by a wave of chinks and poos because you were taught from a young age that being a white canadian was boring and bad.
I consider Canada to be a relatively free economy
I, personally, don't think it is. It's just America but more boring and healthcare that won't send you into bankruptcy. And hockey.
you say socialist like it’s a bad thing
Are you only meeting old boomers or something?
We're relatively similar countries in most respects, but one of our differences is that Canada has more social programs. Canada being a socialist Utopia is just an exaggeration repeated ad nauseum by pundits on both sides of the political spectrum
It's mostly university age kids who think post secondary, and healthcare is completely free, or that everyone gets UBI
if you have insurance health care won't send you into bankruptcy
it's almost like you have the option to pay for insurance with whatever company you'd like
you think the cost of canada's system is coming out of the air?
>if you have insurance health care won't send you into bankruptcy
kek, it's you again spouting this bullshit
insurance wouldn't be very useful to you if it did not cover the expenses of your treatment on the off hand that you need it
I can't afford insurance, you nigger. If I happen to get ass cancer, it's all over for me.
Left leaning people and social democrats think Canada is socialist because nobody here knows the words "social democracy." The """moderate""" right wing and far right call it socialist for the same reason, but also because they like to compare everyone other than themselves to LITERALLY STALIN WHO KILLED 50 MILLION PEOPLE BECAUSE OF FREE HEALTHCARE.
don't you have a job? what are you an illegal?
Even with insurance people can go bankrupt. He just likes to troll (I hope, if he's shilling he's doing a terrible job of it).
Stop trying to tell me about my country
What makes it even dumber is that the US is already Venezuela tier in terms of Government Expenditure as a % of GDP.